Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 59: : Frozen!

Sawamura didn\'t see Narimiya Ming\'s movements, but he saw Inoue catch the ball.

At this time, Sawamura was at least seven or eight meters away from home plate!

Too late?


Sawamura\'s heart was ruthless, and he continued to pounce on home plate without slowing down.

There is a process when a person just starts to rush, and the first ten meters, or the first few meters, is a process of acceleration, which is relatively slow. But once fully charged, the speed is very fast. Now Sawamura has rushed up, running seven or eight meters, not even a second.

In a real competitive duel, one second is enough for everyone to do a lot of things. At least enough Inoue to touch and kill Sawamura at home plate.

But Sawamura is different from others. He can still take risks when he steals home plate.

Because the joints of his body are naturally soft, Sawamura can dodge the gloves that the catcher stabs at an incredible angle.

Of course, this move is not a one-time trick. If the opponent has psychological precautions, Sawamura will have no way to use it.

In previous games, Sawamura had only used it once. So, there is still hope.

Xijing Middle School is not necessarily prepared!

With his mind made up, Sawamura swooped over.

"Don\'t touch his arm, touch his body directly!"

A voice like a **** of death cut off Sawamura\'s last bit of fantasy.


Who is speaking?

Sawamura raised his head in amazement, just in time to meet the eyes of Shang Chenggong Ming, who looked down at him.

my darling!

When this guy looks at the information, how carefully can he notice such details.

Home plate touchdown!

Sawamura\'s plan failed!

"You have made it clear what you want to do, how can I let you go back to home plate?"

At this moment, Cheng Gongming was extremely domineering.

Sawamura was out, although Feng Liang took this opportunity to get on base, but it didn\'t help.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

The two sides each returned to their own bullpen, and no one\'s mood could be calm.

Especially Sawamura, who lived a new life, with the experience of previous life, Sawamura played, although it is not that he never lost, but that is because the strength gap between the two sides is too big, Sawamura is unable to return to the sky.

Normally, as long as Sawamura has set a good plan, it has not been unsuccessful.

It was the first time that he had a chance to score points like this, but was blocked by the opponent\'s strong defense.

"Wow, it really is Cheng Gongming, amazing!"

The blood in the body rolled, and Sawamura began to get serious.

In the first half of the third round, Xijing Middle School attacked.

Sawamura took advantage of the defensive cooperation and scored three outs in six goals.

In the Xijing bullpen, Coach Yamamoto felt that something was wrong, so he couldn\'t help asking his own recorder.

"How many pitches has Sawamura pitched so far?"



Coach Yamamoto\'s eyes suddenly widened, although he had previously felt that Eijun Sawamura should not have pitched much. But I didn\'t expect that the three innings were over, and Sawamura\'s pitch count had not reached twenty!

Unlike high school students and professional baseball games, there are only seven innings for middle school students. The three innings are relatively half the game, and after the game, Sawamura\'s pitches were only less than 20.

According to this ratio, even if the game is over, Sawamura\'s pitching numbers are limited.

"Where\'s the palace?"

"Mr. Chenggong didn\'t throw a lot of balls, and there are 20 **** in total in the two innings!"

Honestly, the number of **** is really low.

"The other side doesn\'t want to play extra matches, right?"

Coach Yamamoto thought doubtfully, the game came to the third inning, the second half.

Narimiya took three outs from Komaki, Yamazaki and Oda with ease.

And just like that, the game went to the fourth inning.

In the first half of the fourth inning, Xijing Middle School attacked.

This is the hit line of Xijing Middle School, and it is the second time to stand on the hit area. To be honest, in the middle school game, it\'s time for them to take action. If there is a delay in taking action, Xijing Middle School may not have a chance to act when it comes to the strike zone in the third round.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

strike out!

Tanaka looked at the white ball in Feng Xiangao\'s hand with an extremely ugly expression.

Maybe it was his own delusion, not necessarily. The inside corner kick just now sank by his hand.

How could there be such a change?

This disparity in strength was something Tanaka had never encountered before.

Once out, it was Torichiro\'s turn to strike.


Tanaka couldn\'t hit the ball with his bat, but Tiger Ichiro hit the ball very easily!

Can hit out and hit out, but the ball didn\'t hit well, and it rolled on the front of third base.

Yamaguchi dragged his bloated body, picked up the ball, and sent it to first base.


Strike out Tanaka, then seduce Torichiro to swing the bat.

Sawamura\'s soft and hard pitching rhythm caught people off guard.

The players from Xijing Middle School were even more confused.

Two outs, it\'s the third stick, Inoue.


Inoue hit the ball with one hit, and the baseball flew quite far.


Sawamura reminded that Nobu Nakagawa ran like a madman to the place where the baseball fell, and firmly caught the ball in his glove.


Goofy, take the kill!

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

In the second half of the fourth inning, Akagi Middle School attacked, and the line started from the second pole, Yamaguchi.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"Great shot! Strikeout."

Three goals, Yamaguchi Ken was struck out.

There is hardly any suspense.

Unless the blind cat encounters a dead mouse, Yamaguchi\'s current swing will not hit Cheng Gongming\'s ball at all.

Once out, no one hits base.

"The third stick, catcher, Feng Xiang Aoyi."

This time, Feng Xiang, who stepped into the strike zone, had just recovered from the previous blow.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

Feng Xiang, who had just recovered, was crushed by Cheng Gongming again.

In the second duel with Cheng Gongming, Feng Xiang Aoyi barely got used to Cheng Gongming\'s pitching, but he still failed to hit!

The speed of the ball to the hand is too fast, so fast that it is difficult for people to react.

Two outs, no one on base.

"Fourth, pitcher, Sawamura-san."

It was Sawamura\'s turn to strike, and the situation was two outs, with no one on base.

At this time, unless Eijun Sawamura can hit a home, even if he hits base, it is of no use.


The white ball was hit, landed in front of the third baseman, and was caught.


Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

Akagi Middle School played in the game of Xijing Middle School. Before the first half of the five innings, the scoreboard seemed to be frozen and never moved.

Until the first half of the fifth inning, Xijing Middle School was the fourth player, leveling up in the strike zone.

This situation has changed.

In the first half of the fifth inning, Xijing attacked.

"Fourth, first baseman, flush!"

The batter who homered Ken Uesugi\'s bullet, played for the second time.