Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 89: : History is always strikingly similar

"Come if you want!"

Dongqingguo\'s eyes sank.

On the other side, Chris and Sawamura ignored him, and the two were discussing the password.

"All the **** shown just now are all the **** you know?"

Facing Chris\' question, Sawamura nodded obediently.

Because he has been using soft **** before, Sawamura\'s changing **** that he can hone are limited. In addition to straight **** and his own quirky balls, only change-up **** with a ball path close to the straight ball system, Carter **** and super-speeding straight **** can be used.

Others, it\'s not that Sawamura can\'t throw, but his current body is different from his previous life, and he needs more time to be proficient before he can use those other **** as weapons.

Now all he can use is the straight, quirk, Carter, change-up, float and overdrive.

That\'s a lot!

"Then let\'s discuss the password first. What password did you use before? I can use yours."

Sawamura didn\'t talk nonsense, and told Chris the password he used like a good baby.

His cooperative attitude was completely different from his previous domineering style on the mound.

"Any goals?"

Chris asked.

"Three strikes!"

Sawamura\'s answer was straightforward.

Chris was stunned, looked up at Sawamura, and said plainly: "From the standpoint of the catcher, I actually don\'t agree with your idea. Although you have a lot of ball paths, your ball speed is not fast. , for a batter who waits for the ball to enter his hand before swinging the bat, it\'s not a path that can\'t be hit. It\'s better to use the defense to get the number of outs instead of reluctantly striking out the batter. Of course, this is your game, and the idea is to You get it. Whatever your decision is? I\'ll do my best to help you!"

"Why don\'t I believe what Senior Chris said? If possible, I also want to rely on the defense to win the opponent. But the problem is that the senior in front of me won\'t be convinced by Xiaoli\'s punishment, right?"

Sawamura smiled wryly.

Chris looked at Dongqingguo for a while, and in his heart, he really wanted to deny what Sawamura said.

The captain and fourth club of Qingdo High School, how could he be the kind of person who doesn\'t obey the rules?

But if he denied it, he really couldn\'t say it. It is precisely because he is in a team that he is more aware of the virtues of his four-bar and captain.

Just relying on the **** played and speaking out, Dongqingguo may have a hard time believing.

Besides, this kind of play out to judge whether it is out or not is very subjective. Even if Rei Takashima is fair, judging by the level of Qingdo High School players, this subjectivity is still not small.

It\'s based on a fielder, 100 percent not making mistakes.

But in reality, fielders may also make mistakes. Even if he is a fielder at Qingdo High School, he still cannot avoid the possibility of making mistakes.

In this case, the best way to get the batter out of the game is to strike him out.

"Any good ideas?"

Acknowledging what Sawamura said, Chris no longer struggled, should he use the strikeout method?

"There are only so many weapons that I can use in my hand now. And the number of pitches I can throw is not unlimited. It\'s about ten to fifteen, and it\'s the limit..."

After talking about his own situation, Sawamura spread his hands and didn\'t care.

With so many materials, can you make a good dish? It\'s up to you.

For Chris, Sawamura showed complete trust.

A pitcher who trusts himself wholeheartedly is a good thing for any catcher.

"it is good!"

Chris nodded and said, "Let\'s play."

The match between Chris and Sawamura to play in the East Qing Kingdom officially begins.

The first ball: a normal straight ball with a high interior angle!

Without any hesitation, Chris, who had just crouched down, gave Sawamura a signal on the pitcher mound.

Use a normal straight ball for the first ball! The opponent was a hitter of the same level as Dongqingguo, and it seemed a bit unreasonable to use the most ordinary straight ball for the first ball.

It\'s just like dying, there\'s not much difference.

At this time, if it was someone else who was partnering with Chris for the first time, there would be a few disputes. If you are a little more thoughtful, you may not think that Chris wants to hurt him.

But Sawamura will not!

Eijun Sawamura trusts his master even more than his future partner Miyuki.

Faced with the signal given to him by Chris, Sawamura tucked the straight ball into the inner corner of the strike zone without any hesitation.


In the face of this unremarkable ball, the batter on the strike zone did not swing.

"nice shot!"

Chris didn\'t say much, just passed the ball back to Sawamura.

Sawamura sensed the force coming from the palm of his hand and smiled slightly.

There are many ways in which a catcher recognizes a pitcher\'s pitch. You can praise the shot for a good shot, or you can simply say the word \'good shot\'.

Of course, this is not the most routine, the most routine is of course the return pass.

When your return pass is full of power, pitchers generally perceive it.

Just like now that Chris simply passed the ball back to Sawamura, Sawamura clearly felt Chris\' approval.

The ball just now was the most difficult way for Dongqing to deal with!

Before being chased, in the face of such a ball, Dongqingguo generally does not swing. Then the second ball: a straight ball with a high inside corner.

It looks like just now, there is no difference in the ball path.

Faced with this ball, Sawamura still threw the ball without any hesitation.

on the strike zone.

Dongqingguo\'s face was ugly.

This ball is the same as the one just before. almost exactly the same.

Damn bastard, don\'t underestimate people!

Dongqingguo, who was furious and rushing to the championship, regardless of whether it was a ball that he was not good at, faced the flying baseball and decisively swung the bat.


After the white ball was hit, it flew out of bounds.

"The outside world!"

Sawamura glanced at the direction in which the white ball flew out in surprise.

The ball is almost six or seven meters away from the boundary.

If there is no deviation, then this ball is a home run!

The power of Dongqing Kingdom is amazing!

What\'s even more amazing is that Chris, the ball handler, even adjusted Sawamura\'s pitch by slightly shifting his catch position.

It is precisely because of his slight adjustment that Dongqingguo hit the ball out of bounds.


The ball did not fall within the bounds, which made Dongqing Kingdom very angry.

At this time, Chris also gave Sawamura the signal for the third goal!

The third ball: a super-speeding straight ball with a high inner corner!

Inside corner! Inside corner! Inside corner! !

All three consecutive **** are straight from inside corners!

Such a simple and rude ball match is nothing like Chris.