Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 38: : Pitcher, Samura!

Seeing the actions of Kiryu High School in Osaka, Miyuki was surprised at first, and then he couldn\'t help laughing.

He was shocked because he didn\'t expect that Osaka Kiryu\'s reaction would be so fast. Of course, there are reasons why he and Sawamura are careless, but you can think of countermeasures in one game. You can\'t help but admire the supervisor of Osaka Kiryu, Takahiro Matsumoto, who is really very good.

But it is precisely because of this that Miyuki is a little amused.

The temporary response means that Osaka Kiryu did not specifically study the information of Sawamura before this game.

It was just a practice game. How could Kiryu Osaka spend several days studying Sawamura\'s information and practice accordingly.

Unexpected opponents are more effective in practice.

When you arrive at the competition, the information of the opponent is not absolutely transparent. Most teams will reserve one or two stunts to press the bottom of the box, either for offense or defense.

In short, it is a trick to ensure victory.

Playing practice games with opponents without any intelligence, to a certain extent, can improve the team\'s ability to deal with such emergencies.

From the point of view of practice competition, this is also more effective in practice.

"However, it\'s a pity, if you haven\'t studied Sawamura\'s materials before, how are you going to deal with Sawamura\'s pitching?"

Miyuki chuckled lightly and gave Sawamura a password.

"Don\'t be lazy and start working."

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura pouted in dissatisfaction. He knew that ordinary pitching alone would not last long.

However, it doesn\'t matter!

If you can\'t fish in troubled waters, then it\'s better to go head-to-head.

On the mound, Sawamura took a stand, ready to pitch.

Looking from the batter\'s point of view, he could see that the glove of Sawamura\'s right hand had been covering the front of his body.

\'Wonderful preparation pose\'!

The idea had just appeared, and the batter had not yet realized what was going to happen next.

Then, strange things happened. Until Sawamura stepped, he didn\'t see Sawamura\'s left hand putting the ball.

Can\'t see the drop point?

The batters feel a little awkward. For them who are used to catching the release point, it is more difficult to judge the timing of the swing because they can\'t see the release point.

However, at this time, he was not too shocked. Even if you can\'t see the drop spot, you always wave your arm when you throw the ball, right? As long as you wave your arm, you can always see something.

Then, something incredible happened.

Sawamura\'s arm was waving like a whip, not higher than his head at all. Coupled with the shielding of the gloves, the hitter can\'t see anything.

From the batter\'s position, all you can see is Sawamura\'s glove pushing forward.

Where\'s the ball? when?

The beater\'s mood was involuntarily tense.


The last bit of white light flashed, and the batter didn\'t have time to react at all, and he saw the ball slid into the catcher\'s glove.


"nice shot!"

The number of balls, one good and zero bad.

A big drop of cold sweat oozes out of the forehead of the batter.

He looked at Sawamura on the pitcher mound in disbelief.

The ball just now, so fast! Incredibly fast.

Sawamura pitched the ball in a blocking position, which would have given the batter the illusion that the ball was going very fast. The illusion is eight to ten kilometers. This illusion, coupled with the speed of Sawamura\'s own ball, makes Sawamura\'s pitching speed, in the eyes of the hitter, more than 145 kilometers.

At this time, the batter was standing in front.

This makes the ball faster!

Although Sawamura\'s real ball speed is only about 138 kilometers, but from the perspective of Osaka Kiryu\'s hitter, the ball has a speed of at least 150 or more.

The ball speed is 150, that\'s a little legend.

The beater in Kiryu, Osaka, was about to urinate.

Such a fast ball, not to mention that they play the line in the lower position, and switch to the upper position to play the line, and the core hit the line, is it enough?

Seeing the frightened expression on the beater\'s face, Miyuki chuckled in his heart.

Without any mental preparation, just put it right with Sawamura?

He didn\'t even know whether to praise Osaka Kiryu\'s bravery, or whether he should live or die.

Without any preparation, face off against Sawamura, and you\'ll just wait to be deflated. When Sawamura used all the means, the game would be over.

Rest area in Kiryu, Osaka.

The players haven\'t figured out how they got out of the game before, and they saw their little friends again, as if they were stupid on the strike zone.


"Actively swing the bat and hit the ball when it comes."

"The speed of the ball is not that fast, so what are you afraid of?"

The boys are excited.

On the strike zone, the batter was pale.

Is the ball fast?

You are messing with me.

Even if there is no 150, it will definitely not be slower than the previous pitcher, right?

And, unlike the poor pitcher, Sawamura\'s ball handling was terrible.

He clearly distinguishes whether it is an inner corner or an outer corner.

I\'m in trouble~

The batter had just been instructed by his own supervisor, and he had planned to deal with Sawamura lightly, but he did not expect such a situation. Now let alone deal with Sawamura, he can\'t even touch Sawamura\'s ball.

By the time the ball is in hand, it is too late. Must swing in advance!

The batter didn\'t figure out what was going on, so naturally it was impossible to hit Sawamura\'s ball.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

"strike out!!!"

"strike out!!!"

In the blink of an eye, three strikes, three up and three downs.

The alumni onlookers suddenly had a feeling of exaltation.

Look, we Qingdao don\'t have good pitchers.

As soon as the trump card makes a move, is it stupid?

Rest area in Kiryu, Osaka.

Superintendent Matsumoto Takahiro, there is still a little image of Maitreya Buddha, and the facial features on his face are almost twisted together.

"What the **** are you doing?"

The hitter he was staring at was frightened and kept silent.

"Supervisor, I really don\'t blame us. That guy\'s pitching, there\'s no spot to see the ball at all..."

After listening to his disciples, Matsumoto Takahiro quickly understood the characteristics of Sawamura.

I see.

A soft body that gives the pitcher a unique quirk to the ball. The unique stance combined with his swing takes Sawamura\'s pitching to the next level.

No wonder he was a blockbuster at the Kanto Conference.

"Already a pitcher with a high degree of completion!"

Considering the lineup I saw earlier, and the pitcher Sawamura.

Matsumoto Takahiro\'s heart was inexplicably a little more apprehensive.

"This year\'s Qing Dao is really scary."

Fortunately, I wasn\'t in the same competition area as Qing Dao, otherwise I wouldn\'t be killed.

"Wait a minute, the opponent is already at the end of the strong bow, and we can just sit back and relax. Although it\'s a bit unfair to do so, in order to give the players more confidence, there is nothing we can do."

Matsumoto Longhiro had a plan in his heart.

Speaking of which, he is also a clever woman who cannot cook without rice. The current Osaka Kiryu team is not the luxurious lineup that won the Koshien quasi-winning last year.

However, because of this, this year\'s team is more united.

"Don\'t let Qing Dao score another point in the next five games."

After regaining his kind smile, Matsumoto Takahiro said to his disciple.