Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 58: : The Prince of Tokyo (Homage to the Fat Bookworm)

This ball, so fast!

Like lightning, it flew to the front of the third baseman of Xijing Middle School.

"Third baseman!"

With a smile on his face, Cheng Ming greeted the third baseman to guard.

This ball, although more difficult to handle, flew in front of the third baseman, and it was no problem to stop it.

Even if you can\'t catch the ball in the glove the first time, you can stop it first, and then pass it to first base.

After all, Sawamura\'s speed is not fast, and it is difficult for Sawamura to get on base by simply running with speed.

The ball went out, and Sawamura sprinted to first base.

He knew what Cheng Gongming thought, but it was too naive!

Chenggong Ming\'s thinking is still stuck in the era of his youth club, he neglected a little.

The game rhythm of the Softball League is different from that of the nation\'s top youth baseball team where Naruto Miyako works. It seems that there is no chance in Cheng Gongming, but it does not mean that there is no chance in the softball league.


The ball was flying too fast, and the third baseman of Xijing Middle School didn\'t dare to use his glove to catch it, otherwise, once he let go, it would be too late to regret it.

He blocked the ball with his body, picked up the baseball, and passed to first base.

Passing and Sawamura are almost in sync with first base.

The referee on the first base side hesitated for a while, then shouted: "Safety!"

In this way, Sawamura relied on an infield rebound and ran to first base.

On the pitcher mound, Naru Gongmin frowned and glanced at his third baseman.

To be honest, this is his second time working with these players.

I didn\'t expect these guys to move so slowly!

A millimeter difference, a thousand miles lost.

In the action just now, Xijing\'s third baseman may only be half a second worse than Nanomiya Ming\'s original teammate, or even less. But this gap is enough to cause two completely different results.

Sawamura was dragging a bunch of oil bottles, and Chenggong Ming was not the original elite soldier beside him.

You have to change your original thinking, otherwise, Sawamura still has a lot to take advantage of.

Here, Nagiya Ming wants to change his thinking, and there Sawamura has already begun to act.

Not only the third baseman, but also their catcher, Inoue.

Sawamura left first base and ran to second base while Narunomiya pitched.

Inoue has not been partnering with Nagiya Ming for a long time. Nagami Ming\'s ball hitters can\'t hit it, and it\'s not easy for the catcher to catch it. Rao is that Inoue has some means. When taking the ball from Narimiya, he should also focus on the baseball. At this time, he dared to distract his attention to see Sawamura.


At this time, it was Ashin\'s turn to strike, and Ashin naturally missed Chenggong Ming\'s ball.

Inoue caught the ball in his hands.

"Pass second base!"

As soon as Inoue received the ball, he heard the call of the shortstop. He looked back and saw that Sawamura was already close to second base.

That\'s too late!


No one out, there is someone at second base.

Under Sawamura\'s seemingly reckless actions, the Akagi Middle School baseball team ushered in their best scoring opportunity.

The conditions for bunts and stealing bases are mature!

"Senior Narimiya, aren\'t you surprised?"

It was rare for Sawamura to laugh wickedly.

Speaking of which, he actually really wanted to have a fair fight with Cheng Gongming, but the status of the two sides was not equal. It is impossible for Sawamura to abandon Akagi\'s interests because of his own selfishness.

Akagi\'s opponent is not only Nagiya Naruto, but the entire Xijing.

Xijing Middle School is still in the running-in period of Xijing Middle School.

"The pitcher is the core of a team, but it doesn\'t mean that you can change it casually."

He glanced at Xijing\'s third baseman, and then at Inoue in the catcher\'s position.

The corners of Sawamura\'s mouth curled up, revealing a sneer.

It is good to change the engine, but you also have to run it in and match it. If it is not run in well, use it. If it is not good, it will stall.

Don\'t take too big steps, it\'s easy to pull the eggs!

This point, Sawamura saw through the last match between Xijing and Yokozuna.

Yokozuna is also dead-headed, and he is devoted to sparring with Narimiya Naruto, what is the result?

It\'s not that he was beaten by Chenggong Ming.

But in fact, at that time, there was absolutely no need for yokozuna to do that. You don\'t have to struggle to use blows to tear down Xijing Middle School\'s defense, and use mobility and the way they dealt with Akagi in the first place, and you may not be able to win Xijing Middle School.


The small white ball was shot by Ashin, and Sawamura, who had been prepared, immediately flew to third base.



There was no suspense, and Sawamura, who acted one step ahead, went to third base. Ashin was banned.

Once out, there was someone at third base.

Ashin, who was off the court, let out a long sigh of relief. The ball just scared him to death.

To put it in a bad way, Ashin was almost scared to pee at that time.

It\'s too late, the ball seems to be jumping towards him, if he hadn\'t thought about not letting Xiao Rong down, Ashin wouldn\'t want to do such a dangerous thing.

Although soft **** do not hurt as much as hard balls, they are also very painful to hit.

"Sixth, shortstop, classmate Feng Liang."

At this time, it was Feng Liang\'s turn to strike. As soon as he came on the court, he assumed the same bunt stance as Ashin.

He wants to bunt too!

On the pitcher\'s mound, Narunomiya began to face the Akagi team for the first time, not just Sawamura alone.

In the face of his own ball, it was the first time that Naru Gong Ming dared to use a bunt so decisively.

"These guys are really interesting."

If you want a bunt, then I\'ll let you play! If you want to steal the base, I will let you steal!

Cheng Gongming\'s face became cold and solemn, and he shot the ball decisively.


The small white ball, like a ray of light, flew towards the top of the plate.


Feng Liang, who was already delicate-looking, was frightened by cold sweat.

die, die! If you hit him, you will definitely die.

Dodge, dodge!

No, can\'t dodge! !

"Would you like to play baseball with me?"

A year and a half ago, Big Brother Sawamura invited him like this.

Since then, no one has ever laughed at themselves as a sissy.

What to say, at this time, I can\'t go back.


In the face of the flying baseball, Feng Liang didn\'t retreat for half a step, but just knocked the ball out with a bat.


When the baseball hit the ground, Sawamura rushed out from third base like a sharp arrow and rushed towards home plate.

Sawamura never doubted his friends, especially Ashin and Feng Liang. The brothers cooperate so They have never let Sawamura down.

My brother may not be strong enough.

But if it is the courage of the game, they will never lose to anyone.

Sawamura flew towards home plate, and at this time Narimiya Ming was not idle.

At the beginning, Naru Miya didn\'t expect Akagi\'s people to back down, so after he pitched the ball, he rushed forward immediately.

The baseball popped out and landed right in front of Nagiya Naruto. Or maybe it wasn\'t right. He shot right in the first place.

In the face of bunts, Nagiya Naruto hits the center of the shot!

Picking up the baseball with a glove, Narutomiya didn\'t even change his hand, and directly passed the ball to the catcher Inoue with the glove.


When Inoue caught the ball, he was stunned. At this time, Sawamura was still eight or nine meters away from home plate.
