Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 37: : sly and cunning

No one out, someone at third base!

"Seventh, pitcher, Eijun Sawamura."

The score was 8:2, and Qingdao High School was six points behind, but the change in the situation on the field was not bad for Qingdao High School.

"Get out!"

"It\'s all on you!"

"Sawamura, give it a shot!"

Because of the unfavorable pitching of Gu Xiao before, those alumni who were feeling aggrieved, all came to the spirit one by one.

There was someone at third base, and it was Sawamura\'s turn to hit, and the score was almost pinched.

Rest area at Kiryu High School in Osaka.

Supervisor Takahiro Matsumoto glanced at Sawamura in surprise.

The audience\'s cheering momentum, Osaka Kiryu people, is not unfamiliar at all. When the blow was formed before, the audience\'s momentum was also very strong.

"Can the expectations for Sawamura players even be on a par with their fourth bat?"

Matsumoto Takahiro looked at Sawamura, and there was a malicious arc at the corner of his mouth.

Among the players who have not joined the regular junior club in the middle school and received regular guidance, occasionally there will be some peculiar pitchers.

Because they have not received formal instruction, they have honed their own pitching positions. Habits are a terrible force, and once they\'ve gotten used to their pitching, they\'ll still be pitching according to their habit in high school.

And that\'s where some peculiar quirky pitchers are born.

It\'s just that such pitchers generally have a jerky performance on the mound, and the hit is not too strong.

Sawamura\'s blow was definitely speechless.

"How about your defense on the mound?"

In a short period of time, Matsumoto Takahiro already had a plan against Sawamura.

It is said that Takahiro Matsumoto should not have discovered Sawamura\'s spherical quality so quickly.

But what the second batter told him, combined with the performance of the other batters, it was not difficult for the cunning Matsumoto Takahiro to see the essence of Sawamura\'s pitching.

It\'s just that now is not the time for them to attack. Before attacking Sawamura, they must defend this round.

"Use points to get out of the game."

With a plan, Takahiro Matsumoto immediately gave a secret signal to the players on the field.

Through the previous performance of Sawamura\'s hitting, plus the batter behind Sawamura is a relatively stable type...

In this game, the probability of holding on without losing points is not very large.

It is better to use this point to make a good essay.

It is also acceptable to end the inning with one point if it works well.

There are runners at third base and no outs. No tricky **** were deliberately thrown, and no forward defense was arranged.

The intention of Osaka Kiryu High School can be said to be obvious.

The meat is brought to the mouth, there is no reason not to eat it. It seems that Kataoka is also cost-effective to exchange one out for one point.

He decisively gave Sawamura a signal.

On the strike zone, Sawamura nodded and used a bunt.

A delicate bunt, combined with Miyuki who started early, let him go straight back to home plate and scored the third point of the game at Qingdo High School.

And Sawamura ran to first base slowly and leisurely.

Although this result was also expected by Osaka Kiryu, they couldn\'t help but get angry.

Sawamura\'s gesture is so irritating!

As if it was deliberately provocative.

Of course, that\'s not the case in reality, Sawamura just didn\'t want to waste his energy.

Otherwise, at his speed, unless the opponent\'s pass is wrong, he can\'t go to first base at all. Putting all his hopes on the opponent\'s mistakes, Sawamura would not do it.

For the teams of the big high schools, the probability of that kind of mistakes is less than 1%.


The total score is 8:3! Qingdao High School\'s low-ranking lineup recovered the second point.

At this time, Director Kataoka felt a little annoyed in his heart.

Putting Sawamura on the bottom line is a waste.

Although Sawamura\'s swing is not very strong. But the stability of his attack is absolutely unmatched by others.

Not only that, he also has very superb bunt skills. As an important point to cooperate with the team\'s offense, he is fully capable of playing the core line position.

If Sawamura is in the top five, Qingdo High School\'s current score is definitely not just three points.

Just like Takashima Rei and Minister Ota proposed before.

The wiring has to be readjusted.

Although it is said that the current line, it is already very strong. But when it can be more powerful, who would think too much?

The game continued, and once it was out, no one hit the base.

"Gallery, there are still five games left. In the next five games, I can\'t lose a single point."

In the rest area, suddenly came the order of Supervisor Matsumoto.

On the pitcher mound, Guan\'s expression changed.

Since Sawamura beat his arrogance, he hasn\'t laughed much.

Now he started to laugh again.

Disgusting treacherous face.

The calm Bai Zhou shuddered subconsciously when he saw his respectful appearance.

After returning to the treacherous face again, the pitching of the pavilion has increased significantly.



Baizhou hit a second base fly ball and was caught.



Xiao Gu Xiao flew out of the field and was killed.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

With no one out and someone on third base, Qingdao High School only recovered one point.

Such a development of the situation is definitely extremely unfavorable for Qing Dao.

In the first half of the fifth inning, Osaka Kiryu High School attacked.

This time, Osaka Kiryu\'s batter is obviously prepared.

Their positions were all at the forefront of the strike zone, and they seemed to hit the ball out without waiting for Sawamura\'s ball to change.

A wide metal bar, a bold swing, and a forward stance.

This is equivalent to completely blocking Sawamura\'s quirk ball.

So fast?

Even if he had a premonition, Miyuki was still shocked when he saw Osaka Kiryu High School in action.

But in just one round, the coach of Osaka Kiryu High School had already come up with a strategy for Sawamura\'s quirk ball.

The rest area of ​​Qingdao High School.

The three giants also looked heavy.

Having an experienced overseer on the team is beneficial.

Why be experienced? Because people are well-informed!

Although Sawamura\'s quirk ball, Osaka Kiryu\'s supervisor Matsumoto is the first meeting.

But in his previous coaching career, it was not the first time he had encountered such an opponent.

Since it wasn\'t the first time he met, he certainly thought about how to deal with these pitchers with quirky balls. UU Reading


This made Kataoka have to be convinced.

At this time, a strange idea popped into his mind. Should the school contact an experienced coach in Koshien?

So far, Kataoka has only been coaching Qingdo High School for six years. The experience of entering Koshien is only once.

This time seems to be not short, but in fact, in the entire high school baseball world, it is really not long.

The four giants in Tokyo, Qingdao, Daocheng, City Junior High, and Teto High School.

The superintendents of those three schools were all more years old than Kataoka.

More than ten years, more than twenty years, and more than forty years...

You don\'t agree, okay?