Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 30: : Nagano Gold 1st Generation

The day before the game, that is, Friday, July 7th.

As the preliminaries for the most popular Kanto Conference, the semi-finals and finals of Nagano Prefecture were held during this time.

The semi-final on July 8 and the final on July 9.

Then there was a one-week truce, followed by a week-long Kanto Conference.

The top four teams in the Kanto Conference will directly participate in the national competition. The remaining five to eight people will be caught and killed, and the fifth place will be decided. The fifth place in the Kanto Conference will compete with the runner-up in Tokyo for the final entry.

There are a total of six places in Kanto and Tokyo. One and a half in Tokyo and four and a half in the Kanto region.

Sawamura gave his teammates a holiday early, and asked them to go home to take a bath and have a good rest in order to reserve their strength. The opponent is a familiar opponent who can no longer be familiar with it. The countermeasures of this study have been thoroughly studied long ago.

At this time, sharpening the gun on the spot is probably not effective. Might as well let everyone relax their nerves. After all, this is not the first time Akagi\'s friends have participated in the semi-finals of Nagano Prefecture.

Of course, not everyone can relax.

In the teacher\'s office.

Mr. Wada looked anxiously at the little guys of the Nagano baseball team and left with a smile. On their immature faces, Hotan didn\'t see the slightest bit of nervousness and anxiety.

His brows were wrinkled, and he found Sano, the head of the baseball club, with a lot of thought.

"Would you like everyone to leave like this? Anyway, tomorrow will be a battle of life and death."

Wada asked worriedly.

You must know that the Kanto Tournament is different from the competition in Nagano Prefecture. Although the Kanto Tournament is not a national-level competition, it does not receive less attention than the national competition in the entire Kanto region.

The biggest difference here is the live TV, the TV stations in the entire Kanto region live and broadcast. webcast, video...

This kind of publicity is enough to make people worth a hundred times more.

People who have watched Sawamura\'s competition think that Sawamura\'s strength is definitely not worse than Nanami Haruka, or even stronger. But Nanami Haruka is still one of the Twelve Heavenly Kings of the next generation, and one of the strongest middle school students in the country.

Sawamura can only be ranked second, and his strength is still being questioned.

why is that?

It is because fans all over the country have seen Haruka Nanami\'s performance, and Sawamura\'s performance can only be promoted through short videos on the Internet and "Baby Boys".

Not having a great performance in several baseball games in a row, especially not seeing your performance in person. How do you make other people feel confident about your strength?

This is the role of the Kanto Tournament and the National Competition!

All competitions and competitions have a pyramid structure. The more you go, the more glory and fame you bring.

The gold content of Nagano\'s top four is incomparable to the gold content of participating in the Kanto Conference. Similarly, the one-round elimination and the two-round elimination of the Kanto General Assembly are different, not to mention the Kanto semi-finalists who have a place in the national competition.

Before, Akagi fell in the semi-finals twice, but this time he couldn\'t say anything without being fully prepared.

"Don\'t worry, Eijun will be ready."

Sano said with a smile.

Wada looked at Sano in confusion and smiled bitterly in his heart. Of course he knew Sawamura\'s ability and strength, and he believed that Sawamura could lead Akagi\'s friends to create miracles. To be honest, even if tomorrow\'s opponent is Nagano\'s strongest Tenryuji High School, Wada will not be so nervous.

But tomorrow, the opponent of Akagi Middle School is not Tenryuji, but Nagano Metropolis!

The strongest Nagano Metropolitan!

Hotan will never forget that summer, when he was so excited that he couldn\'t sleep all night because of a group of teenage kids.

Nagano Prefecture is located inland and is mainly used for tourism and agriculture. It is difficult to have a strong sports school in such an area. Whether it is basketball or football, there is no team that can show heroism in the country.

Elementary school, middle school, high school, Nagano\'s best record in the country is the second round of the country.

The top four are always the teams in the fierce battle zones of Kanagawa, Tokyo, and Osaka.

Many viewers have raised such doubts, that is, if teams from small places like Nagano are really dragged into that kind of fierce battle zone, I am afraid they will be at the top eight level.

Although this is ugly, the cruel thing is that it is also true.

It is not only once or twice that a team in a national competition that is not in the fierce battle area has been brutally abused by the team in the fierce battle area.

Nagano is a non-fighting area, so the teams from Nagano are generally not very strong. But all this was rewritten three years ago, and it was rewritten by a group of teenage schoolchildren.

Nagano Metropolitan Junior Baseball Team!

They have passed all the way, and have been in the national competition, and in the national competition, they have even defeated the strong enemy and reached the final.

In the final, the performance was also very dazzling. At one time, he overwhelmed the young club\'s overlord, Imperial Capital. In the final playoff, pitcher Haruka Nanami retired and lost to his opponent by one point.


It was the first time that elementary school students received so much attention, and the entire Nagano Prefecture fell into a state of madness. All the fans cheering for these kids!

Really let Wada say, that kind of fanaticism is very similar to the current Brotherhood of Brotherhood.

It’s just that there was no one organized at that time, and the number of people was larger and more dispersed. Besides, primary school students are primary school students after all, and depending on the performance of primary schools, it is not certain what will happen to them in the future.

So that group of fans dispersed after until the \'Brotherhood of Brotherhood\' appeared. The core members of the Brotherhood were also the backbone of the original fans.

But since then, Nagano has been transferred.

In the original team, there were three top 100 baseball players in the country.

Tenryuji ace Nanami Haruka, Nagano Metropolitan ace Mari, and Akagi Middle School\'s main No. 2 catcher, Feng Xiang Ouichi.

After that team graduated from elementary school, except for the ace who shot Nanami Haruka and Fengxiang Ouichi, the others either stayed in the junior baseball team or went to Nagano Metropolitan High School.

Now, that team has grown up!

They are the main force of Nagano Metropolitan High School, the strongest Nagano Metropolitan.

Although Tenryuji Middle School won the top four in the country last summer, in Hotan\'s opinion, Tenryuji is not as good as Nagano Metropolitan\'s generation.

After all, they are the legendary generation!

A generation known as the Golden Age of Nagano Prefecture.

On the other side, on the court of Nagano Metropolitan Middle School, Hosho Ouichi was practicing his swing.

There is no pitching machine in front of him, and he is doing imaginative exercises that junior high school students rarely do.


A low swing of the bat, accompanied by the sweat from his hair, spread out.

"Anything on your mind?"

In the silent environment, a voice suddenly came from the dark.

Feng Xiangao looked at the figure appearing in front of him suspiciously.


The figure chuckled lightly: "I really didn\'t know before that you were so brilliant in the past."

Said, the man took out a newspaper, the date on the newspaper was three years ago.

The front page of the newspaper was a photo of a group of little kids.

"Nagano Metropolis, the national runner-up!!!!"
