Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 71: : Hometown

Barry is only half of 90!

This is a famous saying in the "Warring States Policy", which generally means that a hundred miles is only half the journey when you reach ninety miles. To use this sentence as an analogy, the closer to success, the more difficult it is. The more you have to hold on to the end!

Now, it is more appropriate to use this sentence to describe the national tour of the Qingqi Middle School baseball team.

All the way to the finals, they have overcome countless difficulties.

They went all the way through obstacles like this. Unexpectedly, in the final national final, their stamina was exhausted.

In the last match, the players from Qingqi Middle School didn\'t want to work hard, it wasn\'t because they didn\'t want to work hard.

But as soon as the idea came up, they found that they were powerless.

At this point, the pitchers on the mound feel the deepest.

He is completely out of shape now, he made four bad hits against Yamaguchi, and hit the middle against Feng Xiang.

Not to mention, this hit shot really startled Feng Xiang. Facing the middle, with Fengxiang\'s character, it is impossible to hold back from swinging the bat, so he swung the bat. However, the center ball in the national final made Feng Xiang hesitant.

Could it be that the other party has some conspiracy?

With a big killer like Sawamura by his side, Feng Xiang is about to have a psychological shadow.

In order to avoid being fooled, Feng Xiang had reservations when swinging the bat. Instead of using a big stick, he held a short stick and swept the ball out with his own power.

The truth is, of course, that Feng Xiang thinks too much, and the opponent\'s pitcher is as complicated as he thinks.

The opponent just missed the ball control~

In this way, although Fengxiang scored a hit, he missed a good chance to hit a home run.

The baseball landed in the outfield, and Yamaguchi at first base and Oda at second base started to run forward desperately.

Oda\'s speed was already fast, and Aoya\'s players were half-dead. He gritted his teeth and went straight over third base for home plate. After Yamaguchi reached second base, he didn\'t hesitate to see that Qingzong\'s outfielder hadn\'t picked up the baseball. He dragged his bloated body like a heavy tank and flew towards third base.

Instead, after Feng Xiang got to first base, he realized that the opponent\'s outfielder had already picked up the ball and did not take the risk of rushing to second base.

Three bases, the closest to the outfield is the second base. When the opportunity is bad, trying to get to second base is tantamount to courting death.

In this way, Oda returned to home plate, Yamaguchi also went to third base, and Fengxiang went to first base.

The total score was 1:0.

No one is out, there are people at first and third base!

I\'ll go, this is so handsome!

The fans who followed Akagi Middle School all the way were completely crazy.

Such a smooth and dripping attack, such a smooth strike coordination.

Is this really Akagi?

I, Akagi, is really unbeatable?

"Akagi! Akagi!!!"

"Ow, ooh, ooh!!!"

For the first time, when Sawamura hit the field, the fans at the scene didn\'t call Sawamura\'s name, but Akagi.

In the finals, everyone is looking forward to a battle of the century!

For those who are familiar with Akagi, the pitcher battle is really nothing. But strikes are rare in Akagi.

It seems that the finals ended with such a great victory, which is not bad.

On the strike zone, Sawamura glanced at Yamaguchi, and then at Fengxiang, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

Perfect, so perfect!

For Akagi, it was really cool to be able to bully people like that.

Their previous games were too depressing. With such an opportunity to release, why not do it?

Sawamura\'s light smile deeply stabbed the mood of a teenager at Qingzong Middle School.

He took the initiative to stand up and walked to his coach\'s side. Then a pair of eyes stared at his coach tightly, not speaking.

Qing Fong\'s coach glanced at the boy in front of him, struggling in his heart.

According to the doctor, Hong Kong just suffered from heat stroke before, so it is best not to participate in the finals, otherwise, if you suffer from heat stroke again, it may cause more serious problems. Even if it is necessary to play, it is best not to exceed three innings.

For the sake of Benxiang\'s health, he had better let the bench pitcher support three or four innings, and then replace Benxiang.

Of course, this was his initial plan.

Now, he might have to change his mind.

The backup pitcher from Qingfang Middle School, let alone three innings, I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to last this inning.

"it is good!"

Seeing the determination in the boy\'s eyes, Qing Fong\'s coach nodded heavily.

No one was out, there were one or three players, and the batter was Sawamura, who had a batting average of over 60% in this tournament!

At this time, if he doesn\'t make substitutions, the score may expand to an inexhaustible level.

Three points, four points!

Haha, in the match against Akagi, if you are three or four points behind, even if you call out all the outstanding hitters from the middle school giants such as Yokozuna, Tenryuji, and Xijing, it will be enough to catch up.

After all, when Sawamura played against these batters before, except for the occasional one or two hits, he never dropped any points.

After the points are expanded, there is no need to continue the game.

Realizing this, Qing Fong\'s coach had no choice but to make substitutions.

"Qingyu Middle School changed players, and the pitcher Hong Kong\'s classmates came on the field."

On the strike zone, Sawamura was shocked.

Qingfang\'s coach really has two brushes, and his vision is very precise.

His decision, just a little later,

Then the game is decided.

Thinking about it that way, Sawamura didn\'t give up the chance to defeat Qingyu. Taking advantage of their replacement, Sawamura quietly gave Yamaguchi a secret signal.

Yamaguchi nodded slightly.

When Hongo came on the court, Sawamura held up the bat in his hand, posing as if he was going to hit his ball.


Facing the imposing Sawamura, Hongo did not back down and pitched the ball.

In the stands, many strong teams who had played against Akagi before could not help but close their eyes.

The next they couldn\'t bear to watch it.

Akagi, but it has never been a team that likes to go head-to-head with opponents.

When they saw the score, it was like a beast seeing its prey. Once they took a bite, they would never let go.


As if to confirm everyone\'s guess, Sawamura, who was originally aggressive in hitting the ball, changed his strike.

The small white ball was hit between the pitcher and the first baseman precisely by him, and rolled forward at just the right speed.

At the same time, Sawamura, Fengxiang, and Yamaguchi started instantly and ran to the next base.

Speed, power, angle, a complete mess.

Sawamura\'s bunts are clever enough to be used as textbooks.

Not to mention Aoyu whose state has fallen to the bottom of the valley, even Aoyu who is in perfect condition can\'t stop Sawamura\'s bunt.

Yamaguchi returned to home plate without much effort.

Don\'t look at him like a meatball, sprinting with all his strength is still amazing, just like a fast-moving tank, his speed is not slow at all, and when he runs, it is scary.

Sawamura also went to first base. It\'s one thing for him to bunt beautifully, and the more important reason is that Qing Zong\'s defense is unprepared, and Sawamura will bunt at this time.

The total score is 2:0!

In the first game of Akagi, the victory was almost sealed.