Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 55: : 0 points 0

"It\'s so late?"

In the bullpen of Xijing Middle School, Coach Yamamoto\'s face became extremely ugly.

Having watched the video of Sawamura\'s previous game, he certainly knew that Sawamura could throw a speeding straight ball. He also knew that with a sharp pitch like Sawamura, when Qi Ping saw it for the first time, it was very likely that he would not be able to hit it.

But Yamamoto never thought that it would be so late when Chi Ping swings his bat!

The ball was in the batter\'s glove, and Qi Ping had just hit the bat.

How can the difference in speed between this guy\'s speeding straight ball and ordinary straight ball be so big?

Even Yamamoto, who was on the sidelines, was amazed, not to mention the fact that he was standing flush on the strike zone at this time.

His eyes looked at Sawamura in disbelief, as if he wanted to see through Sawamura.

Is the guy standing on the mound now a middle school student one year younger than him? You don\'t underreport your age, do you?

Qi Ping\'s eyes did not bring any influence to Sawamura, and he still threw the third ball at his own pace.


Sawamura\'s pitch was impressive.

On the strike zone, Qi Ping\'s heart tensed subconsciously. He had already been chased by two strikes, but at this time he was forced to a dead end.

He has to swing!

And it must be fast, fast!


Facing the baseball, Qi Ping swung his bat, but he didn\'t see Sawamura\'s pitch flying over until he finished his swing.

so slow, so slow

This ball is really slow, slow and scary.


"Strike, strike out!"

The last ball is a change-up.

Qi Ping felt that his entire face was stiff.

What a joke, overdrive, changeup!

These things appear in the competition of middle school students, is it really good?

"What a monster!"

At this time, Qi Ping vaguely understood why people liked to be called the Great Demon King Sawamura.

Such a guy, appearing in the middle school game, is simply a foul.

Crushing all opponents, not the big devil, what is it?

Once out, no one gets on base!

"Sawamura! Sawamura!!!"

In the audience, the brothers of the Brotherhood of Hearts and the Demon King\'s Praetorian Guard stood up to applaud their idols.

San Zhenyu finally appeared again.

What about Xijing Middle School?

I could solve the yokozuna at the beginning, and now I can solve you the same, it\'s no problem.

"Fifth, pitcher, Naruto Miyako."

"This kid is so rude!"

Narimiya Naruto, who stepped into the strike zone, looked at the awe-inspiring Sawamura, and a feeling of never admit defeat appeared on him.

I don\'t know why, but Naruto Miyako felt that way, feeling that he absolutely couldn\'t lose to Sawamura.

On the mound, strikeouts, and the crowd cheers.

The current Sawamura is in a mess.

How does this work?

I should be the only one who can pull like that on the mound!

The bat in Naimiya Ming\'s hand was raised high, and his eyes were fixed on Sawamura, as if he wanted to stare Sawamura out of the hole.


Sawamura on the pitcher mound did not panic, but felt a little nostalgic.

Nagiya Ming only heard of Sawamura\'s name, and didn\'t really know Sawamura. But Sawamura is different. He knows Cheng Gongming, and it can even be said that he is very familiar.

Cheng Gongming is not outstanding despite his height and figure, but his strength is different.

His power is outstanding!

A pitcher with a really fast ball speed will generally not hit too weakly.

Narimiya is famous not only for his pitching, but also for his striking. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t be able to serve as a basesweeper in a giant high school in the future.

Senior Ming Miyako!

Just let me see the strength of the hard-rod top hitters, okay?

With a whisper in his heart, Sawamura shot the ball.


The white ball, like a laser beam, shot above the home plate.

On the strike area, Naruto Naruto waved his bat without any hesitation.


The bat and the small white ball staggered past without touching anyone.


"nice shot!"

One good ball, zero bad.

The number of **** to Naimiya is behind.


"nice shot!"

On the second shot, Sawamura appeared to be throwing the exact same straight ball, with the small white ball traversing the space barrier and appearing above the plate.

This ball, Naru Gong Ming also swung the bat and shot, but did not touch the ball.

The number of **** was two strikes, and the batter was chased.

In the head-to-head dialogue between Narimiya Naruto and Sawamura, it seems that Sawamura has the absolute upper hand.

This makes the audience very excited.

On the pitcher\'s mound, Sawamura\'s face was not light.

Swinging is scary!

A dozen meters away, he could faintly hear the sound of Cheng Gongming\'s swing.

This is the first time this has happened in so many games.

If the guy touches the ball, even if he misses the center of the ball, he can probably hit the ball very far.

In this way, it is even more impossible for him to touch the ball.

On the pitcher\'s mound, Sawamura\'s legs were raised high, and then he stomped on the ground. As his body\'s center of gravity shifted, the baseball in Sawamura\'s hand threw out.


On the strike area, Cheng Gongming\'s face was filled with unyielding energy.

I can\'t believe it, I can\'t hit the ball!



"Strike, strike out!"

Narutomiya looked at Sawamura on the pitcher mound unwillingly.

Damn, this stinky boy really flew up.

Next time, I must play it out!

With Nagiya Ming out, Xijing Middle School played the sixth stick.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!"

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

Narimiya strikes Oda, Yamaguchi, and Fengxiang.

Not to be outdone, Sawamura struck out four, five or six at the core of Xijing.

Qi Ping, Chenggong Ming, and the sixth stick who are not weak in striking strength.

Sawamura, Naruto Naruto, the two of you come and go, and you won\'t give in to each other.

In the bullpen of Xijing Middle School.

Coach Yamamoto\'s brows were almost furrowed into a pimple.

Although he knew that Sawamura was a big problem before, when he actually competed, he suddenly realized that Sawamura might be more troublesome than he thought.

A man who can suppress Yokozuna and Tenryuji should not be underestimated.

In the second half of the second game, Akagi Middle School attacked.

"Fourth, pitcher, Sawamura-san."

With the commentary, the scene fell into a! Sawamura! ! ! "

"Song Gongming! Cheng Gongming!!!"

The most exciting pitching matchup in baseball.

To a certain extent, this matchup is even related to the direction of the game.

On the strike zone, Sawamura had a mischievous smile on his face.

Come, come, let me treat you well, Senior Chenggong Ming!

Sawamura, who was standing on the strike area, took the stance of a bunt.

If it is someone else, this kind of key duel, putting on a bunt, will definitely be considered guilty. But Sawamura was different. When they saw him play bunts, everyone seemed to see that Sawamura was bound to win.

Sawamura has never missed this kind of strike until now.

It can be said that it is his 100% successful strike posture!