After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1058

As a serious career woman, Su Nan wanted to persuade him to be calm in his feelings.

But think about it, his dispassion is all for himself, and it doesn\'t seem so bad.

And the feeling of being taken seriously, she feels very good.

Su Nan nodded and smiled at him.

"I can feel it."

Can feel your happiness.

When I earn millions, I feel so happy that I am addicted!

Shang Qian was stunned and his smile deepened.

Just about to say something, Su Nan looked down and ate.

His words were swallowed again.

After a while, however, Shang Qian\'s phone rang several times.

The price of delaying an afternoon is to give priority to the most urgent matters.

He had to leave first.

Su Nan sent him out, and he had almost eaten himself.

She hurried to call Su Qi.


Su Nan paused and called Ning Zhi.

Coincidentally, the line is busy.

She simply sent a message to Ning Zhi: "true or false?"

In less than half a minute, Ning Zhi\'s call came.

My best friend is much more reliable than my brother.

"Did you see it?" She asked.

Su Nan smiled. "Can\'t you see it? It\'s too sudden. Your body hasn\'t recovered yet..."

Ning knew: "it\'s the same to rest at home, but I want to take this opportunity to solve everything so as not to worry."


Su Nan doesn\'t understand her point. It\'s not worth fearing.

"As you can see, the shadows left by those photos are too big. Whether they are exposed today or a few years later, as long as my name and Su Qi are together, they may be brought out to talk and laugh forever..."

Listening to her voice getting lower and lower, Su Nan\'s chest was stifled and she immediately understood.

"Well, the photo matter has been solved. It\'s not your fault. Don\'t blame yourself for it."

"I know, if it\'s someone else, I don\'t have this worry, but the third brother is a public figure, and my affairs can be regarded as his stain..."

Su Nan frowned. She didn\'t expect that this matter would leave such a big shadow on her.

"Cicada, don\'t think about other people you haven\'t met. As long as the third brother is with you, other people don\'t matter!"

There was a burst of laughter from the mobile phone.

"Well, that\'s what the third brother told me. Thank you, Su Nan."

"I want to thank you for taking in my third brother who is alone. No matter what happens, I will always be on your side..."

Halfway through the conversation, Su Qi sent a message.

"Haven\'t you hung up yet? How long have you been talking to her! Hang up!"

Su Nan choked with anger and rolled her eyes in her heart.

However, she was also considerate of Su Qi\'s excitement about her single dog. She promptly stopped talking and hung up the phone.

Su Nan was also very happy. She wanted to come to them immediately to express her excitement.

One is my third brother, who loved me since childhood, and the other is my best friend. Together, they are simply the best thing in the world.

She was happily going to make a facial mask when her mobile phone suddenly rang again.

Thought it was Suqi?

Pick it up and have a look.

It\'s Qin Yu.

Su Nan gave a slight pause in her hand.

Her mood was very complicated, especially after hearing what Shang Qian said in the car.

Qin Yu and Mo Xian are mixed up again.

She is obviously not such a person, but she can do such a thing.

Regardless of the secular world, break free from the shackles!