After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1074

Shang Qian\'s words were like dropping a bomb in the calm water.


Just now we talked about personal freedom, but now there is kidnapping?

Are the rich people from country m so unscrupulous?

Everyone listened with anxiety.

Shang Qun\'s face sank: "what are you talking about?"

"I always pay attention to the evidence. I have already prepared the evidence. I will publish it when my father comes!"

"Shang Qian..."

The tone of Shang Qun was raised, with a warning.

Shang Qian paused and chuckled.

He raised his glass as a sign.

"This glass of wine will bring the wind to my father. I\'d better wait for my father to calm down and when he won\'t throw dirty water on me. We\'ll talk about it after sitting down."

With that, he looked up and drank it down.

Then he put down his glass and smiled politely at the crowd:

"It\'s rude to say goodbye."

With that, he looked at Su Nan with a touch of guilt in his eyes.

He whispered:

"I\'ll wait for you outside and catch my breath?"

Su Nan\'s eyes flashed and nodded.

If he stays any longer, he will lose his grace.

As soon as Shang Qian left, there was something subtle in the atmosphere for the rest of the people.

Shang Qian\'s last words were really unimaginable.

afford much food for thought.

Shang Qun soon recovered and snorted coldly.

"He ran so fast that everyone laughed."

"Where where..."

Seeing this, the crowd broke up after laughing and talking.

Su Nan left long ago and sat in the rest area chatting with a familiar person.

Suddenly I felt someone close behind me.

She looked back subconsciously.

Business group.

Shang Qun came over with a smile, looking very kind and harmless.

However, Su Nan had just experienced his double dealing and would not believe that he would have anything good to do when he came to her.

"Mr. Shang, what can I do for you?"

Shang Qun smiled and nodded.

Seeing this, the people next to Su Nan got up and left politely.

"See you next time." Su Nan shook hands with others, and then watched Shang Qun walk to the opposite side and sit down.

"Miss Su, I heard that Shang Qian has been pestering you for a long time?"

Shang Qun pondered for a moment, "I don\'t know. Now..."

He is testing the relationship between Shang Qian and Sunan.

In Shang Yi\'s cognition, Shang Qian only pursued Su Nan unilaterally.

Sunan, however, did not agree.

But after a period of time, no one knows what has changed.

Su Nan smiled, very calm.

"We are dating..."

For her, it would cause a lot of trouble to publish it.

But if Shang qian can save a lot of trouble, she doesn\'t mind.

It\'s not a shady thing.

Shang Qun\'s face paused for a moment.

He thought:

"Miss Su was born in a noble family. Maybe it\'s too simple."

"I don\'t understand what the business director means?"

Su Nan looked at the man in front of her.

Shang Qun: "although Shang Qian is my son, he is not recognized in the business. He has never entered the genealogy of the business and will not receive half a cent in the future."

Shang Qun carefully observed Su Nan\'s face.

Su Nan was just confused: "what does it have to do with me?"

So, tell her this to let her leave him?

Why don\'t you hit her with money?

Doesn\'t she deserve it?

Merchants frown:

"Miss Su\'s status and position are not worthy of Shang Qian. It\'s wrong not to be a housekeeper. It\'s better not to waste time."