Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 7: : christening

It was a seemingly normal day, and all the players of Qingdao High School were training step by step.


Only the players from the Second Army and the Third Army faintly noticed something.


It seems that today\'s third-year seniors are very serious in training and are very responsible.


Even after the training, the training equipment that the freshmen usually clean up was done by the third-year seniors who took the initiative to help them.


When night fell, all the players of Qingdao High School gathered together and formed a neat line.


Opposite them are the three giants of the Qingdo High School baseball club.


Superintendent Kataoka was in the middle, with Minister Ota and Deputy Minister Rei Takashima standing beside him.


"Today\'s training is all over, and all the players of the first army, including the second- and first-year players, are all disbanded."


Such a statement makes others feel strange.


Well, what\'s left now, isn\'t it the third year, there aren\'t those seniors who can join the First Army?


"Let\'s go!"


Kuramochi tugged at Sawamura, who was stunned.


Sawamura glanced at the people who stayed behind with great emotion, and sighed inwardly.


It\'s time to come!


The meeting place is the dormitory area, with rows of houses forming many small corridors.


The players who left hurried to the cafeteria one after another to prepare their meals.


And Sawamura hid in the small corridor, silently watching everything that happened at the meeting point.




Kominashi, who always liked to follow Sawamura\'s side, took the initiative to come up and looked at Sawamura in confusion.


He could see that Sawamura seemed to have something on his mind.


As a friend, you should be concerned.


"Don\'t talk, just watch it!"


Sawamura didn\'t respond, it was the people behind Kominato Haru City who spoke.


Turning back to Kominabharu City, he saw a very incredible scene.


Captain Tetsuya, Izashiki-senpai, brother, Masuko Toru-senpai, Miyuki-senpai, Chris-senpai, Kuramochi-senpai.


Plus Eijun-san.


This year, the core players of Qingdao High School are not lacking, and they all appear here.


What are they looking at?


Strong curiosity forced Kominato Haruichi to look at the area where the players had just gathered.


There, Director Kataoka was talking to the remaining third-year seniors.




I didn\'t hear what they said, but Kominato Haruichi instantly understood what was going on.


All the First Army, including the First Army of the joint training, have been selected.


This also means that the third-year seniors who are still in the Second Army and Third Army are no longer able to replace Qingdao High School to participate in official competitions.


They are about to retire soon...


The gathering place, Director Kataoka said.


"In the past two years, you have really worked hard!"


"Intense starting competition, coupled with rigorous practice, I believe you must be very unwilling, but you have not given up, and have been practicing with me until now."


"In the future, please be proud of this..."


After Kataoka finished speaking, most of the third-year seniors cried bitterly, and some even fell to their knees directly on the ground.


Although they had already had a hunch, they had already realized it.


Even if he wasn\'t selected into the first army, he couldn\'t really put on the team uniform of Qingdao High School to represent Qingdao High School and participate in the competition.


They will never regret their efforts!


But when it came time to retire, they were still not reconciled.


Even with that kind of awareness at the beginning, he is still not reconciled.


If, if you could work harder, wouldn\'t the result be different?


in the corner.


Kominato looked at all this with moving expressions.


"Senior and them?"


Unlike Sawamura and Kaguya Akira\'s one-step climb to the sky, Kominabharu City climbed all the way from the Third Army and the Second Army.


He is too aware of the efforts of those seniors!


If it weren\'t for his innately agile swing.


Kominato Chunshi, doesn\'t even think that he can climb to the first army in the second army!


It is conceivable that in order to obtain their current strength, what kind of training and hard work these seniors have gone through.


Now, without any official game appearance record, they are about to retire!


Kominato Chunichi fell into an inexplicable emotion. He wanted to comfort those seniors, but he felt that he couldn\'t speak.


What kind of identity is he going to use to comfort those seniors?


Are you going as the current First Army, or as a younger brother?


It doesn\'t seem appropriate.


"It\'s nothing, just accept the baptism quietly!"


Sawamura sighed and turned to look at Chris.


Although because of his own relationship, Master Chris was injured in advance.


But the cycle of cause and effect is not without benefits.


It was because of the early injury that he was able to return from the injury early.


In this way, their master and apprentice can fight side by side.


Although he said that he sympathized with those seniors who were not able to officially participate in the competition, as a contestant representing them in the competition, he did not have much time to sympathize with others.


"Instead of saying some comforting words that have no nutritional value, let\'s get stronger together for the losers!"


Jun Cheng said.


At this time, he seemed to be enveloped in a kind of light.


Retired in the third grade, the main force hid in a corner to receive baptism.


This is also the tradition of Qingdao!


From now on, everyone in Qing Dao will prepare wholeheartedly for the summer competition.


On the second day, none of the third-year players who had obviously retired were late for training.


In fact, for them, there is no point in continuing to stay in the club. They can use this time to step up their homework and try to make up for it, so that they can get into a better university in the future.


Even if Qingdo High School didn\'t make it to Koshien, there was still a chance to enter professional baseball.


After all, Qing Dao is a wealthy family, and Tokyo is also a very famous fierce battle zone. There are many media who specialize in Qing Dao players.


But this chance to get into professional baseball refers to those who have made a name for themselves in the First Army.


Even in the first army, not everyone who is famous can participate in the professional draft.


To enter the so-called career draft, you have to be invited.


Of course The professional draft is not the only choice for high school players to join professional baseball.


These are all things to come later, let\'s not mention them for the time being.


However, for retired players like the third graders, their baseball dreams generally end there.


For professional baseball teams, you can consider famous players in the Qingdo High School First Army, but they will never be considered.


But even so, they still haven\'t given up baseball.


Or in the past two years, they have become accustomed to swaying their youth on the baseball field.


After retiring from the third grade, Qingdo High School began to officially prepare for the summer competition.


The iconic event is the one-week co-op.


On the second day after retiring from the third grade, Qingdo High School\'s famous product, the Hell House began. )!!