Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 70: : 1st point

After Oda went to base, there was no one out and there was someone at first base.

At this time, it was the batter\'s turn to be the second batter. Little Chubby Tiger and Ken Yamaguchi appeared.

When Yamaguchi came on stage, his momentum was completely different from that of Oda.

Many of the audience at the scene liked him. When they saw Yamaguchi on the strike zone, they stood up one by one to cheer on Yamaguchi.

"Nagano Fat Tiger, it\'s up to you!"

"Fight out!"

"Home run!"

"It\'s time to show Fatty\'s perseverance."

"Tell them that weight determines strength!!!"

For a time, the whole stadium was like a pot, and there were cheers for Yamaguchi Ken from all directions.

When Yamaguchi Ken hit the field, Feng Xiang Ouichi was still sorting out his hitting gloves and did not play.

At this time, I was surprised to hear the cheers of the surrounding mountains and tsunamis.

He knew from the beginning that Yamaguchi is very popular now, and he may be a lot more popular than Oda Benson and the others.

But he never thought that Yamaguchi would become so popular. Just looking at the audience\'s cheering momentum, the current Yamaguchi is a little worse than the ace pitcher Sawamura, and he is only stronger than others.

Even hotter than his star player!

"Yamaguchi-senpai is so hot?"

Many of the little friends from Akagi Middle School in the Niu Dean also had a bad feeling in their hearts, although Yamaguchi\'s blow was really pretty. Second only to Sawamura, Fengxiang and Hirota in the team.

But even his strongest blow was ranked fourth in the entire Akagi Middle School. Why is it so popular? Now let alone other people, even Fengxiang, a star player, is not as famous as Yamaguchi.

"I\'m really worried about the taste of these audiences. They would like a trick-or-treating player."

Wakana said angrily.

Sawamura is also helpless about this.

"Who knows which cloud has rain."

On the field of professional baseball, there is such a very strange law. Strong strength, great reputation, can make money, almost no direct relationship.

It doesn\'t mean that the stronger and more famous you are, the more money you can make!

It doesn\'t mean that the stronger you are, the more money you can make and the greater your fame!

Of course, it doesn\'t mean that you can make money. The more famous you are, the stronger your strength is.

It may seem a bit arrogant, but as long as you think about it carefully, you will find that the truth here is deep.

As far as being famous is concerned, players on the baseball field are not all famous because of their strength. Sawamura had seen a lot of players in his previous life, his strength was average, but because of his good looks, he was a very famous player.

At the beginning, this phenomenon appeared on the court, and everyone was not convinced. Because in the competitive arena, strength is still respected.

But it was useless!

The audience just likes him, what else can you do?

Let\'s go too far, let\'s talk about the game.

Under everyone\'s attention, Yamaguchi Ken stepped into the strike zone.

At this time, not only the friends from Chicheng Middle School were dumbfounded, but also the players from Qingqi Middle School were not much better.

Is this chubby hitter who just stepped up, such an amazing player?

Judging from the information they had collected before, Yamaguchi didn\'t seem to have performed too much.

No, that\'s not right!

There are still some great performances. For example, in the first round of the national competition, Yamaguchi hit a home run!

You have to think sincerely about how powerful a person is, and you can always find evidence of his greatness.

Just like the current Qingqi Middle School, they subconsciously regarded Yamaguchi as an opponent on the same level as Fengxiang.

"Bad ball!"

"Bad ball!"

"Bad ball!"

"Bad ball!!!"

"Walk to base!"

I don\'t know if it\'s Qing Fong\'s pitchers who are nervous, or their strategy (this is ridiculous).

In short, Yamaguchi Ken was recommended to go to base, and Oda was also hit second base.

In the blink of an eye, Qingdao High School actually formed a situation where no one was out, and there were people on the first and second bases.

In the bullpen of Akagi Middle School.

Little friends, look at me one by one, I look at you, and look at each other.

Since Akagi Middle School has been promoted all the way, it seems that he has never encountered such a good thing. It is said that in the competition of middle school students, such four bad walks, poor performance or something, should appear from time to time.

Unfortunately, the luck of Akagi Middle School has been bad. Since the quarter-finals in Nagano Prefecture, none of their opponents has been a fuel-efficient lamp.

Dabei Middle School, Nagano Metropolitan Middle School, Yokozuna Middle School, Tenryuji Middle School…

That is all right.

The luck of the national competition was not good either. It was either a wealthy family like Ku Xiaomu or an international student army like Shenfeng Middle School.

All of them are powerful and scary!

With the attack power of Akagi Middle School, one or two points can only be scored in a game.

In the semi-finals, they also met Xijing Middle School led by Naru Gong Ming.

It can be said that Akagi Middle School has been promoted to the present, and it can be said that one step at a time, blood and tears step by step.

There is no chance to breathe in the middle.

Unexpectedly, in the national finals, such a good thing would come across!

No one is out, there are people at first and second base!

It\'s Fengxiang and Sawamura\'s turn to strike.

If Akagi Middle School doesn\'t score points, it\'s hard to accept!

"Third stick, catcher.

, student Fengxiang. "

Fengxiang stepped onto the strike zone, the bat in his hand raised high.

On the court, including the pitchers from Qingfang Middle School, everyone was stunned.

I want to insert a sentence here, it\'s not that these players from Qingqi Middle School are really incompetent.

If they really have no strength, it is impossible to advance all the way to the national competition. And in the national competition, reached the finals.

There are special reasons why they are like this.

It is the first time that Qingfang Middle School has entered the national competition. For these children in Qingfang, where have they experienced such heat?

In the high temperature weather of more than 30 degrees, there is still a competition?

Are you kidding me?

Originally, they still had some physical strength, but with the intensive schedule of the national competition, this physical strength also lost a little By the quarter-finals, they were actually not in a good state.

If it weren\'t for the hometown, Qingqi Middle School would have been eliminated at that time.

This matter, in the semi-finals, intensified.

Their opponents are strong!

At this time, it was the local town that turned the tide again, and they defeated their opponents.

The game was won, but the price that Qing Fong Middle School paid for it was unimaginable for ordinary people.

Including Hongo, all the players of Qingzong Middle School have exhausted their physical strength to varying degrees.

Unfamiliar environment, exhausted physical strength...

This is the reason for the poor collective performance of the Qingfang Middle School.

I have to say that the young players of Qingqi Middle School are indeed not easy.

Even the little friends from Akagi Middle School looked at them as pitiful.

It was difficult for me to enter the national competition, but it was because of my lack of physical strength. Lost!

How pitiful!

But no matter how pitiful they were, the rival Akagi Middle School baseball team had no intention of showing mercy.

It is easy for no team to advance to the national finals. Isn\'t Chicheng Middle School going through untold hardships to get to this point?


Fengxiang swung the bat decisively, smashed the ball out, and helped Akagi Middle School take the lead!