After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1059

Su Nan thought for a while, calmed down, and then:


Qin Yu\'s voice came:

"Su Nan, is cicada really with the third brother?"

Su Nan smiled. "Yes, I can\'t believe it. I just called to confirm."

Qin Yu has a brisk voice:

"That\'s good. It\'s good that they are together. Why do two people who clearly like each other have to set so many obstacles for themselves?"

Su Nan curled her lips and lowered her voice:

"And you?"

Qin Yu was silent.

Su Nan can\'t help it. If someone else changes, she won\'t bother.

But it was Qin Yu.

Anyway, she didn\'t want Qin Yu to be hurt again.

Those rumors will hurt her all over.

Su Nan then asked, "don\'t you want to set up obstacles for yourself?"

For a while, Qin Yu\'s voice was low:

"You know all about it?"

"He\'s driving to pick you up blatantly. It\'s hard to know."

Isn\'t Mo Xian\'s behavior enough publicity?

Qin Yu paused. From such a long distance, she could feel her tension and depression.

"I know it\'s funny, but I just can\'t control my feelings. Every time I see him, I can\'t help feeling sad. I miss him especially when I can\'t see him.

I hate him, but I can\'t help thinking of the happiness he brings to me.

Su Nan, do you think I\'m cheap? "

Her voice was low and hoarse.

On weekdays, I always take the initiative in my feelings carelessly.

But he plunged into Mo Xian, even if the man took her into the whirlpool.

Su Nan was silent.

She can\'t casually evaluate Qin Yu\'s feelings.

In particular, they moved their sincere feelings.

Qin Yu is different from himself.

When I decided to leave fuyechuan, although I was extremely disappointed, I still couldn\'t help seeing him in my heart.

Compared with Qin Yu\'s struggle now, he is exactly the same as himself.

But I didn\'t indulge my feelings.

She will not be hurt forever, let alone indulge in a little bit of guilt and fly moths to the fire again. She gave up rationally and calmly.

This is Su Nan\'s choice.

Qin Yu, on the other hand, made the opposite choice.

He obeyed his own heart and satisfied his own selfish desires.

Is it a kind of bravery?

"When Qin Yu makes a choice, he must have the courage to face the consequences.

Your mother\'s attitude, as well as the Shen family behind Shen Liang, should be explained. "

Su Nan is a kind reminder.

She is now married to Shen Liang, which will directly affect the cooperation and direction of the two groups.

Has she really made a decision?

Qin Yu couldn\'t help laughing.

"I know. I also want to be clear. My mother beats me up at most, and I will come to the Shen family to make amends. After all, Shen Liang doesn\'t like commercial marriage either.

I may be with him, but I won\'t take too much risks. I\'ll be happy and I\'ll be unhappy.

We... Will never get married. "

Qin Yu seemed to have made up her mind. She clenched her teeth and opened her mouth.

"His betrayal of marriage is a disgrace to me. I will never bear this accusation. This is my bottom line."

She can be with Mo Xian because she indulges her feelings.

But when it comes to marriage, she knows what it means.

Loyalty, love, beauty, kindness... Etc.

None of these qualities could exist in her marriage with Mo Xian.

They are an unorthodox couple.