Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 2: : newcomer

The baseball team of the middle school has a limit on the number of people who can participate in the game. Generally speaking, the school baseball team will not exceed this number. In a team like Qingdao, there are one army, two armies, and three armies, but there are very few people who add up to more than 100.

In Nagano Prefecture, there is a troop of the Second Army. With two hands out, they can count on ten fingers. In addition to the three kings, there are only a few top eight teams in Shilun that have the establishment of the Second Army.

Akagi doesn\'t even have a professional coach, and Sawamura really doesn\'t have the heart to instruct more people. Moreover, Akagi is about to be merged with the school, and it is still unknown whether the school will exist after that, let alone the baseball team.

Once Sawamura and the others left, the baseball team would be dead in name only.

Such a team has also lost the value of inheritance, and Sawamura naturally doesn\'t expect new students.

The team that people join is likely to be forcibly dismantled and disbanded when they are in the third grade. It is difficult for Sawamura to lick his face before recruiting new students.

There is no recruiting table, no special people to recruit people, and no propaganda...

But even so, there are a lot of people who go to the baseball club on their own initiative to apply to join the team. As the receptionist, Cang Yue was busy all morning before sorting out the information of all the applicants.

"Look, that\'s all!"

Cang Yue handed a thick stack of documents to Sawamura. Her little face was flushed with excitement.

Let\'s see who would dare to underestimate the baseball team of Akagi Middle School in the future. With the addition of these 20 people, the baseball team of Akagi Middle School has a total of 30 people. Wow, if nothing else, just the number of players, Akagi can be compared with the three kings.

Looking at Wakana\'s excited face, Sawamura also laughed, but his smile was somewhat stiff.

This is still not accepting applications from the same session, otherwise, I am afraid there will be more people. As long as you get good grades, you will have this benefit. Talents and people who love to join in the fun will follow.

Everyone knows that there is meat to eat with Akagi. Even if I can\'t participate in the national competition, I can participate in the Kanto Conference.

Can represent Nagano Prefecture and participate in the Kanto Conference. It means standing out from more than 8,000 teams and hundreds of thousands of people. Not to mention anything else, just for bragging, it is enough for my friends to brag for a lifetime.

Sawamura expected a lot of people to come, but he didn\'t expect so many. After all, Chicheng is a small place, and there are a lot of freshmen entering the school nearby. According to the principal, this year is also a bumper harvest. There are dozens of people from a hundred majors.

Even if there are 50/50 boys and 50% boys, there are only 70 or 80 boys. Those who apply for the baseball team by themselves accounted for a quarter of the total number of boys.

With so many people, the baseball team only selects six people to join the team, which means that they have to draw a dozen people. So many people, how to calm the anger after being brushed down?

Maybe, the baseball team that just established the prestige of the first club in Akagi Middle School will suddenly lose its reputation.

Although this doesn\'t have a big impact on Sawamura and the baseball team, but every day people around you point at you and hold grievances, it also affects your mood.

"You have to think of a proper way."

Sawamura was in a dilemma and couldn\'t understand Wakana\'s excitement, so he listened to her gushing.

"In the past, many players in our area who learned from junior baseball in Nagano City also choose to join our team. They used to either join junior baseball directly, or enter Nagano Metropolis or go to Tenryu Temple, Dabei and other famous schools. Here There are also two main players who used to be Nagano Metropolitan\'s junior clubs, the main outfielder Ozono Pure, and the backup pitcher Komaki. I believe that with them joining us, we..."

Sawamura was taken aback, the main outfielder and backup pitcher.

Maybe it\'s because he thinks too much, but it\'s not necessarily because these two guys will really find a place for him.

If Akagi really aims at the whole country, it is definitely not enough to rely on the existing lineup. There are at least two positions, which need to be supplemented.

One is a backup pitcher. It is impossible for Sawamura to survive the county competition, the Kanto conference and the national conference in a row. The regional competitions are okay, with a maximum of two games a week.

But the Kanto Tournament is different from the National Tournament.

One week for the Kanto Conference and two weeks for the National Competition. In such a short period of time, at least nine games have to be played until the end. An average of one game every two days. With such a competition density, Sawamura is not an iron man, so of course he can\'t hold it.

So, Akagi needs a professional backup pitcher.

In addition, with the current defensive formation of the Akagi Middle School baseball team, they still lack a reliable passer with sufficient strength. Cang Yue\'s strength is not enough, and Yamaguchi\'s long pass is not accurate...

"These two guys, aren\'t they just staring at these two positions? Are the current elementary school students so mature?"

Sawamura felt a little weird.

Although, in this life, he has long determined the path he wants to take, but in the previous life, he didn\'t start to make such a choice that affected his life until he graduated from middle school.

Maybe it\'s really like what the guy It\'s not because others are too mature, but because his own thoughts are too simple.

"Go and see them."

On the second day of school, the freshmen of the baseball team gathered.

Today, the professional golf course of Akagi Middle School has been almost remodeled by Sawamura and the others. There is not much to have.

Looking at such a stadium, most of the newcomers were very surprised. They never thought that a little-known and broken school would have such professional equipment.

"As expected of Akagi, he really values ​​baseball."

"That is to say, the baseball field alone occupies more than half of such a large playground."

"I can hear that other big clubs like the football club and the track and field club, which need playgrounds, have been forcibly disbanded."


"Don\'t lie to people, other large societies are because there are not enough people..."

The new friends, whispering and discussing.

In the distance, the original members of the Akagi Middle School baseball team arrived late.

"Here it is! Sawamura-senpai is at the forefront."

Sawamura took the lead, walking at the front of the team. Behind him followed Fengxiang, Oda, Yamaguchi, Cang Yue, Feng Liang, Ashin, and the Yamazaki brothers and other small partners.

Today\'s baseball team is not what it used to be.

When the baseball team was first established, the baseball team\'s friends walked around like shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and people looked at them like a joke. It\'s different now, and now the little friends walk there with a difference.

People will never look at them the same way they watch jokes. Although he pointed at him, his eyes were filled with envy.

To put it bluntly, the current baseball team has become a beautiful sight in Akagi Middle School.
