Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 52: : With Sawamura's chemical reaction (pay tribute to Chubby)

In middle school, every time Sawamura played bunts, he gave people a feeling of high anticipation. 【Read the latest chapter】

This is not to say that Sawamura\'s bunts are so good. No matter how good you are, a bunt is a bunt, and it doesn\'t have the appeal of a home run.

But Sawamura Eijun\'s bunt stance is obviously different from other people\'s bunts. Every time Sawamura Eijun puts on such a striking posture, he has to do something, and what happened next is very interesting just thinking about it.

During the entire middle school years, there were not many times when Sawamura posed like this. But every time it is a harbinger of scoring, almost every time it can turn the game around on the court.

According to the tabloids, it seems like there was only one miss! At other times, as long as Sawamura played bunts, he almost scored points.

It was dubbed by the media as a winning posture!

At this time, Sawamura put on a winning posture. Those fans who knew Sawamura at the scene and saw the video of Sawamura\'s game were naturally excited.

To be honest, they have a sense of satisfaction in witnessing history.

Sawamura Eijun\'s first high school battle, they are witnesses.

The audience was both excited and excited, looking at Sawamura\'s striking figure, anxiously looking forward to something.

These, people on the field do not know!

Either Bai Yu or Yineng, they all thought that Sawamura chose to bunt at this time in order to send Miyuki to third base. The idea of ​​Sawamura cheating, they didn\'t think about it, but after passing through their minds, they were automatically blocked by them.

You must know that cheating is different from hitting with a fixed posture. That requires great swing skill and talent to do.

After all, Sawamura is just a freshman who just graduated. No matter how good he is, he can\'t be good at everything. In particular, Sawamura\'s position is the pitcher\'s position that requires the most knowledge.

In three years of middle school, Sawamura can figure out what happened on his pitching mound, which is good. It is impossible to expect him to hone his skills to a very high level in combat.

With this idea in mind, their ball distribution and pitching are very simple and rude, and the purpose is to better get Sawamura out of the game. As for double play, if there is a chance, of course they will not miss it! The chances are not good, even if Miyuki goes to third base, it is not unacceptable.

The most important thing is to take this out on Sawamura first. Of course, as a rich and powerful catcher, Bai Yu also considered the possibility that Sawamura would cheat. Although he thought the possibility was very low, he still took precautions.

Just in the face of Sawamura\'s cheating and beating, his precaution is far from enough to see.

The moment he saw the opposing pitcher Yi Neng throw the ball, the bat in Sawamura\'s hand was retracted.

When the baseball was close to his hand, the bat in his hand swung out again.


After the white ball was hit, it was thrown far away.

Baseball bounces between two outfielders

"Go through!"

"Outfield long fight!!!"

"Mighty, I am the Great Demon King Sawamura!"

"So handsome!"


As the baseball shot by Sawamura Eijun hit the ground, Miyuki didn\'t stop for a second, and rushed back to home plate in one breath, helping Qingdo High School overtake the opponent and score the third point.

As for Sawamura, he rushed to second base in one go.

Once out, there\'s someone at second base!

Qingdao High School\'s attack is far from over.

However, the strength and coherence they showed in this attack is still eye-catching.

"Too strong, this hit the line!"

"Like a continuous flood, once it begins, it never ends."

"Qingdao High School\'s lineup is a bit scary to begin with, but now with Sawamura, the whole lineup is even tighter."

"That is to say. In the past, I felt that the upper line and the middle line were stronger, but now even the lower line makes people feel breathless."

"Sawamura! Sawamura!!!"

In the stands, cheers for Sawamura came from all directions, and the sound enveloped the entire stadium.

The players of the Yokohama Kongbei Academy, looking at the amazing scene in front of them, faintly had an illusion, as if they were being double-teamed by the enemy.

"Damn it, this is too evil."

"It feels like the home court of Qingdao. Do the fans here support Qingdao so much?"

"I\'m afraid it\'s not Qingdao that they support, but Sawamura."

The friends were shocked, even the coach of Yokohama Gangbei was not much better.

Looking at the one-sided atmosphere around him, he had to doubt the score on the field. The score was only 3:2, and Qingdao was only ahead by one point, and this point was just ahead.

It can be felt that the momentum of the stadium has completely inclined towards Qingdao High School. As for them, Yokohama Gangbei, they became the jumping clowns who stopped in front of Qingdo High School.


Whether it is bearable or unbearable, even if the uncle can bear it, the aunt can never bear it.

The coach of Yokohama Gangbei was completely furious. He stared angrily at the disciple in front of him and roared.

"Don\'t be intimidated by the first-year kid, think about who you represent on the field"

I have to say that the supervision of Yokohama Gangbei still has two brushes. A few words, although shouted a little excited, but the effect is good.

The players of Yokohama Konkita re-energized and got serious. Especially the two people who were shooting partners, Yineng and Bai Yu.

So far, the two have lost a full three points, all three points lost to Qingdao High School\'s base-running tactics.

"You have to cheer up, otherwise this game will be a break."

Seeing the code that Bai Yu gave him, Yineng nodded.

Yeah, how can one fall down here? Think about it, they are absolutely unwilling to give up the game at this time after their three years of hard work. But it\'s just a point difference, a ball, maybe it will be recovered.

The two of them worked In the face of Qingdao High School\'s next lineup, it took a lot of hard work and finally solved it.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

This round of Qingdao High School\'s attack gave people a very different feeling. The previous Qingdao was very good at that kind of fixed-point blasting. Although the whole team also had a high degree of cooperation, that kind of cooperation is a habit that has been accumulated over time. That\'s right.

Generally speaking, Qingdao High School\'s offense is still dominated by scattered individual breakthroughs.

But today\'s Qingdao is very different. The entire team\'s lineup is filled with a tacit spirit.

"I didn\'t expect that the joining of Sawamura-san would make the line connection to this level."

Minister Ota rubbed his hands together and muttered.

Beside him, Kataoka nodded.

To be honest, he never thought that the addition of Sawamura would bring about such a good chemical reaction between Qingdao.