Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 12: : Ordinary 'Magic Ball' (Homage to Xiao Yuanyuan)

The strength training room of the baseball club of Qingdo High School.

Several players selected by the baseball club are doing strength training.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a third-year student walked in.

"That boy, come on!"

Hearing this, he was in the midst of doing push-ups and suddenly stopped. The weightlifting Zengzito also put down the weightlifting equipment. Ryosuke Kominato, Jun Isafuki, and the main force of the third grade stopped their movements one by one.

They gathered together very tacitly, like samurai ready to go to battle. Elegance, with a trace of murderousness.

"let\'s go!"

Under the leadership of Xie Cheng, the core and main force of the Qingdao First Army began to rush to the baseball stadium.

Kuramochi stared blankly at these seniors, wondering what happened to them?

However, his intuition should be lively to watch.

"Hee hee, interesting."

Kuramochi was a typical person who would die if he didn\'t watch it. Realizing that there was a lot of fun to watch, he followed without hesitation.

By the time they got to the court, Sawamura had just dealt with the first hitter.

Now, Sawamura, who won the first outs, ushered in the third team of the Laosheng team, three.

Sankou is a senior who is very strong in combat in the third grade.

For Sawamura, the three of them were certainly impressed.

But after watching Sawamura\'s pitch just now, he couldn\'t help but wonder, is this really the Sawamura he saw a year and a half ago?

Yes! The current Sawamura has grown more than when he met before. The speed of the ball of light has increased by about five kilometers, and Sawamura\'s current ball speed should be 135 kilometers!

This is very strong in freshmen.

But it felt like Sankou thought that Sawamura should be stronger.

In one and a half years, the ball speed soared from 130 to 135.

This growth is very reasonable. (The higher the ball speed base, the more difficult it is to improve.)

But the three just felt that something was not right there. In the impression, Sawamura seemed to have change-ups and other strange straight balls.


In the eyes of the current third year of Qingdo High School, Sawamura is very strong.

How can the people who have successively defeated Shichengjianji, Ryosuke Kominato, and Chris Yu not be strong? Not to mention, Sawamura also struck out the former captain, Dongqingguo, who was like a monster in their eyes.

Although Sawamura is two years younger than them, many of them have always regarded Sawamura as the strongest imaginary enemy. Especially after being played by Daocheng\'s rookie pitcher Naru Gong Ming last year, they were even more jealous of Sawamura.

They have seen the horror of Cheng Gongming.

And in middle school, Sawamura defeated Narimiya Naruto.

How scary is Nasawa Village?

There is absolutely no one among Qingdao\'s third-year players who will underestimate Sawamura.

As a member of the third grade, Sankou always thought of Sawamura as a monster.

But now watching Sawamura\'s pitching, he couldn\'t help but doubt.

It seems that Sawamura is not as strong as he thinks?

It\'s not that the current Sawamura doesn\'t look strong, and the current Sawamura\'s pitching is also very beautiful, but it seems that compared with his memory, it is not as strong as he remembers, which is despairing.

"Did we get stronger? Or is there something weird in your pitching?"

This point, the three of them racked their brains and could not figure it out.

In the end, he reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​​​using his brain.

No matter, now my task is to hit the flying ball!

After making up his mind, Sankou stared at Sawamura on the pitcher\'s mound without blinking.

On the pitcher\'s mound, Sawamura waited for Hunter to give him a signal.

Although the game only lasted a little over two innings, it was not the first or second time that Hunter and Sankou had played against each other (the other side scored 18 points, and it was the fourth time they played each other). He has a deep understanding of the three.

This senior is very strong!

There were two hits and three RBIs before.

The two hits were from outside corners, with few swings against inside corners.

These materials flashed across Hunter\'s mind, and then he decisively gave Sawamura a signal from the inner corner.

on the mound.

Sawamura nodded at Hunter Hang, and then threw an inside corner kick.


A small white ball that goes straight into the inner corner.

Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with Hunting Farm\'s approach. However, he underestimated the shrewdness of the three. Sankou also knew that he had hit the outside corner twice before, and this time the opponent would definitely target the inside corner to attack.

So he aimed at the inner corner at the start.


The ball flies to the inside corner.

The three teeth clenched, aimed at the ball, and decisively swung the stick.


After the white ball was hit, it flew out.

Hit out!

The moment he hit out, Sankou himself couldn\'t believe it, but fortunately, the strict training had already made him form a conditioned reflex. After hitting the ball, he flew to first base immediately.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura looked at the baseball that flew to the side of third base and shouted, "Third baseman!"

Jin Maru hardly moved, and the small white ball flew into his glove.



Two outs, no one on base.

Sawamura gave Jin Wan a thumbs up: "Good job!"

Jin Wan is also very but more shocked.

The ball flew into the glove as if it had been given an order!

"Fourth, first baseman, Kenta Maezono."

After three hits, it was Qianyuan\'s turn to strike, and he was the fourth player of the Second Army.

"Look me out!"

After Qianyuan stepped into the strike zone, it was like an angry eye, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.

On the pitcher mound, there was a smile on the corner of Sawamura\'s mouth.

Unexpectedly, the first close contact with Qianyuan was on the field.

"Alright, let me treat you well, Senior Qianyuan."




Three **** in a row, each one swings the front yard, but he doesn\'t hit the ball with a single one.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

Qianyuan is not in the third grade, and he has never seen the horror of Sawamura before. This sudden attack made him a little confused.

Who can tell him what just happened?

In the position of the referee, a rare smile appeared on Kataoka\'s face.

The onlookers formed them, their faces sullen as if they were about to freeze.

"This ball is so weird!"

Isashiki Jun frowned and commented.

"Looking from the side, it\'s the most ordinary straight ball, but the front garden misses the bat three times, and the catcher can catch the ball steadily? That stinky boy, can he do magic?"

"It\'s not magic, it\'s pitching!"

The formed gaze was more precise: "It\'s a matter of pitching. There is a mystery in that pitching that we haven\'t penetrated."

"Three outs, offense and defense exchange."

Two strikeouts, one catch.

Sawamura played, and the Laosheng team went up and down three times.
