Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 23: : Pitching the 'new posture'

The next day, early morning.

The players of the baseball club come to the baseball club early in the morning to train.

Qing Dao\'s training is very strict. They gather at 5:30 in the morning and start running at 5:40, running for 20 minutes first. This is a warm-up. After the warm-up is over, practice swinging and pitching.

Tactical simulation exercises and garrison exercises are usually arranged in the afternoon.

After the morning run this morning, Director Kataoka called everyone together.

At six o\'clock, the sky was already bright.

Kataoka stood alone in front of all the Qingdo players and said in a serious tone.

"Listen, there are less than three months until the start of the summer competition. Aimless training is just a waste of time and is of no use."

"The first step taken on a hill and the first step taken on Mount Fuji seem to be no different on the surface. But in fact, the consciousness required by the two is absolutely different. You must be clear, we have to climb Is that the one?"

"Only goals give you life, improve your fighting spirit to practice, don\'t be lazy for me, do you understand?"


The Qingdao little one hundred contestants responded in unison, and the momentum seemed to shake the world.

Including freshmen, there are 93 Qingdao players this year.

As a supervisor, even if Kataoka has some background, he is also a graduate of Qingdo. But he did not lead the team into Jiaziyuan for five consecutive years, and he was under great pressure.

This morning, the principal and the dean came to cheer on the team, but they were actually putting pressure on Kataoka in disguise.

Honestly, no wonder they. After all, they are also working for the Takashima family, and if they can\'t get into Koshien continuously, not to mention that Kataoka\'s character itself is not pleasing, even if it is pleasing, they will kill them.

Otherwise, how can they explain to the school board?

In fact, secretly, they have begun to contact new coach candidates. If Kataoka can make it to Koshien this summer, there\'s not much to say. If not, it\'s their fault.

"I don\'t know if there is any hope for our players this year?"

The head teacher asked with a smile.

Kataoka was also in good spirits: "Yicheng, Ryosuke Kominato, Jun Isashiki, Toru Masuko, Miyuki, these are all top players in the country, and we have an unexpected harvest this year."

"Is that Sawamura-san?"

The dean of teaching cheerfully catered to Dao.

Kataoka turned to look at him and said nothing.

"Sawamura-san, please come to the cowshed."

Just as everyone was about to train, Sawamura heard a call coming from a small speaker.

Sawamura hurriedly rushed to the cowshed.

He thought it was Chris who was here, but he didn\'t expect that Kataoka\'s iceberg face was waiting for him.

"Starting today, during morning practice, you\'ll be here to pitch."


How dare Sawamura refuse to obey the supervisor\'s orders.

"You try to throw the ball again, as you used to."

Then Kataoka very patiently instructed Sawamura to pitch.

Sawamura didn\'t know why, but he still followed the instructions of Photooka and made a pitching posture according to his own rhythm.

Stride, swing, pitch, very fluid.

Kataoka nodded and said.

"What\'s your current fastest ball speed, have you measured it?"

Sawamura answered honestly: "Little one hundred and four, normal pitching is about one hundred and thirty-five-six."

Kataoka said, it really is.

"Now I teach you to pitch, but when you practice, don\'t use a real ball, use a towel instead. If you throw too much, your fingers will hurt."

"Boy, look carefully!"

After Kataoka finished speaking, he used his hand as a wall, and then came a standard pitch.


Like a whirlwind, Kataoka\'s pitch brought extraordinary vigor.

It has to be said that even though he is thirty, Kataoka still retains the skills and spirit of a professional player. Even if he is on the professional court now, he is still very effective.

Sawamura was embarrassed to see such a shocking scene.

He finally understood what Kataoka meant. It was nothing more than a pleasure to see the hunter and wanted to teach himself how to pitch.

In the previous life, this pitching posture was also taught to Sawamura by Kataoka.

To be honest, this posture helped Sawamura a lot and greatly improved Sawamura\'s pitching level.

But now learning, will not be a bit embarrassing.

This posture, which Sawamura has honed in his previous life, has been perfected, and now he can use it as he pleases.

It\'s like someone who has graduated from college, going back to elementary school and learning the quadratic linear equation, it\'s a strange feeling.

At this time, Sawamura couldn\'t say that he would, otherwise he would have failed Kataoka\'s kindness.

In desperation, this morning, Sawamura could only obediently practice the pitching skills he had already mastered by heart.

High-legged, heroic stance (right-handed wall, blocked pitch), these are things Sawamura knew so well that he could use them in middle school.

There were several reasons why it didn\'t work at the time.

The first is that the catcher is not easy to catch the ball that can\'t see where the ball is released.

Of course, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that this pitching aggravates Sawamura\'s physical exertion.

Sawamura\'s most powerful pitch is the high-legged home pitching!

But such a big move also increased Sawamura\'s physical exertion. Originally, he was able to throw forty or fifty **** with all his strength, but it is no problem to pay a little attention to seventy balls.

But once these two items are added, Sawamura\'s full 30 shots will be the limit. Even if you pay attention to keeping your stamina, it will only be fifty or sixty goals.

Fifty or sixty goals are far from enough in high school games.

In the original book, Sawamura played against Lao Sheng for the first time. It was after he ran for three weeks. In four games, he drained all his physical strength and was sore.

The current Sawamura, if he throws every ball with all his strength, he may not end up much better than his previous life.

That\'s the real reason he seals his pitch.

Now that Kataoka kindly taught him, he also unlocked his posture.

But this posture, he will!

Since he can, Sawamura\'s training will inevitably not be serious.

This was quickly discovered by Kataoka.

"Can\'t you get the trick?"

He had misunderstood, and Kataoka was no wonder. Based on Sawamura\'s current strength, Kataoka firmly does not believe that Sawamura does not work hard.

Sawamura must have worked extremely hard, and the reason why he never practiced was probably because he didn\'t find the trick.

"It seems that I need to find a teacher for him."

Turning around, Kataoka found the assistant coach.

"Where\'s Chris? Call Chris here, I have a mission for him."

"Because Chris has just recovered and is now being tested, he has to be tested before he can come."

the assistant coach said.

"Then wait for him to come."

Kataoka nodded and left.


The gears of fate have already begun to turn, but the meeting between master and apprentice was a little later than Sawamura had expected.