Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 73: : Near the end (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations.


In the final period of the game, the players of the two teams were basically evenly matched.

The island national team has the advantage, 2:1 ahead of the opponent by one point.

But the players of the North American team are not idle, they have the upper hand in terms of momentum.

Even the number of hits is one more than on the island side.

As the current situation develops, it is difficult to say who will win in the end.

The island nation\'s potential has basically been exhausted. Next, it will be up to the North American pitchers to face off against Sawamura for the third time.

In the third head-to-head matchup, Sawamura could still play his magic as always, hitting three consecutive home runs.

Compared with the weak offensive of the island team, the offensive ability of the North American team has not been fully explored.

Now Sawamura is also tired. He has scored many **** in a row, and the ball speed has not exceeded 150 kilometers.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the power of his pitching has been discounted. Although this discount is not obvious, the weakening of strength is a fact.

In this case, it is possible for the North American team to catch up with the score and even overtake the score in one go.

In the case of the island team\'s unfavorable offense, the most important thing to win or lose in this game is to see whether Sawamura, the pitcher, can hold on to the end?

Can the island team hold on to this point that they lead.

This will undoubtedly become the key, become the fatal point.

In the first half of the 7th inning, Sawamura was on the 4th of the North American team.

This is an exciting duel, and the result of the duel directly affects the direction after the game.

People watched intently, not even blinking an eye.

They are afraid that they will miss the exciting matchup on the court after they blink.

"I was really forced to go to Liangshan!"

Since joining the Qingdo High School baseball team, to be honest, Sawamura has not encountered such a situation for a long time.

The outcome of the game is entirely determined by his own pitching.

Whether or not the leading score can be maintained has become a key factor in determining the outcome of the game.

Really speechless.

The pressure was like a giant mountain, pressing on Sawamura\'s shoulders.

The garrison teammates may have sensed something and expressed solidarity with Sawamura.

"Let them call it out, we will definitely stop it!"

"We\'re up by a point, throwing boldly."

Don\'t look at these guys now in their defensive positions, full of loopholes.

But that is mainly because they are not familiar with their current position, and there is also a big problem with everyone\'s cooperation.

It may not show up against the average team, but not for an elite tour like the North American team!

It\'s easy to show flaws, which is why Sawamura has so many hits.

If it is a mature defense system, change the defense of their Qingdao high school baseball team.

Those three hits, I dare not say that all of them can be stopped. There are at least two, but I\'m sure.

There is no way that North American players will push the line so much.

So many thoughts flashed through Sawamura\'s mind.

He shook his head, throwing away these useless thoughts, and concentrated on dealing with the opponent in front of him.

The fourth bat in North America, he has the style of the North American players, advocating clean and neat swings.

If you can use the change ball flexibly, it is not difficult for Sawamura to deal with this kind of monster that relies on intuition to fight.

Although it is not easy to say, it is also easy.

Sawamura is too familiar with this kind of player. They have honed their strength through a lot of hard swings.

In the process, they rely heavily on their intuition.

The general orientation of the pitch can basically be seen or predicted.

Looks great doesn\'t it?

On the surface, it is even invincible.

But in fact, it is not so...

This intuition is acquired, and can only vaguely predict a general orientation.

For those change **** whose changes are not particularly tricky, of course it is very effective.

They should be able to touch the ball.

Coupled with that clean swing, even if it didn\'t hit the center of the ball, it was enough to take the ball far away.

But in the face of too tricky change balls, change **** with particularly large changes, change **** that interfere with sight and intuition...

North American players generally can\'t find their way.

Compared with professional baseball in island countries, in fact, players in the major leagues are more likely to be struck out.

This has a lot to do with their swing style, or simply the style of North America as a whole.

It is because they have developed that intuition and habit that they miss more times.

Of course there will be gains and losses.

North America\'s losses in this area were also made up for by their long hits and home runs.

For Sawamura, North American players are exactly the players he is best at dealing with.

If he can use the high-level change ball recklessly, then striking out North American players is not difficult.

A few months ago, Sawamura and his friends from the Qingdao High School baseball team went to North America to seek a breakthrough.

The final game against the North American Dream Team.

Sawamura\'s full firepower and flexible use of high-level change **** will eventually achieve that brilliant record.

Although the strength of this team is extraordinary, there is still a big gap compared with the North American Dream Team.

If the North American team in front of you has the same strength as the dream team.

Then the island national team may have been defeated long ago.

There is no comparison between the two sides at all. The island team will definitely fail, and it will still be a complete defeat.

Fortunately, although the players of the North American team are not weak, their cooperation is also not good.

It is precisely because of this that Sawamura can lead the remaining defeated soldiers of the island team to fight to the death and not fall behind.

Even in the score, it was one point ahead of the opponent.

The North American team in front of me was not the North American Dream Team that had fought against the Qingdo High School baseball team before.

But the current teammates of the island nation team are no longer the old teammates before Sawamura.

Even the change ball was banned.

How to fight an opponent in this situation.

When another person came up, I\'m afraid I can only spread out my hands helplessly, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

You don\'t even have the stuff and materials, how can you guarantee that what others cook for you is delicious?

But Sawamura has never been ordinary!

In the eyes of others, this is already a hopeless situation. But in Sawamura\'s view, as long as the last outs are not taken, as long as there is still a chance in the game.

Then there is no end.

A baseball game is not a basketball game, a soccer game, and has a strict time limit.

Even if it is two outs in the second half of the 9th inning, the difference between the two sides is 1000 points.

From a theoretical point of view, the lagging side still has a chance to overtake.

So Sawamura\'s creed has always been, as long as the game isn\'t really over.

