Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 56: : Akagi's attack power

"Nice job!"

In the corner of the stand, Tenryuji Middle School, which had been eliminated, did not leave Tokyo. They traveled for a day, and the next day they came to watch Akagi Middle School\'s match against Xijing.

After losing the game, the friends of Tianlongji Middle School were not so interested. But their coach, the old fox Yamano, has repeatedly asked them to come to this game.

"Dad, how can we, the defeated general, have any face to watch the game? Waiting for others to watch our jokes?"

Nanami Haruka contradicted in disbelief at that time.

It is conceivable that with Chicheng Middle School\'s attention to the Xijing Middle School game, there are more than a dozen media at the scene, and there are several live broadcasts.

So many cameras are constantly scanning the audience, and sooner or later they will find the figures of the players from Tianlong Temple Middle School. Once they find their figures, what will the media say?

It\'s hard to say anything good.

And even if they are praised, they are used to set off Chicheng Middle School or Xijing Middle School.

Nanami Haruka is unwilling to be such a supporting role.

"If you want to play baseball in the future, it will be very beneficial for you to know the strengths of Sawamura Eijun and Narimiya Naruto. You know the art of war, know yourself and your enemy, and you will be safe in a hundred battles. If you say that you can\'t even do your own opponent\'s strength, you can\'t do anything about it. Face it objectively. How can you ensure that you can play your strengths calmly when you are playing against the opponent?"

If you want to continue to play baseball, Narimiya Naruto and Sawamura Eijun are his future opponents.

Just thinking about such a thought made Nanami Haruka excited.

He hasn\'t lost yet!

It was only after listening to my coach that the players from Tenryuji Middle School appeared here.

At this time, seeing Sawamura Eijun posing as a bunt, the players from Tenryuji Middle School were also shocked.

But they didn\'t realize that, where is the wisdom of their coaches?

Isn\'t this just an ordinary hit? And even if Sawamura Eijun went to base, with Narimiya Naruto\'s strength, it would not be a problem to solve the few hitters after Akagi Middle School.

As Akagi Junior High\'s rival in Nagano Prefecture. Tenryuji is too aware of the strength of Akagi Middle School!

Speaking of the defense of Akagi Middle School, especially when it comes to Sawamura\'s pitching, Tenryu is a middle school player, and he is not unconvinced.

Even if they guarded a genius like Nanami Haruka all day, they had to admit that Sawamura Eijun was a bit higher than Nanami Yao in terms of pitching.

They may not be able to say exactly where the height is, it is just their feeling, but they firmly believe that their feeling is correct.

Facts have also proved that on the court, Sawamura Eijun is indeed much more domineering than Nanami Haruka.

But when it comes to the blow of Akagi Middle School, Tianlong Temple still disdains it.

Akagi Middle School\'s batters who have the ability to strike are only a few pieces of material in total.

Sawamura is the most stable among them. Even if it is dragged to the whole country, these friends from Tianlongsi Middle School also think that Sawamura\'s striking strength can be ranked first.

But the problem is that it is only Sawamura!

Akagi Middle School\'s fighting strength is not good, the biggest problem is that there is no batter who can connect with Sawamura Eijun.

Then Fengxiang Aoyi!

If you simply talk about attacking strength, Fengxiang\'s strength is actually not bad, which is not denied by the players of Tianlongsi Middle School.

But the problem is that Feng Xiang\'s attack is too obvious. It\'s easy to target him.

As long as it is a shooting partner who is familiar with Feng Xiang\'s fighting habits, he will have some strength. Solving Fengxiang is not a big problem.

In fact, just look at the score of Akagi Middle School. Against a normal team, Feng Xiang\'s attacking power was terrifyingly high.

But against the real tough stubble, Feng Xiang\'s attacking power is not enough.

Whether it was against Big Mac Yokozuna Middle School before or against Tenryu Temple in the final, Feng Xiang\'s performance was unsatisfactory.

In addition to these two, Oda and Yamaguchi are still a bit strong!

But their strength is very limited.

Take this national competition as an example, except for the dazzling performance against Ku Xiaomu, other times, Akagi\'s lineup was very sluggish.

How can such a line play be called smart?

The friends at Tenryuji Middle School were very puzzled.

The old mountain fox shook his head.

"I know that you look down on Akagi Middle School\'s line-up. In fact, let alone you, even I have never paid attention to Akagi Middle School\'s attacking strength. I always thought that Akagi Middle School\'s line-up, namely Sawamura, Feng Xiang and two people, as long as the two of them are separated, Chicheng\'s attack will not pose any threat."

That\'s right!

The friends of Tianlongsi Middle School all agreed with what their coach said. But the problem is that they all know these things, so why does the coach say that Akagi is smart?

"Know yourself and your enemy, and you will be safe in a hundred battles. We can all see these things. As the founder of the team, how can Sawamura-san not be clear?"

"In fact, we all made a mistake. We always thought that Akagi Middle School\'s attacking power was very bad, and we should not be afraid. But in fact, a team\'s score is not all based on attacking strength, but attacking strength! Akagi Middle School\'s attacking strength It’s really unsightly, but their attacking power is definitely not like that. If their attacking power is not strong, how can they take points from the yokozuna and us?”

This year\'s national competition made the old fox Yamano see a lot of things he hadn\'t seen before.

"Akagi\'s entire offensive power is characterized by its unique fixed-point blasting ability. Also, its terrifying tactical execution ability."

Just like now, Sawamura\'s purpose of arranging himself in the fourth position is not just because he is the most powerful striker in Akagi Middle School.

"It\'s because of him that he has a 100% chance of hitting base. UU Reading"

When Oda, Yamaguchi and Fengxiang were all dealt with, then Sawamura would be the first to stand on the strike zone.

At this time, Sawamura, who has the ability of single-point blasting, only needs to hit the second base, or in other words, after winning the hit, he will lurk to the second base.

Then Akagi Middle School can use the tactics of bunting and stealing bases.

This set of tactics has been specially honed by the friends of Chicheng Middle School, and they can rely on this set of tactics steadily to win key points.

Pitcher Sawamura solves or crushes all the batters, and then relies on this set of tactics to win the key points.

This is the magic weapon of Akagi Middle School, which is always victorious and undefeated.

Of course, this is not the most important reason why the old fox Yamano praised Sawamura. What really made the old fox Yamano feel that Sawamura was smart was the day when the Akagi Middle School baseball team was established, and Sawamura had already done it consciously.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the high level of cooperation and tactical execution of Akagi Middle School.