Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 61: : This is really not intentional! (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations! By the way, congratulations to Xiao W for being promoted to the leader. Bear is so grateful...


On the pitcher mound, fine beads of sweat began to appear on Li Weide\'s forehead.

The game is so tense!

In front of this island team, although nearly half of the main force has gone. But even these remaining players, the team that was temporarily put together, cannot be underestimated.

In the process of confrontation with them, you must be extremely careful.

If one is not careful, it is very likely that it will be irreversible.

too difficult!

This is not to be alarmist, but to seek truth from the facts.

Li Weide really thinks that the game with the island team is too difficult!

He had to devote himself wholeheartedly to it. In the process, if he was a little negligent, he might be seized by the opponent.

And here, the one who makes Li Weide feel the most vigilant is the man who is standing on the strike zone now.

Even before the duel, Li Weide could feel the tremendous pressure just by standing on the strike zone.

That kind of pressure seems to be able to defeat him at any time.

Although Li Weide did not want to be subservient to others, he still sometimes thought about seeing the opponent in front of him.

I am afraid that there is really a gap in strength between myself and him.

As an arrogant star player, in general, he is absolutely reluctant to admit that he is worse than others.

Li Weide, to be able to get to this stage, I must have a certain arrogance in my heart.

In the past, even if he was temporarily defeated by his opponent.

He also never served anyone else.

He believes that as long as he works hard, he can make up for the gap between his body and his age.

So sooner or later, he will use his own way to prove himself and prove that he is better than anyone else.

This point, even when he met Alan, the son of God, could not change when he was a child.

Although in elementary school, he lost badly against Allen.

But Li Weide really feels that as long as his age and body grow up.

Sooner or later, he will definitely take revenge.

But now, facing the opponent in front of him. Although Li Weide was not without the ability to fight back, he felt a deep despair.

It\'s different from when he was a kid. When he was a kid, when he played with Allen, there was a big reason why he didn\'t feel hopeless.

He actually didn\'t know how big the gap between the two was.

When he was a child, he was still in a state of ignorance about baseball strength.

All he could feel was the gap between him and Allen at the time.

He doesn\'t know what this gap means, can he catch up?

In addition, he was two years younger than Allen, so he took it for granted.

As long as he is the same age as Allen, his physical fitness will catch up with Allen.

Then he can have the power to fight!

But now, facing Sawamura, who is the same age as him.

In the process of the duel between the two, he did not have any advantage.

This is very telling!

There are no age and fitness gaps, or even effort gaps.

Today, Li Weide\'s comprehensive strength is not comparable to Sawamura.

That can only show that his strength is indeed not comparable, and it can even be said that it is far worse.

Even if he didn\'t want to admit it, in his heart, Li Weide had to admit it.

It turned out that in addition to Allen, there are such terrifying opponents in this world.

He had met Alan a few weeks ago. As a rising star challenger, he has promised to challenge Allen\'s status.

At that time, Allen said something inscrutable.

"Put all your eyes on me, even if one day, you can really dream come true. Then you may not be able to stand on the top of this world!"

Li Weide is very curious, what kind of change can make Allen say such a thing?

It was also from that time that he learned Sawamura\'s name.

This teenager who is obsessed with practicing ball has never even heard of such a big news before.

Now, standing on the opposite side of Sawamura. Only then did he really know what kind of role this opponent was in front of him?

He is strong!

Even Li Weide has to admit that his strength is much stronger than himself.

The partner is not the original Sawamura, and the players in North America still know this news.

Therefore, Sawamura\'s strength was actually greatly discounted.

How much did you hit exactly? Livid had no way to guess.

However, many of the change **** that Sawamura was good at were now sealed.

No need at all!

You know, there are a lot of tricks for North American players out there.

If not, it would be impossible for these North American players to adapt to Sawamura\'s pitching so quickly.

There is no possibility!

Although he was very convinced of Sawamura\'s strength, Li Weide was absolutely reluctant to lose to the opponent in such a duel.

Sawamura is strong, really strong.

He admitted this.

But he himself is not completely powerless.

"At least in today\'s game, I will never lose to you."

What kind of style does the Great Demon King in his heyday have?

This, Li Weide has no way of knowing.

But now, in the face of such a big devil whose strength has been greatly discounted, he will never admit defeat.

Even if the referee\'s penalty standards become stricter, he will never change his original intention.

After throwing a bad ball, Li Weide\'s momentum did not stop there.

On the contrary, the state of his whole person shows that he is ambitious.

He wants to confront his opponent head-on, and he will never relax and compromise.

Feeling the fighting will of his teammates, the North American catcher was not very reluctant, but still gave him his support.

"Since this is your will, let\'s do it! Boy!!!"

The catcher is one year older than Li Weide, and he is usually like his brother, taking care of him and accommodating him.

When he realized Li Weide\'s fighting spirit, he originally planned to persuade Li Weide to use the four evils, and immediately changed his mind.

As the saying goes, strong melons are not sweet.

When the pitcher has already made up his mind, it is obviously not a wise approach to forcibly reverse the pitcher\'s mind.

Pitchers will be dissatisfied.

This may not be a problem for most mature pitchers.

They can make adjustments by themselves, and after adjusting, they can naturally face it again.

But young pitchers, it\'s different!

Young pitchers are arrogant guys. The stronger the team, the more arrogant their pitchers are.

Guys like this are basically donkeys.

You follow their hair, and that\'s fine.

