Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 49: : The so-called 'partner'

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Guy "beautiful!"

"As expected of the second tour room of the iron wall."

Friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team, as well as those alumni, are singing praises to the two players in the second tour room.

Second baseman Ryosuke Kominato and shortstop Yoichi Kuramochi.

The performance of the two of them in the defense just now was definitely clean and neat, without any sloppiness.

In line with the textbook level interpretation in the garrison.

Of course, Sawamura himself agrees with this. However, he paid more attention to it.

In Sawamura\'s view, the cooperation between Kuramochi and Ryosuke Kominato is a natural product. He has absolute confidence in his two dear seniors.

Everyone at Qingdo High School is currently recruiting with their own unique skills! But one thing they have in common is solid defensive skills.

The giants are supported by such defenses! In other words, an iron-clad defense is the foundation of a wealthy high school. No matter whether the players in this session have star players or not, whether the overall strength is strong or not, a wealthy high school is a wealthy high school, and his combat effectiveness will always be feared.

To put it mildly, if Kuramochi and Kominato Ryosuke didn\'t have such ability, they would have no chance to stand as the main force of Qingdo High School.

What really surprised Sawamura was Chris\' judgment.

His ordinary straight ball, it is said that 60-70% will be bombarded!

A batter from Osaka Kiryu High School, very strong. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t be able to hit Fukugu Akira\'s ball and hit a home run.

For such a hitter, throw a sweet straight shot!

Now that Sawamura thinks about it, he is still in a cold sweat. How can Chris dare to conclude that the opponent will definitely aim at the floating ball and swing?

Faced with Sawamura\'s question, Chris naturally knew everything.

"The pitching matchup in baseball is, in the end, a matchup of people. For some strong bats, if you tell them what you are going to throw next, they will 100% hit your ball out. This is a strong bat. What is our advantage when dealing with strong players? Our advantage is that we can freely choose the angle and change of pitching. The wider the pitching range and the more tricky the ball path, naturally it will take more advantage. But this is not absolute. , If your ball is seen through by the opponent, it is also easy to be hit. And the better your ball control, the easier it is for him to hit your ball. At this time, it depends on the battle of wits between the shooting partner and the hitter. The matchup just now is like this. For a batter who is good at swinging the bat, your most threatening ball is the floating ball with clear changes in the ball path. They play this kind of ball, and it is easy to hit the high fly. Next It\'s easy, you just make the batter feel like you\'re going to hit the float. He\'s going to aim for the float because he believes that at your level of pitching, you\'re not going to hit a normal straight."

Sawamura admired the five-body throw to the ground.

With more than ten years of baseball experience in his previous life, he always thought that he had some experience in matching the ball. After all, he had never eaten pork, and who had never seen a pig go!

Because of his extensive knowledge, even if Sawamura does not have a comprehensive theory of ball distribution, he is no stranger to ball distribution.

Generally speaking, Miyuki or Chris gave him the secret code. Although he didn\'t know the specific principle, he knew what they wanted to do.

In this way, the thoughts of the arresting partner are synchronized, and naturally, the result can be multiplied with half the effort.

But just now, when Chris was playing with the ball, he didn\'t even know what Chris was thinking. He didn\'t know what Chris\'s intentions were until the batter took aim at the float.

But he only knew the purpose, and why, he still didn\'t have any ideas.

If Chris hadn\'t said it, he would have thought for a long time.

"As expected of my master!"

Sawamura smiled convincingly.

Miyuki, who was beside him, also heard the conversation between the two.

He glanced at Chris in amazement.

The one-year window period did make Senior Chris fall behind a bit in terms of body and technique.

In the case of an arm injury, this kind of thing is inevitable.

But this man\'s understanding of baseball has reached another level.

A realm that even him needs to look up to!

You must know that it was Chris\' first time, the first match against Osaka Kiryu High School! That is to say, the information about the batter was not collected by Chris himself, but was collected in the rest area.

Thinking, Miyuki turned to look at Sawamura again.

Senior Chris\'s ball distribution is, of course, imaginative and daring.

But there was no confusion, and Sawamura, who threw the ball precisely into Chris\' gloves, was not weak at all.

With his physical strength reaching the limit, he can still control the ball with precision!

This is really amazing!

At this time, Miyuki even had a trace of jealousy in his heart.

From the bottom of his heart, he longed for Sawamura\'s partner. Pairing with a pitcher like Sawamura, this catcher is definitely a super treat.

The game continues.

At this time, the atmosphere in the rest area of ​​Osaka Kiryu High School was quite good.

Despite their bad luck, they played a double play. But what I have to say is that the pitcher Sawamura of Qingdao High School is about to collapse.

And in the ninth game, it was their turn to play the core line.

As long as they are not overtaken in this then they will break through Sawamura in the next round and score!

They can completely suppress Qingdao High School\'s counterattack.

To be honest, they are also ashamed of playing like this with the players of Qingdao High School whose physical fitness has collapsed.

Originally, Matsumoto, the supervisor of Kiryu High School in Osaka, wanted to replace him. On their bench, there are also two very powerful players. This is their trump card. Prepare to be a blockbuster in the summer competition.

In the middle of the game, Takashi Matsumoto, the supervisor of Osaka Kiryu High School, had the idea of ​​​​substitution.

What happens after the replacement?

After all, they were not facing Qingdao High School in a complete state, were they?

So be it, there is no need to expose the hole cards in advance. This year\'s Jiaziyuan is likely to meet with Qingdao High School, and then give Qingdao a big surprise.

Matsumoto Takahiro felt a strong threat from Qingdo High School.

At this time, he no longer only focused on practice games, but on Koshien two months later.

The game continues.

"Fourth, first baseman, classmate Tetsuya."

In the second half of the eighth inning, Qingdao High School attacked.

The starting batter at Qingdo High School was Kyu-cheng.

"Bad ball!"

"Bad ball!"

"Bad ball!"

"Bad ball!!!"

"Walk to Base!!!"

I originally thought that when no one was out and no one was on the base, why would Osaka Kiryu High School have to fight Yuuki!

Unexpectedly, people didn\'t give him a chance to form a relationship at all, and directly recommended him.

No outs, man at first base.

"Fifth, third baseman, Masuko-kun!"

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