After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1020

Su Nan raised her eyebrows and said nothing in silence.

That goes without saying?

If you want to trap the white wolf with empty hands, the merchant is not worth the money?

Shang also understood Su Nan\'s attitude and nodded.

A long time.

He crossed his hands and hung them on his knees.

"I know Shang Qian has been chasing you. Do you agree?"

He asked suddenly.

Su Nan raised her eyebrows. "Why do you ask?"

"I\'m curious. Miss Su is beautiful and generous. I heard about it long before I came to Z. Shang Qian dressed like a dog. I\'m curious if Miss Su took the bait?"

Shang also looks very interested

Su Nan lowered her eyes and smiled.

"Mr. Shang, I have many boyfriends, nine of whom are actors."

Are there not many men who have had an affair with her?

She remembered that Shang Qian had said that they should not let Shang know their relationship.

She looked at him vaguely and smiled meaningfully.

Shang also immediately looked as if he knew me and smiled.

In my heart, there are some miscellaneous flavors.

Su Nan is very good-looking. She looks noble and unattainable. Didn\'t she want her private life to be so messy?

But Shang Qian didn\'t succeed, which means he was unlucky!

Suddenly, the smile on his face was more sincere.

"Miss Su is well-informed and has not been cheated by this man!"

Su Nan pursed her lips. "But I\'m also curious. Almost all the guests present today are within the monitoring range. Only you and Shang Qian\'s son, little Mike, were not seen when they came, and no one knew when they left. Mr. Shang, can you tell me why?"

She watched every inch of his expression, trying to see something from it.

But Shang also looked surprised and was a little stunned:

"What? Little Mike also went? I came and went in a hurry. I didn\'t notice that naughty child. I haven\'t seen him for a long time..."

Su Nan\'s eyes sank slightly.

He is lying.

It was clear that he was proud of watching the good play, but he deliberately expressed surprise and some affectation.

Shang also shook his head, "but how could no one see me? I followed president Fu in and happened to meet him with an invitation, which could save me a lot of trouble.

Oh, when Mr. Fu was greeting you, I followed the driver into the parking lot... "

Su Nan\'s face changed fiercely, and her eyes shrank.

Why didn\'t she think of the hidden but open loophole in the parking lot?

If Shang Qian comes and goes from there, it\'s really possible.

There seems to be no intelligent housekeeper monitoring.

So, they were careless!

Su Nan\'s eyes flickered with complex emotions. Shang Yi\'s words seemed to be deliberately revealing his whereabouts.

"Little Mike disappeared at the wedding banquet."

Shang Yi\'s shock was even more deliberate:

"What? It\'s gone? How could it be? Did you call the police? Do you need any help?"

Su Nan: "...."

Good greasy reaction.

She can perform better than him!

The more boastful, the more evil!

Su Nan believes more and more that little Mike\'s disappearance has something to do with this business!

Su Nan stood up and was too lazy to give him up.

"Mr. Shang, if you take little Mike, tell us your terms and we will exchange them."

Shang Yi looked up at her:

"How could I do such a thing?

I am not such a person! "

Su Nan\'s eyes grew colder. "Mr. Shang, this is not country M. you don\'t understand the rules. I can warn you once.

If I find out that you have something to do with little Mike\'s disappearance, I will let you stay here forever to repent! "

Her voice was calm and deep.