Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 32: :pitcher!

"Look at the banner of the Red Heart Brotherhood!"

"Damn it, this is too spectacular!"

"I didn\'t expect that there is such a cheerleading team in our Akagi Middle School."

"There is no way, who made us Sawamura-senpai and Fengxiang-senpai become star players."

Many students from Akagi Middle School came to watch this match for the first time. To be honest, they really didn\'t have much interest in baseball. If it wasn\'t for Akagi, or the classmates they got along with day and night, they wouldn\'t even run to watch games in such hot weather if they were beaten to death.

Before I came, my ears were filled with rumors of the Brotherhood of Brotherhood, but I really saw the huge banner that was two meters wide and ten meters long, as well as the three big drums in the row.

They were still deeply shocked!

Although he performed very well in school, it was different when he actually watched the competition of the friends from Akagi Middle School on the spot.

I didn\'t expect them to have so many fans!

On the other hand, in this game, there were many supporters from Nagano Metropolitan High School. In any case, they are one of the three kings of Nagano prefectural high school, and they themselves have some supporters in their own schools and prefectures. Now it happens to be the golden generation of Nagano Metropolitan High School, and their opponent is Akagi who is now in the limelight.

Under everyone\'s attention, the players of the two teams began to walk out of their bullpen.

"Come out!"





After the little friends from Akagi Middle School came out, they were welcomed like big stars, and most of them supported Sawamura and Fengxiang. In particular, more than 80% of the people who called Sawamura\'s name were called Fengxiang.

Even the other little friends could faintly hear the people around them cheering for them, among which Yamaguchi and Nakagawa were the most. On the contrary, Oda, who was the strongest in relative strength, received less cheering.

"It\'s so unfair!"

Popularity is the most inexplicable thing. Say Sawamura, he is handsome and powerful, he is the backbone of the entire Akagi Middle School, and the ace idol of the Brotherhood of Chi-heart.

It is very understandable that such a person is famous. Fengxiang has been a talented player in Nagano Prefecture since he was a child, and it is only natural that he is famous.

With these two people, Oda himself thought that he had nothing to compare with.

But you said that compared with the big fat guy Yamaguchi Ken and Nakagawa Nobuo who is a little handsome. How could his Uncle Oda\'s ability be higher? Why is it not as popular as these two guys?

"Don\'t be too sad, they have a physical advantage like this."

As a friend, Feng Xiang could only comfort him like this.

Of course, his popularity is not without any reason. Take Ken Yamaguchi as an example. Because of his size, he has always been called the fat tiger of Akagi.

Friends who have seen Doraemon should still remember that chubby bully character.

On the surface, that guy doesn\'t seem to have any characteristics other than bullying Nobita. But the real situation is of course not the case, he is still a baseball player among his companions.

After all, the real world is not a cartoon. It is rare for a baseball player to grow up to his size. Yamaguchi Fitness from Akagi Middle School is 155 cm tall and weighs 155 pounds.

Although baseball skills are not considered the best in Nagano Prefecture, this body type is too similar.

Therefore, the fans affectionately call him the fat tiger of Akagi, and even the fat tiger named Nagano with him.

The other is Nakagawa Shin.

He is Sawamura\'s hair boy. Of course, the reason why he has gained so much popularity has nothing to do with him being Zechuan\'s hair boy. Mainly because this guy is a little handsome, and in this face-seeing world, looks are a huge advantage.

So the fame of the two of them rose, but neither of them was the third most popular character in Akagi Middle School.

In the entire Akagi Middle School, the third most popular is their manager.

Cang Yue Ruo Cai!

Looking at the popular Akagi Middle School and the friends of Nagano Metropolitan Middle School, it is inevitable that I feel a little uncomfortable.

Even if the coach asked them to let go of the psychological burden of the three kings. But the difference is too big. In any case, they are also the golden generation of Nagano Prefecture. How come they have become supporting roles now? As far as the momentum of the cheerleaders is concerned, the cheerleaders of Akagi Middle School have already overwhelmed the cheerleaders of Nagano Metropolitan Middle School.

"The first game of the semi-finals of the Nagano prefecture competition, the competition between Akagi Middle School and Nagano Metropolitan Middle School officially begins!"

In the first half of the game, Akagi Middle School attacked.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

"strike out!!!"

Mari, the fastest pitcher in Nagano Prefecture.

The average ball speed is 135 kilometers, and the fastest ball speed is 137.5 kilometers.

Mari\'s strength is not written on his face, but in his ball speed.

Before the ball speed was 130, every ten kilometers was a completely different world. After the speed of the ball is 130 kilometers, every five kilometers is another world.

From this aspect Mari is undoubtedly the strongest in Nagano Prefecture. The second and third ball speed, Nanami Haruka and Sawamura Eijun, their ball speed is only maintained at about 130 kilometers.

In terms of ball speed, there is still a big gap between the two of them and Mari.

Of course, this wasn\'t the most surprising thing for the friends from Akagi Middle School. What surprised them most was that Mari\'s ball speed didn\'t improve much this year.

Last summer, Mari\'s ball speed was so fast!

Maybe a little slower, but in essence they are all **** of about 135 kilometers. This year, they are only one or two kilometers faster.

What surprised them was Mari\'s ball control.

Six goals, two strikeouts!

Mari, who had unstable ball control last year, obviously put a lot of effort into ball control. He even hit six in a row without a bad shot.

Such ball speed and stable ball control are almost fatal to Akagi.

"Add fuel to a character that must be paid attention to!"

Sawamura chose his bat and stood on the waiting area.

In front of Sawamura, standing on the strike zone was Akagi Middle School\'s third bat, Hosho Ouichi.

"Come on, Ouichi-senpai!"

"It\'s up to you, Feng Xiang."

Seeing Feng Xiangao go to the strike zone, the brothers from the Chixin Brotherhood, as well as the students from Chicheng Middle School, began to frantically cheer for Fengxiang.

Although they knew that Nagano didn\'t give it for free, especially their pitcher Mari.

This game is likely to be a difficult pitching battle, and Akagi Middle School won\'t get many hits or points in total.

But the consecutive strikeouts still made them tremble.

Only Feng Xiang Ouichi on the strike zone, his eyes were fixed on the opposite pitcher mound.
