Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 3: :Sell now

"Hello everyone!"

Sawamura nodded at the freshmen who were standing in two rows, ready to join the baseball club, as a greeting. Then he smiled and said: "As you must already know, our goal is the whole country. Therefore, our training will be very hard, and if you feel that you may not be able to keep up with your friends, it is best to carefully consider whether joining the baseball club is the best for you. choose?"

This is so handsome!

It\'s not just the freshmen who feel this way, even Yamaguchi and the others feel that they are different.

Did you hear? The training in our baseball club is very hard. Without strong perseverance, you can\'t survive at all. If you are those guys who don\'t have perseverance, you\'d better give up as soon as possible.

At the same time, they have placed themselves in the very persevering category.

Fengxiang Ouichi glanced at Sawamura in surprise. The time he spent with Sawamura was not short, and the two were partners in the arrest, and they knew the basics of each other.

In Fengxiang\'s previous impressions, Sawamura definitely didn\'t look like someone who could say such things. Usually only the coaches or coaches of the team would say such things.

While encouraging new players, the competitive spirit of the old players is also taken into consideration. This is a very good guide, only possible means.

Did you underestimate him too much before? Even though Fengxiang had tried his best to look up at Sawamura, he even felt that it would be a matter of time before Sawamura surpassed Nanami Haruka. But now Fengxiang still has such a strange feeling that he underestimated Sawamura.

Eijun Sawamura\'s strength is not only in his skills. Even as an instructor, he is outstanding in terms of professional skills and psychological counseling ability...

How did Fengxiang know that what Sawamura said was just a copy of what his coach said when he entered Koshien for the first time when he was a freshman.

Of course, because of the different location, Sawamura also made some changes to these words.

But the effect is the same. It makes the new students have a sense of consciousness, but also makes the old players not able to relax. At the same time, it also stimulates the sense of competition between new and old players.

"I will give everyone time to think about it. After ten minutes, those who leave will be considered voluntary withdrawals. Those who stay will be accepted for selection. Let me state in advance that due to personnel restrictions, we will only recruit six people in total. Therefore, those who will be assessed will be selected. To give you points, only the top six people can stay."

From the very beginning, Sawamura showed his attitude and only accepted six new students.

The freshmen competed with each other to generate six places, and the old players were completely kept out of it.

In this way, even if the freshmen who were brushed down have grievances, they will only think that their strength is not good, or they are unlucky.

In fact, these things are like this. I am not afraid of not knowing the goods, but I am afraid of comparing the goods. When all the things are displayed in a direct comparison, it is clear at a glance who is good and who is not.

After ten minutes, no one chose to quit.

These people joined the baseball team for two reasons. One is for the honor that the baseball team may have, and the other is to really like baseball.

No matter what the purpose was, it was impossible for them to be frightened by what Sawamura said. Maybe some people will quit training because they can\'t stand it in the future, but when there is no training, no one will think that they can\'t do it.

"Then, let\'s get started."

Sawamura had already expected this result. Everyone is still a hot-blooded young man. Although the living conditions are not as good as those of the children in the big cities, most of them have not suffered any hardships.

It is precisely because they have never suffered hardship that they have no objective understanding of what kind of hardship they can endure.

For this, Sawamura knew that he even had a way to make them realize their incompetence directly.

But Sawamura didn\'t dare to do this. The best way to make the freshmen realize that they are not strong enough is to directly compare them with the old ones.

Pull everyone out and run 10,000 meters together, the difference in strength will immediately come out.

Does Ke Zemura dare to do this? Of course he didn\'t dare. He is too aware of the strength of his little friends. Although they have improved a lot this year, they have no advantage compared to those young boys who have been trained since childhood.

If it is really fair competition, neither Ashin nor Yamaguchi will be able to keep their positions, let alone Feng Liang, Wakana and the others.

And the problem is precisely here. Although physical strength, technique, skills, and combating these things were taken out alone, Yamaguchi and the others did not have any advantages, but their cooperation with Sawamura had a tacit understanding.

After all, they have been practicing with Sawamura for a whole year. How many games did they play together during the year? How many times have you practiced? Now Sawamura doesn\'t even need to use a password. With just one look from his eyes, his friends know how to act. These are things that freshmen can\'t keep up with.

Of course, this is not without selfishness. Of course, Sawamura wants to play with his former He set up a baseball team just to make up for his promise to them in the past.

If Akagi entered the national competition at that time, but there were no friends around him, Sawamura would never be able to accept it.

Last but not least, give them a chance to follow them all over the country!

This is Sawamura, the real purpose of recruiting only six people.

Even if there are six super geniuses among the freshmen, their strength is absolutely impossible to surpass Sawamura himself, Fengxiang and Oda.

Therefore, the quota of six people is the most suitable.

Long shot, pass and catch, hit speed, hit...

After testing one by one, Sawamura was really startling. Of the 20 young people who came here, very few were novices, most of them had been in contact with baseball, and even a small half of them came directly from the young club.

Needless to say, those who came directly from the young clubs had all the numerical values ​​higher than those of Yamaguchi and Fengliang, let alone compared with other freshmen.

The most outstanding of all the freshmen were the two who came over from Nagano.

Backbone Oyuan and backup pitcher Komaki.

Nagano Metropolitan is very famous and famous all over the country. He also won the runner-up in the National Junior Baseball Competition three years ago.

The main players and backup pitchers who came out of such a team were, of course, standing out among the freshmen of Akagi.

In Sawamura\'s own words, the presence of these two guys was purely disruptive.

They can even play directly in Akagi, which is a very good fighting force.

In addition to them, there are also six young players who are not bad. It\'s just that they are equal in strength to each other, but Sawamura is not a good choice.

"Or let\'s play!"