So no matter how far the game goes? The laggard side has the possibility to catch up.

In this case, it is on the backward side.

What reason do you have to give up the game?

With such an idea in mind, no matter what kind of predicament the game encounters, one should never give up easily.

Sawamura has been able to get to this point, of course, with the help of experience.

But more importantly, it was his thoughts.

If he hadn\'t maintained such a mind all the time, would he have been able to get to where he is today? Can it be like this?

It\'s actually hard to say.

If you can\'t use the change ball, you can only decide the winner with a straight ball!

Despite the great risk, Sawamura now has no other choice.

He can only use straight **** to decide the outcome.

Fortunately, his straight ball is not ordinary, and it can also bring huge surprises to opponents when used well.

Renji, who was in the position of the catcher, immediately understood Sawamura\'s plan when he saw the obscure secret signal Sawamura gave him.

He sees that the ordinary method has little effect, and intends to change the method!

This kind of approach is not bad, but the risk is slightly higher.

Lance was a little hesitant.

Now the island team is leading in points, only the last point is left.

In this case, is it really good to adopt such a risky tactic?

He looked at Sawamura on the pitching mound, and then looked at his teammates behind Sawamura.

Lianji finally gritted his teeth secretly and decided to support Sawamura.

Things have come to this stage, and it doesn\'t make sense to back down. At this time, you must take the initiative to stand up and give your opponent a counterattack.

Acting cowardly will only allow your opponent to gain an inch.

If that\'s the case, then it\'s better to make it clear from the beginning and never leave any opportunity for the opponent.

Renji also made up his mind, determined to fight with Sawamura Eijun.

Give it a try, the car turns into a motorcycle.

bring it on!

Even if you have that confidence, then throw your straight ball.

The purpose of Lianji\'s guidance, of course, is to tap the strongest potential of the village.

Hope he can throw the strongest shot.

Sawamura, who was on the pitcher\'s mound, almost simultaneously received the feedback from Renji.

It is undoubtedly the best reply to Sawamura that the partner can agree to his own method.

There was a warm current in Sawamura\'s heart.

The island team put all the burden on Sawamura alone.

Although Sawamura had seen strong winds and waves before, facing this situation, his mood was quite complicated and dull.

Now these teammates are unreliable...

No one knows what exactly Sawamura Eijun is going through right now?

At this time, being able to have teammates to support him without hesitation has undoubtedly given Sawamura tremendous motivation.

Sawamura, who was moved in his heart, completely burst out with his will to pitch.

At the beginning, he didn\'t want to be more brilliant.

But now, he has changed his mind.

The situation has now reached this stage, and it has completely gotten out of control, and Sawamura is not sure that his side will definitely win.

In this case, all people will not be idle.

Sawamura too!

He has to throw the perfect shot to be worthy of the big guys.

No matter how well the friends around him played in this game.

The island national team has been able to go to the present, and they are also indispensable.

Even in this game, although everyone is in a position they are not familiar with, the opponent is a very strong North American player.

Although there is no way we can make sure to stop all the balls.

But in the process of the game, they have used their full strength.

To be honest, with their fame and status, being able to put down their airs and cooperate with others humbly is already a very, very rare thing in itself.

Now, it can be practiced.

It is even more rare.

Sawamura forced himself not to think too much, and now he has only one task, and that is to pitch well.

Facing the opponent in front of you!

North America\'s No. 4, an ultra-violent hitter.

As long as he is given a chance, even if he doesn\'t hit the center of the ball, this guy can blast the ball far away.

Going head-to-head with such a monster with a straight ball is, to be honest, very risky.

But now Sawamura has no concern for any risks.

In fact, they have been forced to Liangshan, in a desperate situation. If you can\'t learn from the Overlord of Western Chu and sink your boat, the final result is likely to make a huge turn in the script.

The island nation team, who had a lead of seven or eight innings, is likely to hand over the victory in the end.

How can this work?

As Sawamura grew up, the whole person became more mature.

There is a code of conduct for what you say and do.

But there was one thing he never changed.

That\'s his thirst for victory.

He must win!

There is no reason to say that as long as he is standing on the court, then he will definitely pursue the victory of the game.

This has even become an obsession of Sawamura. In any case, it must be He raised his right foot high, and then fell heavily.

As the center of gravity shifted, Sawamura Eijun swung the ball with his left hand like a whip.

The white ball whizzed out, and the white ball crossed a distance of more than ten meters and appeared in front of the hitter.

The fourth player in North America is already playing against Sawamura for the third time. He is already familiar with the changes in Sawamura\'s pitching.

Not to mention him, even ordinary players in North America were already used to Sawamura\'s posture and ball speed at this time.

From the point of view of the No. 4 player in North America, hitting Sawamura\'s ball at this time and hitting the ball out was a breeze.

This is no longer his pursuit. His pursuit is to hit the ball with precision and smash the ball out.

A mediocre hit could give the North American team a chance to catch up.

But if you want to beat the island team, you want to beat the pitcher in front of you.

Ordinary hits are probably not enough, at least one or two hits is not enough.

There must be more!

With this kind of awareness, the fourth batter in North America, of course, is aiming for a home run.

Taking a home run at this time can indeed greatly change the situation on the field.

But seeing Sawamura\'s current pitching, his originally flaming ambitions seemed to have suddenly been poured cold water.

how is this possible?

Sawamura\'s previous ball speed, including his strange pitching posture.

The North American team has clearly adapted.

But now, as the team\'s fourth batter, he is surprised to find out.

They seem to be a little self-righteous.

Just when they thought they had gotten used to Sawamura\'s pitching, the monster on the mound showed a different attitude.

How could his ball be so fast?
