Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 24: : Master and apprentice reunite!

When Sawamura saw Chris, his mind was blank. 【】

Although after Chris was injured, he had deliberately rushed to Tokyo from Nagano several times to visit, but every time he felt very uncomfortable.

Chris was injured in his previous life. Although Sawamura was sad, in the end, it had nothing to do with him. He just felt sorry and sad for his master. That feeling is easy to pass.

But in this life, Chris\' injury was indirectly caused by him.

Even if Sawamura is not a person who likes to dig into the horns, he will not be able to pass the hurdle in his heart.


Muttering these two words, Sawamura couldn\'t say anything anymore.

"Hehe, don\'t make such a mourning expression, I\'m not dead yet."

Chris made a bad joke.

Sawamura smiled sympathetically.

"I just came to the team, and before I could say hello to my former friends, the coach dragged me over impatiently. It seems that the coach has high expectations for you. Then don\'t disappoint his expectations, let\'s see See how many weapons you have at your disposal."

Chris did not catch up with Sawamura, but went straight to the point.

Facing such a Chris, Sawamura did not feel lost, but felt a little nostalgic in his heart.

This is Chris, when it comes to baseball, he doesn\'t care about anything.

After thinking about it, to partner with Chris and deal with several third-year seniors, Sawamura was not polite, and directly explained all his current tricks. He trusted Chris very much, and naturally he had no reservations.

"The ball paths that I can use now are roughly divided into two types, one is the straight ball system, and the other is the changing ball system. The straight ball system now has three types: ordinary straight ball, super-speeding straight ball and floating ball. The changing ball is now only I\'ve mastered both the quirk ball and the change-up. Of course, there are a lot of changes I can throw, but most of them haven\'t been honed. These are the ones that can be used as weapons at the moment."

When Sawamura said it, he was very dissatisfied.

For him, the little prince of change balls, it is really a shame to only throw so many kinds of balls.

"The coach taught you a new pitching position?"

Chris ignored Sawamura\'s ball path and asked a different topic.

"Yes, cover the wall and pitch."

Chris nodded, then squatted on the catcher\'s position: "Then you should use that posture to throw a ball and see, you should have practiced many times this morning?"

"it is good!"

Sawamura didn\'t talk nonsense, he threw aside the towel that Supervisor Kataoka gave him, picked up the baseball, and stepped into the pitching position.

At this time, Miyuki, Danbo, Miyauchi, and Kawakami\'s shooting partners have also completed their respective training and began to enter the bullpen to practice shooting.

When they saw Sawamura and Chris\' partner, they subconsciously slowed down.

At the pitching position, Sawamura couldn\'t see anything else in his eyes now, only the glove in Chris\'s hand.

"Two outs, runners at third base, one good and three bad."

Before Sawamura pitched, Chris said suddenly.

Don\'t talk about Sawamura, both Danbo and Kawakami were dumbfounded.

Isn\'t it a practice shot, why suddenly take into account the imaginative practice?

Chris, isn\'t that too strict.

In the pitching position, Sawamura missed this scene very much. He was not less taught by Chris in his previous life.

"Who is the hitter? Who is the runner?"

Sawamura asked very plainly.

While asking this question, Sawamura praised himself in his heart. I really am a genius, looking at how tall this little b-dress is, that stinky boy Yu Xing was dumbfounded. (You\'re a professional player, you can\'t do this, you\'re a jerk?)

Let\'s not comment on what Sawamura thinks in his own heart. But Miyuki, Miyauchi, Danba, and Kawakami were really stunned!

Amazing, really amazing!

Sawamura, who had just entered high school, had the realization that he would not do boring training for every ball.

Pitching practice plus imaginative practice will have a more practical effect, and will also make every pitch of the pitcher full of vitality.

Most importantly, through this kind of practice, it can also better fit the cooperation between the catcher and the pitcher. Let them communicate with each other when they actually compete.

Miyuki\'s eyes were frighteningly bright, looking at Chris, his heart was full of endless fighting spirit.

The one-year gap did not seem to have wiped out the strength and will of Senior Chris. He was still the Chris who was as strong as a monster.

"It\'s perfect to be able to compete for the position of the main catcher in his last year!"

Miyuki looked very excited.

But Danbo clenched his fists, not only pitching, but even his consciousness, he is so much worse than Sawamura?

This point, Danbo did not want to admit anyway.

"Damn, damn!"

The last summer of the third grade, the position of the ace, the company of my friends

All of these are like movies, constantly emerging from Danbo\'s eyes, floating by.

No, absolutely not. In the summer of the last year, I wouldn\'t let me go out if I said anything about the back number of the ace.

"In the palace, let\'s go!"

Danbo\'s fighting spirit was stirred up by Sawamura\'s words.

The palace was stunned for a while before chasing after Danbo\'s figure and leaving. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Chris, who was squatting, and Miyuki, who was standing beside him with excited eyes shining.

A deep sense of crisis lingered in his heart, lingering.

At this time, Kawasami was the calmest.

Anyway, he is a relay, and he has no ambitions for the trump card. Anyone can do it, you can fight.

I just need to hone my pitching and when the time comes, I can help the team.

Kawakami, who was in the first semester of his second year, thought so from the bottom of his heart. It wasn\'t until Danbo retired that he began to show his presence. Of course, this is a later story, and we will not mention it for the time being.

Then, Chris and Sawamura are a pair of master and apprentices.

When Sawamura asked who the attacker was? When who was the runner, Chris laughed sincerely.

"Ichiro the hitter, Porter the runner."

Sawamura frowned and complained in his heart: "These two are not the same generation, nor are they from the same team?"

In the previous life, when Sawamura entered the profession, Ichiro and Porter had both retired for many years, and Sawamura had never played against them. However, these two are celebrities in the major leagues, and Sawamura has heard about their characteristics.

If he is their opponent, it should be no problem to suppress them in the first For this, Sawamura is very confident.

With confidence in his heart, Sawamura\'s pitching became extremely smooth.

First, he raised his right foot high, and then shoved his right foot out fiercely. When his right foot stepped out, it was like a battle axe, giving people an incomparably sharp feeling.


When his right foot landed, Sawamura\'s entire body shifted with the center of gravity. With the shift in his body\'s center of gravity, his right hand was covered with gloves like a wall, and his left arm was swung like a whip.


The baseball shot, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of Chris.


The baseball hit Chris\' glove and flew behind Chris.

The first goal of Sawamura\'s all-out effort, Chris missed it!