Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 53: : unstoppable

In the first round of the Kanto Conference, Qingdao High School played against the giant Yokohama Gangbei, and it was in full swing. 【Read the latest chapter】

The two sides launched a fierce battle in the fourth inning. First, Yokohama Kokita relied on a super strong home run against Furano and scored two points. Not to be outdone, following Qing Dao, Miyuki and Sawamura attacked three times from the beginning of the formation.

They also took home two points.

The score was 3:2, and Qing Dao was still one point ahead.

After that, Yokohama Gangbei\'s ace pitcher Yineng broke out, conquered Hakushu and Kuramochi again and again, and barely held the fourth inning.

Such fierce attack and defense made the audience dizzy.

"It\'s wonderful! It feels like the pitchers of both teams are a little powerless. With such a strong defensive support, they are still so precarious."

Some viewers couldn\'t help but ask questions.

In fact, during the game, it does feel that way. Whether it\'s Yineng from Yokohama Gangbei or Danbo from Aoshima, they seem to be a little stretched in the face of the opponent\'s lineup.

There is no strong bearing of a giant ace at all.

"Do you understand Mao?"

A senior fan next to him scoffed at the audience\'s question.

"The ace of both teams is of course very strong, and their fielding is even more tempered. Any one of the two teams, if the fielding is taken out alone, can be ranked in the country. The reason why the pitcher seems to be incompetent is not that the pitcher is too good. Weak, but the offensive power of these two teams is too strong. The Yokohama Kokita headed by Furano and the Qingdo High School headed by Yujie, their offensive power, even among the national level teams, are among the best. "

"It is precisely because the other party\'s attack power is too strong! It seems that the defenses of both sides are a little fragile."

It has to be said that the masters are in the folk. The analysis of this veteran fan really has some truth. Although the stability of the attack has always been taboo, but the real giants can always show terrifying destructive power.

For example, Yokohama Konoku, for example, Qingdo High School.

These two teams, at any given time, have a very intimidating attack.

In the first half of the fifth game, Yokohama Port North attacked.

In the face of Yokohama\'s lower line, Danba threw in extraordinary form, allowing Yokohama Konoku\'s batter to go up and down three times.

I don\'t know if it\'s because of Sawamura\'s excitement, but Danbo is getting better and better at this time. As his partner, Miyuki felt the deepest feeling. Judging from his feeling, the current Danbo seems to be showing extraordinary fighting spirit in every shot.

In the second half of the fifth inning, Qingdao High School attacked.

It was Ryosuke Kominato\'s turn to hit the wire.

At this time, Ryosuke Kominato smiled like a devil.


"The outside world!"

After two strikes and one bad ball was chased.

Ryosuke Kominato entered demon mode and began to consciously throw Yineng\'s pitch out of bounds.

At first, how did you feel?

But later, I gradually realized that something was wrong.


"The outside world!"

"Bad ball!"

Yineng has thrown a full eleven balls, all of which were thrown out of bounds by Ryosuke Kominato, and he also saved three bad balls.

Two good balls, three bad balls, full ball count.

At this time, even a fool could see that something was wrong.

"You did a great job, Minato-senpai."

"Just chase the pitcher."

"Watching pitchers being forced to throw so many pitches is inexplicably good."

In the stands, the friends of the Second Army and the Third Army kept cheering for Ryosuke Kominato.

in the cowshed.

Qing Dao\'s little friends roared excitedly one by one, this feeling is very refreshing.

Chris smiled and shook his head.

Kominato Ryosuke is too naughty, he is bullying the opponent\'s pitcher to pitch without the ball. Even the changing ball in the corner was hit out of bounds

"As expected of the devil brother, he is indeed amazing!"

Rao Shisawamura has experience in rebirth, and believes that his striking skills are far superior to that of ordinary high school students.

Boy, it\'s so scary!

That pitcher, if he was entangled by him, probably would have wanted to cry.

On the field, the position of the catcher.

Bai Yu frowned at Ryosuke Kominato, and to be honest, he was a little dumbfounded. Bai Yu has never seen someone like Kominato Ryosuke who has tempered the attack to this level before.

I rely on, too strong!

Even the changing **** in the corners are not missed, so it is very difficult to eliminate Ryosuke Kominato.

Adventure is needed!

Let\'s go fishing.

Bai Yu gave Yineng a secret signal for fishing.

On the pitching mound, Yineng nodded and then threw a ball.

On the strike zone, Ryosuke Kominato carefully observed the path of the ball.

This is a good shot!

With the bat clenched in his hand, Ryosuke Kominato was ready to swing.

Wait, wait a minute. No, the trajectory of this ball will fly out of the strike zone.

Just before he was about to swing the bat, Ryosuke Kominato stopped his movements.


The baseball flew straight into the open glove of the catcher, White Feather.

"Bad ball!"

"Guide to base!"

Ryosuke Kominato succeeded in the four bad picks and was sent to base.

Looking at the face of pitcher Yineng at this time, it was almost like eating a fly.

Too Nima is disgusting!

For a ball-handling expert like him, he was forced to make four bad shots. One can imagine his bad mood.

No outs, man at first base.

"Please advise!"

At this time, a very polite figure walked up to the strike zone. He saluted the referee respectfully, then turned around, and immediately seemed to be a different person. Fierce face full of evil spirits.

"Come on, watch me blow you up!"

The third stick, Jun Izashiki, hit the strike zone.

In the face of Jun Isashiki, the first ball of Shiro Yu was matched with a bad ball.

He wanted to seduce Jun Isashiki, who was an active swinger, to swing the bat in order to win the number of strikes.

As a result, he succeeded and failed.

Jun Isashiki shot the bad ball, but he didn\'t miss the bat as Shiraba had expected, but instead hit the ball in one breath, and the baseball fell on the open field in the outfield, forming a long hit.

Ryosuke Kominato went to third base and Jun Isashiki went to second base.

No one out, there are people at second and third base.

It\'s the fourth round of the blow, forming Tetsuya.

At this time, Bai Yu was still immersed in the shock of Jun Izashiki\'s Just now, Yi Neng clearly threw a bad ball with a high inside corner, and he was about to come close to the batter. In theory, there is no way for a batter to swing in this position.

But Izashiki just swung the bat.

He threw the bat out like a machete.

The most terrifying thing is that Jun Izashiki also hit the outfield when he hit the ball in such a strange posture.

"It\'s really unreasonable!"

Bai Yu, who has always been calm, wants to scold people.

At this time, the strike was the most stable, and two hits in two rounds formed the strike zone.

Qing Dao\'s offensive, like a raging wave, was unstoppable.

Since Ryosuke Kominato, Yineng has been out of rhythm.

A pitcher like him, once out of rhythm, is not far from a breakdown.