Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 88: : Invite Chris

After dealing with Chris, Sawamura was quite free and easy to finish work.

If he just left, it would undoubtedly be Sawamura\'s victory.

The giants and their party, the main force of the three major first armies, retreated completely. It is quite a bit of a thousand troops to take the head of an admiral, as unrestrained as looking into a bag to get things.

It feels cool to think about it!

Sawamura himself felt pretty good, and of course he knew what to do, and he knew what it meant to take it as soon as it was good. Consecutive and formed, Kominato Ryosuke, and Chris played against each other for four rounds. Sawamura has a lot of pitches, and he also makes unrestrained use of overdrive straights and floaters.

Now his physical strength and the endurance of his fingers are already at their limit.

At most, he can throw a dozen **** at most!

At this time, no matter what, you can\'t be arrogant, otherwise if two seniors show up to fight against Sawamura, then Sawamura will cry.

low-key, low-key

Sawamura silently admonished himself, working hard to play the role of little transparency.

Unfortunately, his light today is too dazzling. It is impossible for Aoshima\'s players to ignore Sawamura\'s existence no matter what.

From Qing Dao\'s standpoint, how could you let them watch Sawamura leave Qing Dao like this?

They were slapped in the face, and they couldn\'t keep silent if they said anything.

"Stinky brat, I\'ll meet you when I come."

Just like that, a burly senior with a big belly came out.

Um, still coming?

Sawamura shivered subconsciously. He was very happy and satisfied just now. If he comes again, he will be very happy and sad.

Looking around, Sawamura saw a very familiar figure.

Senior Dongqingguo!

"Is this also fate?"

Seeing that it was Dongqing Kingdom who stood up, Sawamura knew that this matchup was inevitable.

Qing Dao\'s current strongest leading batter is on the move, how could Qing Dao\'s players let Sawamura escape? It\'s like gambling. After winning money, you want to leave. How easy is it?

Speaking of which, Sawamura\'s previous life and Dongqing Kingdom also have a relationship.

The former Shizawa Village also established a baseball team in Akagi, but because including him, the friends are laymen, so Akagi\'s performance has been very stable.

The first round of the competition, eliminated!

In the third year of middle school, the last summer, the last game (the first round of the competition).

Sawamura\'s final pitch showed his quirky pitcher.

That shot happened to be seen by Rei Takashima, who was working in Nagano. She immediately went to Sawamura\'s house in person and invited Sawamura to join Aoshima.

At the time, Sawamura didn\'t actually show the talent of the colorful changing ball, and some were just quirky balls.

Just the quirk ball is enough to invite Qingdo, but not enough to make Sawamura the first person to be specially recruited.

But Sawamura, who had just entered the Qing Dao in his previous life, was treated as the first person to be specially recruited!

Although the school did not explicitly state this point, various signs have shown that Qing Dao attaches great importance to Sawamura. For example, on the day of admission, Takashima Rei personally went to Nagano to greet him. There are dozens of freshmen in Qingdao, and Sawamura has this kind of treatment. Another example is Sawamura\'s dormitory, which is the main dormitory that has attracted much attention. Compared to the roommates of Akatsuki, Kominato, Kanamaru, and Tojo, the two seniors in Sawamura\'s dormitory were all selected by the first army. This is absolutely impossible to explain by coincidence in the Qing Dao with nearly 100 members.

Others, there are many more!

How did Sawamura go from being an ordinary recruit to becoming the number one recruit in his previous life? Even after that, Sawamura offended the baseball club supervisor, and Rei Takashima did not hesitate to intercede for Sawamura.

This is all because of Dongqing Kingdom.

It is precisely because of the encounter between Sawamura and Dongqingguo, and it is also because of the match against Dongqingguo on the day that Sawamura visited Qingdao in his previous life. It made him the most anticipated of all the freshmen.

In a previous life, in the summer of the third year of Sawamura Upper Middle School, he came to visit Qingdo. Because of a few quarrels, he confronted Dongqingguo, who was about to graduate.

In that matchup, with Miyuki\'s help, Sawamura struck out the top-ranked super-strike player in Tokyo at the time, Toshinoku.

It is precisely because of such a record that Sawamura won the treatment of the first special recruit.

Unexpectedly, fate is reincarnated, and now he has to fight against Dongqing Kingdom again.

It\'s just different from the previous life, this time Dongqing Kingdom will not be careless and will not show mercy. And Yu Xing couldn\'t help him either. After all, Yu Xing had not yet enrolled in Qing Dao, and he didn\'t have any information about Dongqing Kingdom.

Exhausted, he faced the morale of Dongqing Kingdom.

Thinking about it, Sawamura felt a headache.

This duel is much more severe than the one he faced in his previous life, and the odds of winning are very small.

"What\'s the matter, kid. You won\'t be afraid, will you?"

Dongqingguo walked to Sawamura with a bat in one hand.

Sawamura is 1.7 meters tall, while Dongqingguo is over 1.8 meters tall. The most important thing is that he is bigger. Sawamura looked a little weak when he stood with him.

"Of course I\'m not afraid, I\'m just thinking about how to deal with you, Senior Dong."

Dong Qingguo was taken aback for a moment, he obviously did not expect that Sawamura would know his name.

Sawamura glanced at Miyuki and then at Fengxiang.

To be honest, if the opponent is the monster batter Dongqingguo, it seems that the two of them are not enough partners with Sawamura.

Miyuki didn\'t have any information on the Toyo Kingdom, nor did he know the horrors of the Toyo Kingdom, so it was difficult for him to give Sawamura a good match. Fengxiang is not as good as Yu Xing.

Partnering with them, Sawamura really wasn\'t sure if he wanted to solve the Dongqing Kingdom.

Turning around, his eyes suddenly stopped on Chris.

"Senior Chris, can you partner with me?"

Saying that, Sawamura stepped forward and took the initiative to entangle Chris.

When Sawamura made this request, all the melon eaters in Qingdao were stunned.

In the scene just now, didn\'t Sawamura slap them mercilessly? How could he dare to invite his \'enemy\' to give him the ball?

Could it be that he is not afraid that Chris will hurt him on purpose?

To be honest, Sawamura really wasn\'t worried.

In terms of their understanding of Chris, these people are not as good as the disciple Sawamura\'s understanding of his master.

If it was Miyuki, with that guy\'s black belly, he might not be able to do such a thing.

But not Chris, baseball is too sacred to him. As long as you stand on the court, you must go all out.

Under such circumstances, how could Chris deliberately harm Sawamura? Not only will he not harm Once he is partnered with Sawamura, he will also try his best to use Sawamura\'s ball to solve the East Qing Kingdom.

Chris hasn\'t commented yet.

Over there, Takashima Rei couldn\'t bear it anymore.

"Chris, then please come and partner with Sawamura, okay?"

When he came here before, Sawamura showed an extraordinary goodwill towards Chris.

At this time, Takashima Rei, who was trying very hard to draw Sawamura to Qingdao, missed this opportunity to increase mutual affection.

Chris nodded.

As a catcher, he actually wanted to catch Sawamura\'s pitch.

That\'s how the masters and disciples formed an alliance!

Dongqingguo, who had started out for Qingdao, looked embarrassed instead.

"Why does it feel like I\'m playing the bad guy?"