Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 74: : Super fastball! (2 go 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations.


Ball speed, how can it be so fast?

No. 4 in North America, I feel like a mess.

When encountering Sawamura, even if there is no way, Sawamura fully shows his strength. The players of the North American team felt that they had suffered from blood mold for eight lifetimes. I originally thought about taking this opportunity to teach each other a good lesson.

You must know that Sawamura once fought Alan evenly.

They taught Sawamura a lesson here, and it could be regarded as a lesson to Alan, the son of God.

Just thinking about it made them feel very happy.

I didn\'t expect that when I actually saw Sawamura, it was completely different. Not to mention Sawamura, who is 100% capable of exerting his own strength, even if the tricky changing ball is blocked and he can only use straight **** and a few simple changing balls, they are all helpless.

To be honest, the opponent\'s strength is very strong! Even the arrogant guys in North America had to unite to score points.

Otherwise, simply relying on the strength of one of them would not be Sawamura\'s opponent at all.

The gap is too big!

To be able to make these arrogant players in North America have such awareness, Sawamura\'s strength has reached a very terrifying level.


As time passed, North American players felt that Sawamura\'s power had weakened.

Speaking of which, this is also human nature, and no one is omnipotent.

Players lose physical strength, and the power of pitching is bound to decline.

Plus North American players are getting used to Sawamura\'s pitching.

North American players, although admitted the strength of Sawamura. But they still firmly believe that the final victory will definitely belong to them.

No matter how strong Sawamura\'s strength is, he is only one person after all.

With his strength alone, it is impossible for the players of the island nation to defeat the players in North America.

This point, through the previous duel, has been revealed.

The situation of the game is also more and more inclined to the North American side.

But just when the North American players thought they had the chance to win, it was not difficult to hit Sawamura\'s ball.

An accident happened!

North America\'s fourth, almost their strongest hitter, at least one of their strongest.

It was this man, the man who had performed perfectly before, who just had a big suffocation.

Originally North American players, it is now easy to deal with Sawamura\'s pitching.

To say that everyone can hit a home run would be bragging, and it\'s still the type that doesn\'t hit a draft! But to say that everyone can touch the ball and hit the ball out. This is not to brag. North American players can be selected, and they have a certain level of their own. In addition, many of these guys voluntarily signed up for the selection. If they can be selected in this situation, then their The strength is probably a step higher than the players originally expected by the North American team.

To put it bluntly, these players may not be as good as the old birds of the North American Dream Team these days. But they are definitely the strongest guys in North America in their age group.

Every dragged out is a resounding existence and should not be underestimated.

In the words of Sawamura and the others, the opponent was an elite team composed of star players. Every player, even their low-position hitters, has a very high foundation and level.

So after they got used to Sawamura\'s ball speed and power, they were able to hit the ball very quickly and easily.

This is not to say that Sawamura\'s shots are easy to play, it can only be said that these players in North America are really too good. In a very short period of time, they mastered the trick and began to show their strength.

North American players are confident!

Almost all players were full of confidence when they had gotten used to Sawamura\'s pitching.

Although the game is drawing to a close, the North American players firmly believe that they will be able to show their strength and hit the ball in the final match.

This is not bragging, but a manifestation of confidence in strength.

In this case, as the most powerful representative in North America right now.

Their fourth batter, standing in the strike zone.

Although North American players have mastered Sawamura\'s pitching routines and habits, they also know that they don\'t have much time left.

After all, the game is coming to an end, and if they are unlucky, each of them will only have one chance to hit the field.

So they must hurry and hit the ball as soon as possible. There must be absolutely no sloppiness in this process.

But just now, Sawamura threw a straight ball that looked sick and not very difficult to hit.

Judging from the current situation of the North American team, the ball just now was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them, and it belongs to the type that cannot be missed.

As long as this ball is thrown out, it will definitely bring a huge and heavy blow to the players of the island team.


But it was such a beautiful ball that, as their ace hitter, the 4th North American bat didn\'t even swing?

Did something happen?

Almost all North American players suddenly sank in their hearts.

Keen has begun to discover that a lot of different things have happened.

Then they saw the expression of the beater again, and their hearts suddenly became heavier.

Although 7 people are dissatisfied, 8 people are not angry. But for the strength of their team\'s fourth batter, the players of the North American team are basically very recognized.

That was a genius, and a very hard-working genius.

Diligence and sweat, coupled with unparalleled talent.

Even the arrogant North American players have to admit that their team\'s fourth batter is a very difficult existence for them.

With such strength, now he should be the vanguard of the team\'s offense.

But now this pioneer officer, just appeared on the stage, he was abused by others.

And it\'s the kind that annihilates the entire army.

At this time, they were deeply confused.

What exactly happened? Why does it feel so evil?

"There seems to be something weird about the opponent\'s pitch just now."

A player from the North American team muttered hesitantly.

Is not this nonsensical?

The other players didn\'t roll their eyes to the sky.

Of course they knew that something was wrong.

The ball just now seemed to be nothing to the onlookers.

However, their fourth batter was unable to make a shot, and the North American teammates inevitably studied it more.

Looking back, the ball seemed a little weird.

Does the ball seem to be faster than a normal straight ball?

With this feeling, they subconsciously looked at the ball speed display.

