Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 50: : The line breaks out! (Tribute to Su Ziss)

No one out, someone at first base!

"Woo hoo hoo!"

It\'s the fifth stick to hit the line, Masuko Toru.

At this time, Qing Dao was still relatively passive. The previous few times, Masuko failed to get a hit, and his contribution was equal to zero.

"Come on, Masuko!"

"Use your mighty swing to hit the ball out!"

Masuko\'s face was also solemn.

This game, so far, he has not contributed anything. Although Director Kataoka didn\'t say anything, the look in his eyes became more and more strange. This also made Masuko feel unparalleled pressure.

At the moment of crisis, his brain is very clear, and it is very clear to play back the scenes in the training camp.

Especially when swinging.

"You don\'t have to pursue a big stick. With your strength, even with a normal grip and a small swing, you can hit the ball. Especially when playing a change ball, this kind of grip is more beneficial. "

Director Kataoka\'s voice kept ringing in Masuko\'s mind.

He subconsciously shortened the bat in his hand, even though this grip made him feel very uncomfortable, even awkward. In his heart, he actually felt that such a swing would not be far at all.

There\'s no reason, it\'s just a feeling.

But he did it anyway, not because of Kataoka\'s words, but had to obey the supervisor\'s instructions. It\'s just that he felt that he had to send the knot down.

Even if you can\'t hit a home run, it\'s okay, the most important thing is to keep hitting the line.

Ball, here we come!

The small white ball, at a low angle, begins to slide outward.

Masuko synchronously swings.

The momentum of his swing is not as amazing as when he held the big stick before. But more power is contained in his swing.


The small white ball was hit and the whole thing flew out.

The ball flew crookedly.

The catcher was overjoyed, and sure enough, the hitter missed the center of the ball.


He stood up and beckoned the outfielder to catch the ball.

But the twisted ball was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it traversed most of the field and reached the back of the outfield.

so far?

When watching the batter swing, the outfielder of Osaka Kiryu High School clearly felt that the ball could not fly too far.

But the real situation is quite the opposite. The ball not only flew very far, but also had a lot of stamina.

No, I can\'t catch up.

The outfielder was a little dumbfounded, the ball was still full of power, and there was absolutely no intention to stop. Although it can\'t fly off the field, it should be no problem to hit the parapet directly.

If you let the ball hit the outer wall, it is at least a double base, and if you run fast, you can even go straight to home plate.

"Definitely stop!"

Heart pounding, the outfielder jumped up when the baseball flew to him.

He raised his glove high and caught the ball in his glove.

The moment he caught the ball, he also fell.

However, the ball in the glove did not fall out because he fell.

This scene made Qing Dao\'s friends look stupid.

This kind of mid-air jumping and catching a basketball is very common. Picking up baseball, isn\'t it a joke?

"Such a ball was actually stopped?"

Sawamura\'s eyes widened, and he looked at the man who was catching the ball in disbelief.

In professional baseball, the probability of this kind of ball being blocked is not very high.

"Luck, so good!"

Miyuki laughed.

This kind of ball can only be attributed to the opponent\'s luck.


Masuko was caught directly, but because the outfielder who caught the ball fell, Kosei took the opportunity to advance a base.

Once out, there\'s someone at second base!

Rest area at Kiryu High School in Osaka.

Supervisor Matsumoto himself also broke out in a cold sweat.

"Good luck!"

Even he thought it was pure luck to catch the ball.

The blow from Masuko just now really shocked him.

On the strike area, Masuko looked annoyed.

Today\'s luck is back home~

Back in the rest area, he was too ashamed to look up.

As the team\'s five sticks, so far there has not been a single hit. If there is a crack in the ground, he wants to get in.

He was a little embarrassed to see Kataoka.

When passing by the supervisor, he also lowered his head and walked away in despair.

"That ball just now, played well!"

Kataoka spoke suddenly.


Masuko looked at Kataoka in disbelief.

"If you can master that swing, I\'ll put you back on fifth."

Kataoka said with words like gold.

After hearing that, Miyuki quietly stabbed Shimozawa Village.

"Your status is not guaranteed!"

"That\'s fine, your status worries me more."

Miyuki\'s schadenfreude face suddenly froze.

This guy, too can\'t speak, which pot can\'t be opened and lifted.

If Sawamura knew what Miyuki was thinking, he would definitely give him a big stare.

Others can say that, but they are lucky.

I don\'t even think about his own virtues, and he has the face to talk about others.

"Sixth, catcher, Chris."

This time, it was Chris\'s turn to strike.

The first time he played against Chris, Osaka Kiryu\'s catcher did not know what his striking characteristics were. This time, I can only try...

The first ball, with an outside corner kick.

After the ball is matched here, Kwan Hiromi throws the ball over there.


The white ball whistled.

On the strike zone, Chris stepped out and pulled his frame away.

Then swing decisively.


After the baseball was hit, it flew out!


Without any suspense, the baseball lands. Chris hit first base and went straight over third base and back to home plate.


Timely hits.

Rest area at Kiryu High School in Osaka.

All the players looked at each other.

Not only with the ball, but also with such a powerful attack?

"The first arrest in Kanto!"

The player who recognized Chris originally smiled wryly.

After three years of absence, Chris is indeed stronger.

The first time I saw the ball in the hall, I hit it.

Qing Dao\'s rest area.

It was the first time to play gymnasium, and Miyuki, who was dealt with, also had a complicated expression.

"In the face of an opponent whose strength is unknown, use an outside corner kick to test it. Senior Chris also noticed this."

"Hip-hop, this tone is so sour."

"Shut up you."

One out, one at first base.

"Seventh, pitcher, Sawamura."

"Master, run as much as you want, and I\'ll send you back."

Sawamura waved at Chris with a smile on his face.


The bat hits the baseball, and Sawamura runs forward.

The baseball lands on the side of the first baseman and is about to fly.

The first baseman of Kiryu High School in Osaka flew towards him.

Sawamura missed base.

Two outs, someone at second base. Chris took the opportunity to run to second base.


After Sawamura, Hakushu hits.

Two outs, man on first and third base.


The small white ball soared into the sky and flew out of the field.

Finally, Qing Dao\'s first home run appeared.

The creator is Akatsuki Kaguya.

A three-run homer turned the score in one go, plus the well-timed hit from Chriss earlier.

The total score becomes: !

Qing Dao reversed successfully.

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