Once you start playing against their fur, they\'re going to kick you out.

Although it sounds ugly, it is basically the truth, and it is still the kind that no one can refute.

So the North American catcher, after realizing the idea of ​​his partner.

He resolutely gave up his previous ideas and turned to support his partner.

Take it easy and do it!


After Li Weide got the support of his partner, the state of the whole person also completely relaxed.

The state relaxes and the tension in the body disappears.

However, Li Weide\'s whole person\'s fighting spirit has undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this time, he looked at Sawamura again, and he was no different from before.

It is no longer looking at the opponent, but at the class enemy.

If you are an opponent, you must defeat the opponent in an upright manner.

Even if you lose, it doesn\'t matter.

Instead, you will feel honored.

But class enemies are different!

Class enemies are the ones that must be defeated.

By all means, at any cost.

As long as it doesn\'t violate the rules and bottom line of baseball, then in Levi\'s view, there is nothing he can\'t do.


Not only the mental state of the whole person, but also the style of pitching has changed a lot.

I go!

Seeing this scene, Sawamura could only swear in his heart.

Now, apart from swearing occasionally, he can\'t find any other way to express himself.

Even swearing swear words, he can only be in his heart.

Don\'t dare to say it at all.

You must know that the Great Demon King is a celebrity, and it also represents his hometown and Tokyo.

If the news of swearing is exposed, it will not only lose his own face.

And his hometown and the brands he represents.

So although celebrities are good, they also have some flaws.

Compared with ordinary people, they are at least a little less free and unfettered.

Fortunately, Sawamura had anticipated such a situation from the beginning, and was very calm.

But now, I saw Levi\'s pitching.

Sawamura, who was originally calm, suddenly found that he seemed to have no way to calm down.

Under the blessing of that special state, Sawamura\'s eyesight was almost several times his usual.

It was under this kind of vision that he saw through the truth about Levi\'s pitching.

Similar to Sawamura\'s original imagination, Li Weide\'s pitching really has a set.

To be honest, there are not many changes in his pitching, there are only two in total.

One is falling and the other is traversing.

A curveball, a slider.

These two ball paths are complicated to say. But it\'s actually the most basic change ball!

It\'s just that the average pitcher, when practicing changing the ball, tries to make the change as large as possible.

And this Li Weide in front of him doesn\'t know whether he was born like this, or whether he was honed through his own efforts in the later period.

His variation of the ball is actually very small, so small that it is almost negligible.

It should be known that except for a very few players, most pitchers, even if they throw a change ball, the range of their change ball is not very large, usually only a few centimeters.

Li Weide even brought this kind of smallness into full play.

The variation range of his change ball is only two or three centimeters.

The vast majority, even less than one centimeter.

If you don\'t pay close attention, it is difficult for people to find this.

After all, the magnitude of this change is really too low.

One might wonder, is such a small change a good thing or a bad thing?

The original change was small and it was easy to be targeted, which is of course a bad thing. But if the magnitude is so small as it is now, it might not be a good thing.

Such a change ball has at least two benefits.

The first change is so small that the loss is very small during the pitching process.

Therefore, even if it is a changing ball, the opponent can throw it, and the speed of the ball is not much worse than that of a straight ball.

On the surface, this may not seem like much, but when you think about it, it\'s terrifying.

Especially in cooperation, Li Weide\'s ball speed.

He\'s not too fast, not too slow.

If the speed of the ball is too fast, because the pitch is strong, it is likely that the slight change will be directly overwhelmed.

After the change is submerged, the change ball may become a straight ball.

Again, the ball speed is not slow!

Because it can be almost the same as a straight ball, this way, it is more difficult for the opponent to detect.

And it was this just right that created the power of Levi\'s pitching.

It\'s hard for batters to spot subtle changes in pitching.

Even if they found out that the baseball strayed a bit during the flight, there was no way to determine what was the reason for the deviation?

And when there is no way to determine this, there are too many elements that can affect this.

People are afraid that it is difficult to think of the truth of Levid\'s pitching.

Sawamura was also surprised to see through the truth of the opponent\'s pitching.

It seems that the changing ball with little change really wants to throw it, and it is not that easy.

It\'s not that the smaller the variation, the easier it is to throw.

These are completely two different things and absolutely cannot be compared.

On the court, Sawamura kept an eye on his opponent.


He asked about the strength of the other party, and he also knew what the other party could do now.

The number of **** is good and bad.

The previous two balls, whether it was a good ball or a good ball outside the ball game, all of them showed it. The seven-star gods didn\'t make any outrageous actions to the white ball at all. .

He stood calmly on the strike zone, as if he would never swing a bat until he could wait for the ball he liked.

Not only the players from the island country, but even the players from Meimei can clearly feel this.

It\'s so nice to think!

Although they were responsible for calculating the strength of the countryside, they couldn\'t help but think about this guy in front of him, who was too capable of daydreaming.

Could it be that he thought that North America would kill itself at this time and throw a ball he could hit?

That possibility does not exist!

Even Li Weide would never do that arrogantly.

This is the voice of almost all North American players.

But Sawamura was calm, or confident.

It seemed that the white ball he was waiting for would definitely fly over.

As if it was destined, the white ball really flew over.

When the white ball flew out, all the players in North America were wide-eyed.

how is this possible?

How could it be possible to steal such a ball at such a time?

They couldn\'t understand why Li Weide would make such a move.

Could this guy be crazy?

In the incredible eyes of the crowd.
