Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 56: : Never lose!

The speed of the ball is not very fast, but the change of the ball path is very good. Not only is there a small angle of rise, but also the change of depth. Of course, these are not the most important, the most important thing is that Sawamura also has the calmness and fighting spirit that a pitcher needs.

In his pitching, he has the fighting spirit and vitality that only top pitchers have. In other words, to put it simply, even if the pitching machine perfectly simulates Sawamura\'s ball speed and changes, it will never achieve the effect of his pitching.

That\'s not a realm that machines can reach, it\'s a ball that only humans can throw.

Even if he is also a pitcher, Nanami Haruka has to sigh at Sawamura\'s talent, and these talents have begun to gradually transform into strength...


Sawamura was the first to make the arrogant Nanami Haruka say this.

In the past, Nanami Haruka was always chasing after his seniors as juniors, watching the seniors being surpassed by him one by one. This feeling is exciting, but also easy to slack off.

Gradually, Nanami Haruka couldn\'t even see the figure in front of him.

Fengxiang and the seniors, when there was no one around who needed to be surpassed, Nanami Haruka\'s strength stagnated. Especially after he participated in the national competition, he saw that the so-called masters of the national competition were mediocre.

He suddenly had a feeling that the whole country was nothing but such.

If he works too hard, I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to meet his opponent again in the future!

In order to make himself a little more happy, Nanami Haruka has invisibly relaxed his demands on himself. Although with the growth of his body, his strength in all aspects has also risen with the tide, but in terms of his understanding of baseball, he has not improved much this year.

The world where he can\'t see his opponent is a barren and dark place, making Qi Haiyao stagnant, and he has no motivation to move forward.

Now he finally met his opponent, but it was amazing. This opponent was not the senior he needed to catch up with before, but the junior, who was chasing him from behind.

As long as you keep walking down the path of baseball, will guys like Sawamura spring up one by one like bamboo shoots after the rain?

Thinking of this, Nanami Haruka seemed to be able to hear the cheers of the trillions of cells in his body.

It is impossible to stand still. In order to meet more interesting opponents like Sawamura in the future, he cannot lose anything in this game.

The bat in his hand was clenched tightly, and Nanami Haruka stared at Sawamura unblinkingly, as if he could see through Sawamura. At the same time, the bat in his hand was held high, and his whole body looked very relaxed.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura felt exactly the same as Nanami Haruka.

The cells of the whole body trembled with excitement.

He can\'t lose this match, whether it\'s for the team or himself. For this reason, he even unlocked the change ball that he originally planned to unlock until the second or third grade.

Because the body is soft, the arms and wrists can throw the ball like a whip. As long as Sawamura changes the way he holds the ball and where he holds the ball, he can achieve the goal of changing the ball.

The way of holding the ball is different, the position and stitching of the ball are different, and the changes are also various. In his previous life, Sawamura was called the King of Change Balls, not without reason. Except for the quirky **** that do not see much difference, he has mastered twenty or thirty kinds of changing **** with clear light ball paths.

It is unclear whether this record has never been followed, but it is definitely unprecedented. Therefore, Sawamura has attracted much attention in the major leagues and has become an excellent relief pitcher.

Because of the variety of changing **** and a super big heart that has been tempered since high school, Sawamura is one of the top rescue pitchers, although he has not become the first person in the rescue pitcher position.

Unfortunately, rescue is rescue, not trump card. Whether it is record, fame or industry evaluation, Sawamura has not reached the peak of his career.

And what restricts Sawamura is his speed and power!

The ball speed of 140 kilometers, although not slow in the major leagues, is not considered outstanding. Some monsters with strong fighting strength can completely wait for the ball to completely enter the hand before swinging the bat.

Facing such a batter, Sawamura often felt powerless, and everyone\'s record was evenly divided. Although no one can completely suppress Sawamura, Sawamura also has no top hitters who can win it steadily.

If you can\'t get the number of eliminations in the most critical situation, you can\'t become an ace.

Now that he has lived a new life, Sawamura has only one requirement for himself, and that is to become an ace, the greatest ace pitcher in the world.

Nanami Haruka is his first opponent.


Sawamura\'s third shot, a change-up, was seized by Nanami Haruka and hit out of bounds.

"The outside world!"

The number of goals remained the same, but in terms of momentum, Haruka Nanami pulled one back.

The trump card Sawamura just took out was caught by him.

In the position of the catcher, Feng Xiang\'s brows were almost wrinkled into pimples. He knows the details of Nanami Haruka very well. This guy has dynamic vision far beyond ordinary people. For the average batter, the pitcher throws a lot of balls, and they can gradually adapt to it. Not to mention Haruka Nanami, a hitter with excellent dynamic vision. UU reading

For Sawamura\'s second changeup, he failed to strike out Nanami Haruka, which means that it will be difficult to deceive him in the future changeup.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura\'s face also became serious.

A icy aura unique to the pitcher continued to permeate.

The little friends who were guarding around Sawamura subconsciously became nervous. Although they didn\'t understand the specific reason, they were aware of the importance of the current confrontation to Sawamura.

As teammates, friends, childhood sweethearts, they can only choose to do auxiliary work and support silently. Once the ball flies to his side, he will stop the ball even if he tries his best.

"Let them fight, we will stop it."

"Two strikes, two strikes!!"

"Come on, Eijun."

"Sawamura, it\'s up to you."

For the first time, without using Sawamura\'s reminder, the little friends started to cheer for Sawamura. The first person to speak was Cang Yue from the third base. As soon as she opened her mouth, the male creatures from Tianlong Temple Middle School immediately looked at her.

Originally, Ruoca kept silent, they actually didn\'t know who Feng Liang and Cang Yue were. Now I finally know that the one who was guarding third base was the legendary only female knight on the field, Cangyue Wakana.

With a small fair face and big eyes, the whole person looks light and agile, and there is a temperament of a girl next door.

so cute~

These **** from Akagi are also too happy. Not only did they pick up a talented pitcher like Sawamura in ten years, they could complete the ideal of counterattacking local tyrants, and they also had beautiful girls sparring with them on weekdays.


The players of Tenryu Temple began to have red eyes one by one, staring at Sawamura and Akagi\'s little friends, as if to delay him.
