Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 60: : Ace (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations!


In the second half of the fourth inning, the trump cards of the two teams were again pitted against Maimang.

The fans in the stands, watching the lively scene in front of them, were almost overwhelmed with excitement.

This scene is so exciting!

They have been looking forward to the positive dialogue between the ace of the two teams. Because Li Weide\'s own combat strength is not very strong, so the two face off against each other, if Li Weide is to fight.

Of course it didn\'t matter.

As a result, everyone can guess with their toenails.

Such a competition of disparity in strength is naturally nothing to look at.

But with Sawamura\'s blow, that\'s another story.

North American ace Li Weide, although he has excellent pitching skills, has not given the island team any chance so far.

But in his duel with Eijun Sawamura, he was hit with a home run.

From this point of view, it is impossible for Li Weide to turn a blind eye to Sawamura.

In addition, there is another very important point.

Sawamura is different from Levi!

Li Weide is a dedicated pitcher. Although he has reached his status, he has some strength in hitting and swinging.

But looking at the arrangement of the North American team, you can guess that his strength in attacking is definitely not that strong, otherwise he will not be ranked in the bottom line.

To put it bluntly, Levi\'s is a pure pitcher.

Sawamura is different!

Although the stars on the island team are dazzling, it seems that Sawamura is the only one who can really be called a superstar.

And Sawamura\'s terrifying fame was never just for his pitching.

This guy is also very good at fighting.

His on-base percentage, batting average, home runs in the island nation...

They are all among the best and even break records several times.

It is rude to say that in the current island team, he is the most powerful existence.

What he represents is not only himself, but also the strongest offensive ability of the island team.

Such a player comes on the field and fights to the death with the opponent\'s ace.

Anyone with a slightly normal mind knows what this means?

In the stands, two reporters from Baseball Kingdom Magazine.

He also expressed his views on such a lively scene in front of him.

"Sawamura-san is at a loss!"

Akiko Owada looked at this hot-blooded scene, and her heart froze.

She feels that the audience\'s current attitude is very problematic.

Everyone seems to be looking forward to the next match.

Perhaps they took it for granted that since Sawamura Eijun was able to hit hits before, he must be able to do it now.

But how can this thing be so easy?

Just getting a single hit is not an easy thing to do on the court, let alone a home run!

Moreover, the outcome of Sawamura and Li Weide was bet on the present matchup.

It is also very inappropriate!

The current situation is two outs with no one on base.

Sawamura loses as long as he can\'t hit a home run, even if he hits it!

This is so unfair!

Who can guarantee that they will be able to win a home run.

on the contrary.

Two outs, no one on base.

Think about it from a pitcher\'s point of view, and things change dramatically.

There has never been a better chance to face off against an opponent than this time.

This is the best chance!

It\'s good that Li Weide wins, but if he loses, he will just let Sawamura go to the base.

As long as he can successfully deal with the batter behind Sawamura.

So overall, he still won the final victory.

Such an opportunity is rare.

As long as Vader\'s brain is not flooded, he will definitely make the right choice.

Of course, Li Weide\'s brain didn\'t get water, not only did he not get water, his brain was still amazing.

He will definitely make the right choice.

As for the home run by Sawamura Rongcheng again!

There is definitely such a risk.

However, compared with the benefits he may obtain, this risk is not completely unacceptable.

In order to get enough benefits in the end, he doesn\'t mind taking risks at all.

Fujio did not agree with Owada Akiko\'s judgment.

In his opinion, his little colleague is a little preconceived.

Because she is a fan of Sawamura Eijun, when she was thinking about the problem, she subconsciously stood on the side of Sawamura.

But that\'s actually not fair!

As a news commentator, you can of course support someone when you express your opinion.

But the position must be objective.

This matchup was certainly not easy for Sawamura.

For his opponent, it is obviously not much better!

The presence of Sawamura on the pitcher mound before was too strong.

Even in such a crisis, Sawamura Eijun resolved it very calmly, so far, the score is still 1:0.

Although the vast majority of viewers, and North American supporters. They all firmly believed that it was only a matter of time before North America scored points.

When their own family knows about their own affairs, those players in North America may not be so optimistic in their hearts.

Regardless of the current North American players, they have found Sawamura\'s pitching rhythm, but those batters are also clear in their hearts. How difficult it is to hit Sawamura\'s ball and play it well.

The previous North American players looked like they were hitting hits and maybe even scoring.

But everyone knew it.

There\'s a bit of luck helping out there!

If you really want to hit the ball with strength, North American players, no matter how thick-skinned they are.

And definitely don\'t dare to admit it.

From this perspective, the North American players had one more chance, and they seized the opportunity to take hits and points from Sawamura.

And next, what the North American players want to do and can do.

Just trying to do everything possible to make it more feasible.

But again, they could also be unlucky.

Opportunities are created and strangled.

If the opponent changes to someone else, the North American players will not be able to grow other people\'s ambitions and destroy their own prestige.

But now the man in the island nation on the pitcher\'s mound is Sawamura!

This made the players in North America have to think more in their hearts.

The previous game between Sawamura and the North American Dream Team.

In that game, Sawamura even used the strength of breastfeeding.

But others don\'t know. In the eyes of outsiders, he almost single-handedly competed against the entire North American Dream Team.

The players of the North American team in front of them are all arrogant and arrogant.

But in their hearts, they were equally clear.

Compared with the seniors of the North American Dream Team, his strength is this little bit.

There is still a gap.

The players of both teams have their own shortcomings and their own strengths.

