After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1073

Shang Qun sighed, shook his head, and looked very disappointed with Shang Qian:

"When I die, the merchant will naturally have your share. You don\'t have to be so afraid that your uncle Shang will also threaten you."

"Mr. Shang, don\'t be blinded by hatred. Country Z can\'t play with human life!"

"Yes, after all, it\'s a father and son, and the grace of upbringing is greater than heaven!"

"It should be your other people who can\'t take it away. Why should you be so ugly?"


When people around saw this, they would naturally put the whole thing into the family fight.

But the real truth is hidden.

Nothing that can be exposed is true.

However, the words that Shang Qun complained about have set Shang Qun at the pillar of shame.

The good image he accumulated in a short time was destroyed.

Su Nan really can\'t stand it.

She stepped forward and smiled coldly in a clear voice.

"If I remember correctly, at the beginning of my cooperation with the general manager of Commerce, I had investigated the source of his property, and none of them had anything to do with the business. Why did the chairman insist that the business was always for the business\'s property?"

Su Nan\'s sudden opening stunned the people around him.

Everyone looked at each other.

Shang Qun squinted at the woman who suddenly opened her mouth. Her eyes were sharp.

"Are you Miss Su of the Su group?"

Su Nan hooked her lips. "Exactly."

She nodded calmly. After all, her name is big, and it\'s not a bad thing.

Shang Qun smiled.

"I\'ve heard that Shang also said that Miss Su was a man whose ability merged with her beauty, and that\'s exactly what she is today."

Su Nan twitched and was praised by people like Shang Yi. It sounded fake.

"Thank you."

"But Miss Su, maybe you don\'t know the business very well. It\'s not him that makes Shang Qian today.

How can the second generation of the rich, who started from scratch, fight with their bare hands? "

In a simple sentence, Shang Qun pushed back the question just now.

Su Nan did not look at Shang Qian\'s face, but smiled directly and said:

"So we should remind Shang Yi not to worry about the land that others have laid down. It is his ability to keep his own one acre of land."

Shang Qun\'s face changed slightly, and his eyes deepened as he looked at her.

One hand quietly grasped Su Nan\'s hand and pinched her.

Su Nan looked at him sideways.

Shang Qian\'s face was mild and light, with a light smile.

There is also some pleasure in the eyebrows and eyes.

It\'s really puzzling.

Shang Qian paused for a while, seemingly ignoring the provocation of Shang Qun.

His voice was also a bit loose, and his Adam\'s apple rolled slightly.

"Yes, father, I have long been excluded from your inheritance. Don\'t set up imaginary enemies for yourself.

Shang Yi\'s opponent is Mike, who is not yet ten years old. You should let Shang Yi be careful of him. "

Mike is the rightful successor in the business genealogy.

That was the son of Shang Qun\'s favorite youngest son.

Although he grew up with Shang Qian, everyone in the business knew that the child was married to Shang Qian after his mother was nearly five months pregnant.

So Mike is not Shang Qian\'s child.

For a moment, the situation around changed quietly.

Shang Qian doesn\'t have the right to inherit the business?

That business group has been complaining here for a long time. Which one is it?

Shang Qun\'s face shook slightly, and his face became ugly.

Just as he was about to speak, Shang Qian lowered his head and smiled. Suddenly, he suddenly realized something.

"I see. It turned out that Shang also worried that Mike, who was less than ten years old, would take away his shares, so he was kidnapped?"