After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1054

Su Nan looked up at her. Qin Yu\'s eyes were red, but his mood was not high.

When the two men looked at each other, Qin Yu winked at her.

Su Nan smiled.

After a long time, there was only Ning Zhi\'s deliberately depressed cry.

Her heart seemed to be severely twisted, and the suffocation surged from her heart.

After a long time.

No one spoke.

Su Nan\'s cell phone rang.

Open it and see the video request from Su Qi:

"Let the cicada pick it up soon..."

Su Nan: "...."

Are you polite?

Su Nan hands it to Ning Zhi.

Ning Zhi wiped his tears and took a deep breath to ease his mood.

Qin Yu hurriedly asked her to sit up.

Ning Zhi took his cell phone and looked at the people inside.

Su Qi is dazzling and handsome.

It seems that he is born to be sought after by all at the top. He is really an eccentric person.

She didn\'t know what to say. Instead, Su Qi looked at her carefully:

"Why are your eyes red? Do you have a headache? Ask Xiao Wu to go to the doctor..."

Ning Zhi hooked his lips and shook his head.

Su Qi hurriedly stopped: "don\'t shake your head. Your head is hurt!"

Ning was stunned. Perhaps his concern was too natural. Her heart seemed to be wrapped in a warm current, protecting her newly stabbed heart.

Tears came out uncontrollably again. She hurriedly gave Su Nan her mobile phone and covered her face with a quilt.

Su Nan paused and picked up her cell phone.

"Hang up."

She said that, regardless of Su Qi\'s opinion, she hung up the phone directly.

Ten minutes later.

Su Nan looked at the information about Ning Zhile on the Internet and basically controlled it.

Those photos have disappeared without any trace.

Just a refresh, she looked at the latest headlines, stunned.

"Su Ying emperor ran away!"

Su Nan\'s head grew bigger when she saw this sentence.

Qin Yu obviously saw it too.


Su Nan looked at Ning Zhi, who didn\'t know anything, and pursed her lips.

Hand the mobile phone to Ning Zhi.

"Cicada, you\'ve been separated for less than two hours..."

Ning Zhi also looked at the popular mobile phone in confusion.

Netizens have fried the pot:

"The Su film emperor has been out of film for five years. After five minutes, he ran away?"

"I was there. Su Yingdi seemed to answer the phone and ran away. What important person is he? I thought of what the paparazzi said about Ning Zhi..."

"The runaway male host of the real movie, without your premiere ceremony, I burst into tears! Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I looked forward to this?"

"We fans are used to it. Hahaha, it\'s not him if he doesn\'t run!"

"Not because you know better?"


The paparazzi squatted at the gate of Ningzhi\'s house for so long. Instead of squatting at her black spot, he squatted at the reclusive Su Yingdi. How could he let it go?

Although there is no real hammer, it is enough for netizens to talk about it.

When Du Yan pressed the news, he did not deliberately hide her and Su Qi\'s affairs.

So netizens are still curious about this complicated and confusing relationship

Half an hour later.

Su Qi hurriedly appeared at the door.

Ning knew that under the staring eyes of the two girlfriends, his face gradually changed, and he was too hot to look up.

He escaped from the premiere just for her.

"Is there anything uncomfortable?"

He looked at her eagerly before he could breathe.

Qin Yu couldn\'t help joking:

"Third brother, don\'t you feel relieved that we are watching here?

Do you know you\'re on the hot search again? "