The golf course of Treasure Island can host such a world-class competition, of course, the level is not low.

The one on the electronic scorer in there, also has a ball speed display.

Although not every ball can display the speed of the ball, but in most cases, the speed of the ball is displayed.

That\'s right in front of you.

On the ball speed display, a number is clearly displayed.

147 kilometers!

This is really a very speechless number.

If you want to say that this number is not fast, you must be exaggerating.

A pitcher who can throw the ball at this speed, even if you look at the world, at this age, you can count it with your fingers.

But it doesn\'t seem right to you to say how fast the ball is.

After all, not long ago, Sawamura had thrown a ball with a speed of more than 150 kilometers.

A real blockbuster.

Compared to the speed of the ball, the speed of the ball in front of him is just ordinary.

Not only that, the strangest thing is that people just felt that Sawamura\'s ball speed has risen a step higher than before.

But now it looks like that step never existed.

All of this is weird, because the players in North America are all elites, and they can\'t think of the reason if they scratch their heads.

I can\'t think of the reason for it, North American players don\'t bother about it. What really makes it difficult for them is the next duel strategy.

It seems that Sawamura\'s pitching has made substantial progress.

Although they do not know what this substantial progress is?

But one thing, all of them are still very clear. That is, Sawamura\'s pitching now has changed a lot compared to his previous pitching.

In this case, North American players have to face a choice.

When they deal with Sawamura, do they continue to make decisions based on their original decisions, or make new decisions based on existing changes.

It\'s a tough choice, and once the NA players make a bad decision, the advantage they\'ve gained will be lost.

"What an amazing Boy!"

Supervision in North America, emanating from feeling.

Over the years, he has seen too many talented players.

The previous North American Dream Team and the current New York team were all trained by him.

To be able to lead such two teams, his ability is evident.

More excellent than ability is his experience.

In the process of leading these talented players, he summed up a set of training system and evaluation for talented players.

Not only limited to the players he taught, but also some other talented players.

He will also use the mechanism he set up to evaluate others.

The same goes for Sawamura!

Unlike those arrogant players in North America, he personally participated in the match between the Dream Team and the Qingdao Team.

Regarding the strength of the island team, he is one of the people with the most say.

Especially for Sawamura, the talent of this player is one of the few he has seen.

Great talent!

Even if it\'s not fully developed yet. He also showed a hideous appearance.

Originally, he thought he had already looked down on Sawamura, but he soon discovered that he still underestimated Sawamura\'s talent.

No one thought that this guy would grow so much in a short period of time.

So much that he had to look up!


Under the puzzled eyes of North American players.

Sawamura threw the ball in his hand over and over again.

In the process of pitching, Sawamura has his own aura.

North American players are really kind of stupid.

They had clearly studied Sawamura thoroughly before, and they were already used to his pitching style and speed.

No one could have imagined that Sawamura\'s pitching would still be able to break through.

Yes, a breakthrough.

Apart from these two words, North American players couldn\'t think of any other suitable words to describe the scene in front of them.

A player, whose body is obviously on the verge of the limit, the ball speed and pitch have also been adapted by the opponent.

In this case, what happens next, needless to say?

Almost everyone agrees that things are about to settle down.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway.

When no one was paying attention, Sawamura actually did such a big thing.

He suddenly mastered a new kind of pitching.

Maybe it\'s not a new pitch, but a pitch he\'s kept before.

But this possibility is even more terrifying! North American supervisors don\'t even want to think about it.

If we say this kind of ball, it was also reserved by Sawamura before.

So does he keep the other balls?

Thinking about it like this, Sawamura\'s whole person\'s image became unfathomable.

If this is the case, then North American players don\'t need to mix at all.

In the last period of time, it was impossible for them to break through the blockade of Sawamura.

Therefore, the North American supervisors are reluctant to believe, because once they do, they will completely lose the qualification to compete for victory.


In the case of being chased, despite being in a hurry, the fourth batter of the North American team stubbornly waved his and managed to hit the ball out!

The ball was hit, but the sequelae of this reluctant shot was not small at all.

The white ball that was hit was weak and weak, and was directly stopped by the defender of the island team.



This is a good start, and the batters after the North American team have not been able to please.

One of them struck out and the other hit the ball high for second base.

Even the players of the island team are not very familiar with the positions they are currently guarding.

But the background of their star players is still there, and there is no problem with the defense itself.

For some difficult balls, because of unfamiliar positions, there may be some discrepancies in judgment.

But like this kind of ball, they don\'t have any difficulty in picking it up.

Three-out attack and defense exchange.

This time, Sawamura let the North American batters go up and down three times, which is of great significance.

Originally, the North American team had the advantage, but now, the feng shui has turned, and the situation has turned to the side of the island team.

After all, they are now 2:1 ahead of their opponents.

As long as you can hold this point, as long as you can get the last 6 outs.

Then the victory belongs to the island team, and no one can take it away.

in the stands.

These Tokyo star players who were not able to play looked at each other in dismay.

Not only are the North American players confused, they are also confused.

The guy looked like he was on the verge of collapse before, but it looked like he was about to collapse.

Who knows, it has been rejuvenated, and it has shown a powerful ball that looks like it has never been used before.

Everyone\'s eyes were on Miyuki, waiting for him to explain.

"It\'s a speeding straight ball!"
