Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 13: : horn of counterattack

"it is good!"

"Nice job!"

"As expected of a middle school devil, he is really handsome."

"I can\'t tell at all, he was a middle school student a month ago."


The principals and alumni of Qingdao High School, who had seen Xiao Gu Xiao already very surprised, were all excited and incoherent at this time.

For Qing Dao, who lacked pitchers, Sawamura\'s appearance was undoubtedly like a savior.

Although Jiang Gu Xiao\'s pitching was also very pleasant, but looking at his posture, he knew that Jiang Gu Xiao belonged to that kind of wild pitcher. Sawamura is different. Sawamura\'s every move is full of professionalism.

This is a very experienced, very mature pitcher. Drag it to the court and he\'ll use it!

Not to mention Harudai, by the summer of this year, Sawamura will undoubtedly become the main force of Qingdao.

Sawamura didn\'t have stage fright, he smiled and waved at the seniors and alumni. He naturally carried such a star aura.

Seeing Sawamura\'s response, the audience also became more enthusiastic.

In an instant, Sawamura became the focus of the audience.

"Cut, this stinky boy, he is really in the limelight."

Izashiki Jun said in annoyance.

"Chun-sang, Sawamura is already a big star. Not to mention those who just entered high school this year, even in the entire high school circle, there are only a handful of people whose fame can be compared with Sawamura."

On the surface, Kuramochi explained for Sawamura, but in fact, he harbored evil intentions.

As roommates in the same dormitory, although they get along well on weekdays, Kuramochi is naturally hostile to geniuses like Sawamura. (It’s the same reason that the second-generation rich are displeased with Diaosi. It’s not that the second-generation rich is disgusting, he just thinks you are unhappy, and he can’t do anything about it.)

Seeing that Sawamura was unlucky, Kuramochi didn\'t mind adding fuel to the fire.


Looking at the beautiful figure of Sawamura, Jun Isashiki, Kuramochi, and Ryosuke Kominato immediately felt the same hatred.

Jun Cheng glanced at the three of them helplessly, but said nothing.

The severity of the three-person plot is terrifying. Even if I see Chris and Miyuki on weekdays, they sometimes do this.

In this regard, even as the captain of the team, the formation is helpless.

"Watch the game well."

In the first half of the fourth inning, the freshmen attacked.

Because the freshman team had not scored any hits before, they started this inning from the first bat.

Sawamura replaced Tojo as the second player of the freshman team. (It doesn\'t mean that Tojo\'s strength can only be the second best among freshmen. The first batch of players to play, the pitcher is Kaneda. This second best position belongs to Kaneda!)

"The defense has gradually stabilized, and the next step is to think about how to score."

Sawamura called all the new students together and began to arrange tactics.

"This game is a good opportunity for us. It\'s the top line\'s turn to play the line. Most of you have seen Danbo-senpai\'s pitching before, and I think we will not be mentally prepared. The first thing we have to do is to adapt to him. The speed of the ball, find a way to hit the ball first. Once someone hits base, use the safest way to score. By the way, who of you has practiced bunts?"

When asked by Sawamura, several freshmen shook their heads.

Don\'t look at these people who were beaten badly by the seniors of Qingdao, but when they were in middle school, that was not the trump card of four clubs, and they were beaten hard?

They are all harvesters in the team, why would they go to hone tactical bunts?


Sawamura was speechless for a while.

"Forget it, just hit and run when necessary. Although the success rate is lower this way, as long as we reduce the swing range, it should not be difficult to hit the ball. Whether the ball is caught or hits the ground, You have to run with all your strength. The opponent\'s strength is not as strong as we imagined. Remember one thing, don\'t be too ambitious, thinking about getting the score back in one breath, the most important thing is to show your own characteristics and strength. Our opponents are not complete It\'s these seniors, and ourselves."



Hearing Sawamura\'s order, a few friends couldn\'t help answering.

After answering, I saw the little friends around were looking at them stupidly.

So embarrassing~

Before I knew it, the first-year players had begun to regard Sawamura as a real coach.

In the first half of the fourth inning, the freshmen attacked, and this time it was the first turn.

For two consecutive goals, the freshman missed Danbo\'s ball. It was not until the third ball that he barely touched the ball and scored it into the court.

The ball flew to the side of third base, and the third baseman stepped forward to catch the ball, and then passed it to the front of the first base.


The freshman who didn\'t hit a hit had a hint of decadence on his face.

"It\'s alright, it\'s starting to touch the ball gradually, isn\'t it?"

Sawamura walked opposite to him, smiled and comforted.


The freshman was stunned for a moment, then relieved.

It seems that this is the case, he has gradually started to touch the ball of Tanba-senpai. Unlike the first game, he felt like he couldn\'t touch the ball at all.

Now, he no longer has that kind of despair.

Once out, no one got on base, and it was Sawamura\'s turn to hit.

Sawamura entered the strike zone like a spring breeze.

A curved ball as if it suddenly fell from a high altitude!

"Just let me play your curveball for a while, Tamba-senpai!"

Sawamura, who was standing on the hitting area, held the bat high in his hand, and his entire hitting posture was extremely formal.

bring it on!

In the position of the catcher, the palace frowned, and Danbo on the pitcher mound was in high spirits.

Gong Nai felt that the momentum of the freshmen team began to rise, whether it was attacking or defending, they all began to show their fighting spirit. And now Danbo\'s fighting spirit is also very high!

Come on then!

The first ball: the straight ball from the inside Having an idea, Miyauchi decided to assign Danbo a straight ball from the inside corner.


"nice shot!"


"nice shot!"

Two consecutive goals, two consecutive strikes, Sawamura did not swing.

From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the palace strangely.

All straight balls, not a single change ball!

"Is it intentional, or is it a coincidence?"

Sawamura was a little unsure. He had originally made up his mind to play Danbo\'s tiebreaker, but Danbo just didn\'t do it.

It seems that Tamba and Miyauchi seem to have made up their minds to use straight **** to fight Sawamura!

"These seniors really look down on me. They even studied it specifically, my blow."

Neither Miyauchi nor Danba were good actors, and Sawamura realized their purpose with a little attention. They were clearly determined to use a straight ball to deal with Sawamura.

This means that they haven\'t studied Sawamura\'s attack, and Sawamura doesn\'t believe it.

"Cut! Do you think I can\'t do anything with straight balls?"


The white ball whizzed.

On the strike zone, Sawamura\'s body turned like a windmill, and the bat in his hand slammed on the flying white ball.


The white ball was pumped out and landed behind the second baseman.

As soon as the baseball hit, Sawamura threw away the bat in his hand and started running forward. He ran to second base in one breath and stopped when the outfielder picked up the ball.


The first hit of the freshman appeared, producer Sawamura Eijun.

Standing on the second base\'s bag, Sawamura clenched his fists somewhat uncomfortable.

The ball is heavier than he thought!

Danbo has not been in Qingdao for the past two years. His ball speed and ball power have been honed well.

But even so, Sawamura sounded the clarion call for the freshmen to fight back.