Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 6: : 1 newcomer from the army

The baseball club of Qingdo High School, on the field.

Early in May, it was still a bit cool.

Before the sun has fully risen, the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball club have already started training.

The first item of training is of course running, which is a very healthy physical and mental exercise, the most primitive and often the most effective.

There are a hundred people in the whole team, and they run neatly in the morning.

After the morning run, everyone lined up in a neat line, standing opposite Kataoka.

That is to say, during this period of time and the meal time, everyone in the first army, the second army and the third army is together, and during the rest of the time, the first army, the second army and the third army are doing their own training.

The standard configuration of the first army members is 20 people. The standard configuration of the Second Army is also 20 people.

As for the standard of 20 people, of course, it was not stipulated by Qing Dao\'s whim, but was determined according to the overall number of people in a team in the competition.

In the Tokyo High School Baseball Tournament, the maximum number of members who can represent the school to participate in the game is 20.

The first and second armies were modeled after this.

The intention is to simulate actual combat to the greatest extent possible.

Not only is it simulated in the usual training, but even such small details are simulated very well.

Except for the first army and the second army, the rest are the third army!

In terms of training, the three teams are also separated.

After all, their levels are different, their requirements are different, and the training content is naturally different.

Except for the time for running in the morning and the time for eating, it is difficult for people from the first army, the second army and the third army to get together.

So, although everyone is on the same team, they also have their own circles.

Today, in the first army, there is a newcomer!

"Xiaowu, Qianyuan, Xiaominouchun City, starting today, practice with the First Army."

The third newcomer, a third-year, a second-year, and a first-year.

Xiao Wu is a good outfielder and hitter among the third-year seniors. Qianyuan is now the leader of the Second Army. As for the last one, it is the city of Kominato.

Tojo and Jinmaru, who had just been promoted to the Second Army, were not able to create another miracle.

The most worthy of attention here is the city of Kominato.

It is a tradition for Qingdao High School to choose one or two first-year students to join the army before the summer competition.

Regardless of strength, every year in the summer competition, one or two people will be promoted in the first year.

And these two people are the leaders of Qingdao High School in the future. It\'s not just Qingdao High School that does this. There are not a few schools in the country\'s rich and powerful that do this.

This training method is very helpful for the construction of the future team.

Of course, if the freshman already has the strength, it is the most perfect.

Even if there is not enough strength, there must be enough potential.

The reason why Sawamura Eijun entered Qingdo High School was that he was proposed to be directly promoted to the first army.

It is because he has both, he has both strength and potential.

There is no doubt that he will not only become an important fighting force of Qingdao High School now, but will also become the leader of Qingdao High School in the future.

Xiaogu Xiao was directly selected into the first army, and the factor of combat power was relatively less considered. The most important thing was that Xiao Gu Xiao had unique potential.

These two people are too important for the future Qingdao framework!

Qing Dao\'s tradition is to choose one or two people. For example, like the third-year Chris and Yukichi, the second-year Miyuki, they were all promoted out of the blue.

Of course, as the leaders of a grade, they not only have potential, but their abilities are indeed qualified.

Now this year\'s first year, when there are already two leading figures, Sawamura Eijun and Yuguya Akira, it is said that they will not select potential freshmen as backup.

In a team, there are such one or two leaders, it is enough to stir up the lead. There\'s really no need to add one more.

Just like the fable I heard when I was a kid.

It is said that a little monk came up a mountain, and a little monk could carry water to eat. Later, a little monk came up, and two little monks carried water to eat. Later, another little monk came up, and the three little monks were piled together, but there was no water to eat.

Everyone understands the truth, but the reality is so cruel. This is the case as small as a draught, as large as the governance of a country.

The powerful countries that have really developed in the world now have either a one-party system or a two-party system. It is difficult to have three parties with balanced strengths that can work together to govern a country well.

It is also acceptable to have such a leader or two leaders on the team. If there are really three leaders, then the balance is broken.

When you don\'t have to be beaten by others, you might collapse yourself.

It is impossible for the coaching staff of Kataoka and Qingdao High School to not understand such a reason, but they still promoted Kominato Haruichi.

That is to say, regardless of the issue of cultivating new students, just talking about strength, Kominato is also qualified to join the first army.

In addition, he was a first-year student, so Qing Dao would of course give priority to using the third-year or second-year old students with the same strength.

And now it is Kominouchun who is standing here, not any other third-year seniors, which means that in the eyes of the Qingdao High School coaching staff, Kominouchun\'s strength is obviously higher than those of third-year students. Senior!

"It\'s not easy!"

In Sawamura\'s view, this is not easy.

To be able to kill him from the Second Army, he is indeed a demon brother.

"Yeah, the little brother is really capable. It\'s just a pity that he and Ryosuke-senpai are in the same position, otherwise, seeing the two brothers appearing on the court at the same time will feel even more different."

Kuramochi laughed and laughed.

As mentioned earlier, Kominato Chunichi is the younger brother of Kominato Ryosuke.

It is said that two brothers appearing on the baseball field at the same time must be a good story!

It\'s just a pity that the two brothers are so similar that they even chose the exact same position.

Second baseman!

This also means that it is almost impossible for the two of them to appear on the court of Qingdao High School at the same time.

"He just kept chasing my back."

Ryosuke Kominato is Poof! "

Seeing that Kurachi was still smiling, he didn\'t hesitate to give Kurachi a punch.

He didn\'t stop until Kuramochi\'s face changed from laughing to crying.

Behind the two, seeing Kuramochi unlucky yesterday, he applauded secretly.

Well done, big devil.

Although Sawamura was very happy about the arrival of Kominato Haru City, the people in the first army were not very welcome to the three who were training together.

Since Chris returned to the team from injury, Akatsuki Fukutani and Eijun Sawamura were promoted. The first army can represent the team, and the quota of 20 people participating in the competition has long been full.

With these three people in training together, Qingdao High School must eliminate three talents before the summer competition.

The three people who were eliminated may be the three who just joined the joint training, or they may be the original 20 people in the first army.