The real situation of the game between the two teams is that they bite each other very nervously.

At this time, it is not clear who has the upper hand.

And in the next duel.

A direct conversation between the ace of the two teams, Li Weide vs Sawamura.

In Fujio\'s view, this is both an opportunity and a huge pit for the players of both teams.

The result of the duel is very important, if Li Weide can solve Sawamura smoothly.

Then the home run pressure that North America faced before will completely disappear.

This is of course what they expect.


But once, Li Weide lost this duel.

Then he also had to meet the bitter fruit.

This is not a joke, given the current situation, once Eijun is occupied, it is difficult for Fujio to imagine that the Great Demon King will give his opponent a chance.


In fact, in the game before the big devil.

As long as Sawamura takes the initiative in the game, few opponents can come back.

He is like a needle of the sea-fixing god, making the opponent unable to do anything.

And once he has the upper hand, he will snowball his advantage further and further.

Sawamura is very good at this, and in countless previous competitions, it has been tried and tested.

Everyone held their breath and focused on the showdown between the two acees.

They can\'t be a veteran fan like Fujio who can see the problem so clearly and thoroughly.

For them, just the head-to-head confrontation between the two aces is enough to make their blood surging.

Li Weide on the mound, just like Fujio thought.

At this time, he was not as relaxed as he appeared to be, on the contrary, he was very nervous now.

Why are you so nervous!

Why are you so nervous? ?

Levid asked himself over and over again.

On weekdays, he always thought of himself as a rather calm and rational person.

No matter how complicated the situation is, he has an exquisite heart.

You can look at everything calmly.

But now every pore of him is open.

Levi\'s indescribably nervous!

This kind of tension, he not only can\'t express it, he can\'t even show it.

Li Weide knows that nervousness is contagious.

Once his emotions spread to others, the entire North American team would indulge in a tense atmosphere.

Once they are in such a situation, not to mention playing against the island team, whether they can survive until the end is a huge question?

In order not to make teammates nervous, in order to continue the game.

Even if Li Weide is under unprecedented pressure now, he can\'t see it from his face, so a little bit.

If people look at Levi\'s, all they can see from his face is composure.

And deep self-confidence.

It seemed like he could solve all the puzzles, including the opponent who was on the strike zone now.

His partner gave him a signal, which is one of the strategies they often use to deal with super-difficult opponents.

In the past, when encountering a strong enemy, Li Weide cooperated with his partner more than once.

Even they can\'t remember how many times they used this strategy to solve their opponents.

In Livid\'s impression, the probability of such a strategy failing is extremely low.

If his memory isn\'t wrong, he\'s been treated with the ball less than three times after using this strategy.

Every time, Levi\'s memory is still fresh.

Such a difficult game, of course, is very uncomfortable during the game.

Even after the game, because there is a possibility of losing the game, their mood is not very beautiful.

On the contrary, time has passed for a long time, and Li Weide sometimes misses it.

It has to be said that although such a game is uncomfortable, it can also bring great growth to people.

If Li Weide\'s memory is not deviated, then he has grown to the present level step by step through such games.


Then the entire North American team will indulge in a tense atmosphere.

Once they are in such a situation, not to mention playing against the island team, whether they can survive until the end is a huge question?

In order not to make teammates nervous, in order to continue the game.

Even if Li Weide is under unprecedented pressure now, he can\'t see it from his face, so a little bit.

If people look at Levi\'s, all they can see from his face is composure.

And deep self-confidence.

It seemed like he could solve all the puzzles, including the opponent who was on the strike zone now.

His partner gave him a signal, which is one of the strategies they often use to deal with super-difficult opponents.

In the past, when encountering a strong enemy, Li Weide cooperated with his partner more than once.

Even they can\'t remember how many times they used this strategy to solve their opponents.

In Livid\'s impression, the probability of such a strategy failing is extremely low.

If his memory isn\'t wrong, he\'s been treated with the ball less than three times after using this strategy.

Every time, Levi\'s memory is still fresh.

Such a difficult game, of course, is very uncomfortable during the game.

Even after the game, because there is a possibility of losing the game, their mood is not very beautiful.

On the contrary, a long time has passed, and Li Weide sometimes misses I have to say that although such a game is uncomfortable, it can also bring people great growth.

If Li Weide\'s memory is not deviated, then he has grown to the present level step by step through such games.

Then the entire North American team will indulge in a tense atmosphere.

Once they are in such a situation, not to mention playing against the island team, whether they can survive until the end is a huge question?

In order not to make teammates nervous, in order to continue the game.

Even if Li Weide is under unprecedented pressure now, he can\'t see it from his face, so a little bit.

If people look at Levi\'s, all they can see from his face is composure.

And deep self-confidence.

It seemed like he could solve all the puzzles, including the opponent who was on the strike zone now.

His partner gave him a signal, which is one of the strategies they often use to deal with super-difficult opponents.

In the past, when encountering a strong enemy, Li Weide cooperated with his partner more than once.

Even they can\'t remember how many times they used this strategy to solve their opponents.

In Livid\'s impression, the probability of such a strategy failing is extremely low.

If his memory isn\'t wrong, he\'s been treated with the ball less than three times after using this strategy.

Every time, Levi\'s memory is still fresh.

Such a difficult game, of course, is very uncomfortable during the game.

Even after the game, because there is a possibility of losing the game, their mood is not very beautiful.

On the contrary, time has passed for a long time, and Li Weide sometimes misses it.

It has to be said that although such a game is uncomfortable, it is also

(Draft, after half an hour, refresh and see!)