After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1019

In the middle of March, the temperature was still cold, especially at night.

Su Nan didn\'t have time to change her clothes. There was too little cloth in her dress. She was shivering with cold.

Fortunately, there were clothes on the car. She put on a wool coat, which just wrapped the graceful body outlined by the dress, and also blocked the biting chill.

It looks very good.

She stepped into the hotel in high heels, walked briskly and decisively, went directly to the elevator and found the floor where Shang Yi was located.

But unexpectedly, as soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw his bodyguards on the first floor.

It\'s almost one meter.

What important leader do you think you are?

A nearby bodyguard stopped her: "stop, you can\'t enter this floor."

Su Nan pursed her lips and her eyes were cool:

"Please tell Mr. Shang that this is Su Nan."

The bodyguard wanted to drive her away, but she was so powerful that it was difficult to provoke her. He simply went to the other side to call Shang Yi.

This floor is the presidential suite, which will not be occupied by others. No wonder businessmen dare to make such publicity.

If he had changed places, he would have been popular

Su Nan rolled her eyes.

After a while, the bodyguard came:

"Miss Su, please..."

His manner was obviously more respectful than before.

Su Nan looked back indifferently and turned to follow.

At the door of the presidential suite.

The bodyguard knocked on the door.

The next second, the door opens from the inside.

Shang Yi\'s refined face had just been steamed by steam, and his skin was red, showing both good and evil.

The bathrobe in front of the chest is loose and the clavicle is exquisite and abrupt.

If the person changed, Su Nan would still be interested in appreciating the beautiful man\'s bathing picture, but this business also made her feel sick from the bottom of her heart.

The bodyguard knew his eyes and retired.

Shang also opened the door and smiled:

"Miss Su, I didn\'t know you were coming. It was rude."

Su Nan tried hard to keep a decent smile.

"I\'m the one who interrupted Mr. Shang\'s rest."

Although she didn\'t want to go in, there were his bodyguards outside the door. It was more embarrassing for her to stand outside.

After thinking for a while, I went in.

Shang Yi\'s smile gradually enlarged.

He closed the door behind him and his eyes flashed:

"What would miss Su like to drink?"

"No, thanks."

Sunan refused.

Who dares to drink his stuff? Still alive?

Shang was not disappointed either, as expected.

He sat on the sofa and pointed to the opposite side:

"Sit down, Miss Su. Is there anything worth coming over in person?"

Su Nan walked over and sat down, her eyes clear and cold:

"I heard that President Shang went to my eldest brother and sister-in-law\'s engagement banquet tonight and told my father a lot of things?"

Shang also chuckled and put his arm behind the sofa at will, without the slightest exception.

Very rude.

"I came here uninvited. Those secrets were intended to be exchanged with Miss Su, but Miss Su has refused my terms. It\'s no use keeping them. I\'ll just give them away for nothing."

Su Nan looked at him and smiled.

They are all in business. How can they lose money?

"President Shang seems to have some misunderstanding with Shang Qian. Even if we know those things, Shang Qian\'s behavior does not affect our cooperation. At present, what is the impact of some gains and losses in life?"

She smiled, deliberately misleading Shang Yi.

Shang also reached out and stroked his eyebrows, as if thinking.

"Miss Su is right. If I can\'t come up with more attractive terms, you won\'t give up cooperation with Shang Qian, will you?"