Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 31: : Night and Dreams

"Nagano Metropolis, the national runner-up!!"

Below the big headline is a group of cheering little brats, led by Qi Haiyao and Feng Xiang Aoyi.

To be honest, Sawamura Eijun played baseball in his previous life. But that\'s just for fun, belonging to the amateur team among the amateurs. The strength of the team in the last year is also considered to be a few points, but it is only the kind that is eliminated in the first or second round.

Eijun Sawamura didn\'t care about any famous teams or outstanding players in the same prefecture.

He doesn\'t even know how many high schools there are, and the real giants. Not to mention the so-called strong secondary schools in this county.

But even so, Sawamura had faintly heard the legend of Nagano Metropolitan National runner-up.

It\'s just that at that time, Sawamura didn\'t put his mind on it, so he didn\'t pay much attention to these so-called legends.

Precisely because he didn\'t understand it, Sawamura didn\'t know how easy it was for a group of rural teenagers to win the national runner-up.

Only when you really participate in it will you know how difficult it is to advance each round in a competition like this.

At the time, Nagano Metropolitan was a young player. It was such a blessing to be able to enter the country and win the runner-up in the national competition.

"it\'s already over!"

Fengxiang Aoyi\'s face was a little gloomy.

How can it pass?

When Sawamura heard what Feng Xiang said, he couldn\'t help but sneer.

Even if he joins the major leagues in the future and becomes a famous rescue pitcher in the major leagues, he still remembers the experience of scoring in Koshien in high school.

Some memories can never be forgotten in a lifetime, and those memories accompanied by dreams are even more so.

"Reminisce often, recall that stage, recall those former companions..."

Sawamura\'s voice was a little low, as if he was reminiscing about something.

"It doesn\'t matter. Thinking about the glorious experience in the past, there is nothing wrong. It proves that we are still young."

Sawamura Eijun patted Fengxiang Ouichi on the shoulder as he spoke.

"You will also be proud of your hard work during this period in the future. Senior Fengxiang!"

I must make it more brilliant than your past!

After speaking, Sawamura got up and left without waiting for Feng Xiangao to reply.

Feng Xiangao stared blankly at the direction where Sawamura disappeared.

Although the friends from Akagi Middle School went home early that night, many of them had trouble sleeping.

Saturday, sunny.

The match between Akagi Middle School and Nagano Metropolitan Middle School was put in the morning, and it was the first game of the semifinals.

The winning team that finishes the game early can calmly watch the showdown between Tenryu Temple and the other team.

This is probably the last bit of compensation from the organizing committee to the death group.

Matsumoto Stadium is the largest and most formal baseball stadium in Nagano Prefecture. Originally, the summer game was to be used closely to the high school. There are only more than 40 middle schools with teams in Nagano, but there are quite a few high schools with baseball teams, more than 60.

But because the schedules of high school and middle school are different, the semi-finals and finals of Nagano middle school are two weeks earlier than those of high school. In the summer Koshien preliminaries, any county is an independent competition area. The winning team in Nagano County can directly enter Koshien without participating in any Kanto conference. So their schedule is not as tight as in middle school, and the semi-finals and finals are staggered.

It is precisely because of this that the semi-finals and finals of middle schools can be held in such stadiums.

The Matsumoto Stadium, which accommodates tens of thousands of people, was already crowded 15 minutes before the game.

There were seven or eight thousand spectators in this match alone. At the same time, there were two local TV stations and one online media broadcast. There are competitions with this amount of publicity in middle schools, but not many.

Before the game, the locker room of Akagi Middle School.

The little friends were all very silent, all with gloomy faces, not speaking.

Sawamura knows that everyone is under a lot of pressure, no matter how confident he is, but his friends have broken their wings in the semi-finals twice in a row.

Strange to say, every time I advance here, the mountain that blocks Akagi Middle School always seems to be terrifyingly high. In any case, this is also the legendary Nagano Metropolitan High School session, although only five or six players in that session.

But in the shadow of the famous tree of people, there is no vacuous person under the famous name.

Even if you think about it with your toenails, you can figure it out, this year\'s Nagano Metropolitan High School must be very tough.

"Everyone cheer up, the other party is no big deal."

Teacher Wada squeezed out a smile on her stiff face, trying to make everyone relax. But as soon as the words came out, he himself felt that his confidence was insufficient.

If the legendary Nagano Metropolitan session was no big deal, then what are these little friends from Akagi Middle School?

"The other party is just a bunch of little brats, it\'s really no big deal. I will seal them zero, and the blow is up to you!"

Seeing that Hotan\'s failure made everyone\'s mood even lower, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Sawamura naturally couldn\'t stand by and take the initiative to speak.

If someone else said this, it would definitely be regarded as a big talk, or standing up and talking without back pain.

But from Sawamura\'s mouth, there is an indescribable sense of conviction.

Yes, we have Sawamura, and we have Eijun leading us.

Under the leadership of Sawamura, Akagi Middle School, which was nothing a year ago, was able to make Nagano stand upright. No reason, after a year of exercise, they will not be as good as last year?

In the locker room on the other side of the field, Nagano Metropolis is also discussing countermeasures against Akagi Middle School.

It\'s just that the very strange Nagano Metropolitan Middle School did not put itself in the position of a legendary middle school or a strong side.

Instead, they put themselves very low.

"Everyone has watched the match between Akagi Middle School and Dabei Middle School several times before. You should have a clear judgment in your heart as to what kind of strength our opponent has."

Fengxiang Longyi said, and looked at his disciples.

"Don\'t be fooled by the names of the three kings, our opponent is very strong, even far stronger than we imagined. He can make Dabei Middle School no hits and no points. Naturally, he can also let us do the same! What\'s scary is that we are not a team like Tenryuji Middle School that destroys the opponent\'s defense with agility, even if we use bunt tactics, the opponent should be fully prepared."

When he said this, the friends of Nagano Metropolitan Middle School could only be silently sad.

Last year, Nagano Metropolitan Middle School was inexplicably defeated by the advanced defense of Akagi Middle School.

It looks like they don\'t have a chance if they don\'t face off against Sawamura. The scary thing is that even if they confront Sawamura head-on, there seems to be little chance.
