After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1053

Su Qi doesn\'t want to go at all. He doesn\'t care if he works hard or not.

For him, when a play is finished, his mission is completed.

The rest of the publicity, premiere and so on, are too troublesome.

But Ning Zhi and Sunan said this, and he couldn\'t find any reason to refuse.

After a few seconds\' hesitation, he stood up.

Look at Su Nan.

Seriously charge:

"Take good care of her and don\'t leave at all!"

Su Nan nodded solemnly, "rest assured!"

Su Qi reached out and shook her hand, then he was not willing to leave.

As soon as he left, Qin Yu could not help covering his face.

"When did Su Yingdi become such a greasy man? How sour!"

Su Nan smiled and looked up at him:

"My third brother has always been such a person, but he has been used to being held up in the past. He usually doesn\'t show it. In fact, he is very sticky, right?"

The two men looked at Xiang Ningzhi with profound meaning.

Ning knew his face was red, and his eyes glared angrily at Su Nan.

"What am I doing?"

Although she knows it, she can\'t admit it!

Su Nan sat next to her, took Su Qi\'s newly peeled apple, carefully cut it into small pieces and put them on the plate, and then fed it to her with a fork.

"Well, now that things have happened, we are all trying to solve them. There is basically no threat at present.

My father has already said hello to the police station, and has hired the best lawyer. The online comments about you have basically disappeared. "

"Thank you..."

Ning Zhi smiled with pale lips.

She knew that if Su Nan hadn\'t used the whole Su family to suppress public opinion, she would suffer from such abuse now and every day in the future.

Then he jumped down from the higher window again.

Su Nan pursed her lips and her voice was a little hoarse:

"Cicada, do you know? When I went to find that bastard Xiao ran, I saw my third brother there and pushed him to the window, 16 floors, very high.

One step later, he threw people down...... "

Su Nan choked and dared not imagine.

Although Su Qi is out of tune, he is never impulsive.

But the only impulse almost caught me up.

He wanted to kill people blatantly, but his future was completely destroyed. From a movie king sought after by tens of thousands of people to a prisoner, he spent the rest of his life in darkness.

Ning Zhi stared at Su Nan in disbelief.

She doesn\'t know anything!

I don\'t know Su Qi did so much for her.

What\'s more, it turned out that his humble expression of his mind was true.

He seems to have entrusted his whole life to himself.

The ring on her hand still had a cold touch, but she clearly felt it was burning.

The wall built by my poor self-esteem collapsed.

Tears welled up.

Su Nan lowered her head and sighed.

I don\'t know what to say. Although she really wants to see Su Qi achieve what she wants, she can\'t kidnap her best friend with her own ideas.

She can only tell everything she knows.

Qin Yu was silent for a moment and smiled.

"Cicada, you are so lucky. When you were rescued in the emergency room last night, Su Yingdi was like crazy. I thought such a man could only be seen on TV

You always like him, but you think he doesn\'t like you enough, it will hurt you, so you dare not try.

But if I were you, I wouldn\'t want to waste a minute. I\'ll talk about it later.

The people you like also like you. Isn\'t it lucky to go two-way? "