Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 55: : Change Ball, Unblock!

"This guy is really exciting!"

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura\'s eyes were about to light up.

After being reborn, it was the first time that Sawamura encountered such a heavy hitter, a hitter who could make his whole body stand with chills! In this match, Sawamura had also faced off against Nanami Haruka twice before, and at that time, he obviously didn\'t have the excitement he has now.

Why do you feel this way all of a sudden?

Seriously, there are only two answers. One is the previous Nanami Haruka, who was not serious, that is, he did not go all out; the other is that he may grow in this game. Either one or both of these...

However, now Sawamura is not in the mood to care about this. He was completely immersed in the confrontation with Nanami Haruka, and he enjoyed this feeling very much in his heart. Only in this feeling did he feel that his current life was not a dream, but a very vivid life.

Come on, let me see the true strength of the talented player Nanami Haruka!

In the position of the catcher, Feng Xiang first looked at Qi Hai Yao in disbelief. Although he was respected as a talented player, Qi Hai Yao usually dealt with it when he played, and he was rarely as serious as he is now. Sure enough, when he met an opponent with enough weight, was he also inspired?

Then he turned his attention to Sawamura on the pitcher mound. Although he had a hunch for a long time, Feng Xiang couldn\'t help but sigh when he saw the scene of the two facing off: Sure enough, they are the same people, born for baseball.

No, Sawamura\'s state doesn\'t seem right. I don\'t know if it was his delusion, he always felt that Sawamura\'s state was very strange, and Sawamura\'s whole body seemed to be on fire now.

This is the first time Fengxiang has seen Sawamura like this. On weekdays, as the core and leader of the team, Sawamura always acts very responsible, although he loves to joke with his friends and get into a group. But the majesty and maturity of the captain, he is not lacking.

The current Sawamura is different. He has rarely seen that kind of friendly face in him, and some are just his characteristics as a pitcher.

Never admit defeat, and eager to fight.

For Feng Xiang, this feeling is not unfamiliar, it is exactly the same as what he felt from Qi Hai when he faced off against Nan Hai Haruka two years ago.

"As a friend, you are very good! As a partner, you are too weak!"

At that time, Nanami Haruka said so.

It is precisely because of these words that Fengxiang and Nanami Haruka parted ways. Instead of joining Nagano Metropolis or Tenryuji Temple, he chose to go to Akagi Middle School in the countryside.

Fengxiang has always wanted to prove that even if he is not a genius, he can gain strength beyond genius through hard work. Although he has always been hailed as a genius, Feng Xiang himself knew that he was never a genius.

In terms of talent in baseball, he is not even as good as his backup Tuhara.

Back then, in Nagano Metropolitan Junior Club, in that talented team, Feng Xiang defeated countless opponents with ordinary skills and won the position of Nagano Metropolitan Junior Club\'s main catcher. Therefore, he has always believed in his own theory.

He also always believed that his strength could keep pace with Nanami Haruka.

Until that day\'s duel.

Nanami Haruka, who is usually a coward, was hit by himself at first, and finally broke out completely. Feng Xiang will never forget that moment, and in the end he couldn\'t even touch Qi Hai Haruka\'s ball.

Nanami\'s whole person seemed to have suddenly awakened. The speed, power, and control of the ball were not at the same level as before.

"As a partner, you are still too weak!"


Now Sawamura is the same as Nanami back then, even stronger. Can you catch his ball?

Can, definitely can. The reason why he lost to Qi Hai at the beginning was because his efforts were not enough. In the past two years, I have never let go one day, and now I am definitely stronger than before.

"Whatever you want to throw, just throw it. Just tell me the approximate direction, and I will definitely catch it!"

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura also felt Fengxiang\'s firm intention.

"It\'s a reliable senior, then I\'m welcome."

Change Ball, unblock!

With only six outs left, Sawamura thought he could still do it. As long as they win this game, they can go to the Kanto Conference, which is a very important experience for Akagi and friends.

Next, it\'s time to strike out all the batters to pitch.

Sawamura made a gesture, the code from the outer corner.

Feng Xiang nodded slightly.

Then Sawamura wrapped the small white ball in his hand with an \'OK\' gesture and threw it out.

In the process of throwing out, the arm should be swinging thoroughly, and at the same time, the fingers should not be deliberately forced.


The white ball came flying, and the ball\'s path was in the middle!

Haruka Nanami, who has excellent dynamic eyesight, locked the ball in a flash, and swung the bat out according to the timing he had already prepared.


Nanami\'s bat swing is very thorough. Among middle school students, not many can swing the bat with such a low sound.

Just waiting for the end of his swing, the white ball never came.

The ball is so slow, so slow!

In Nanami Haruka\'s eyes, the small white ball seemed to be enchanted and moved slowly.


"nice shot!"

One goal, just one goal, Sawamura stirred the emotions of everyone present.

The faces of the contestants from Tenryuji Middle School were ashen, and they had an ominous premonition now becoming more real. That pitcher has still retained his ultimate move until now.

His change ball never appeared at all.

All of this is exactly the same as his last battle against Nagano Metropolitan Middle School. That time, it wasn\'t until the end that Sawamura threw a straight shot. It was precisely because of the sudden straight ball that they extinguished Nagano Metropolitan Middle School\'s last hope of scoring.

Now, Sawamura has completely replicated the previous game, and in the final stage, he came up with new weapons. Could it be that the king, Tianlong Temple, will also lose Maicheng?

On the contrary, the fans of the Brotherhood of Brotherhood have their eyes shining. What did they see? Sawamura is indeed omnipotent, even throwing change-ups.

"Sawamura, Sawamura!!!"

"Akagi, Akagi!!!!"

The sound of cheering suddenly became extremely loud, suppressing the entire stadium.

The students from Akagi Middle School who were sitting beside them were all taken aback.

For those of them who don\'t know much about baseball, is Sawamura\'s slow ball, who obviously made a mistake, really that powerful?


On the strike zone, Nanami Haruka\'s eyes seemed to glow, and he was attracted by Sawamura\'s pitching. Or maybe he didn\'t expect that he would face the change-up thrown by Sawamura under such circumstances.

After the first pitch, Sawamura threw a straight ball for the second pitch.

Facing this ball, Haruka Nanami\'s mind inevitably came up with the scene of the change-up. Although he swung the bat, he didn\'t hit the ball well. He threw the ball out of bounds because he swung too late.

One strike, one strike, and one out of bounds, two strikes are counted as strikes.

In this way, the number of **** is two good and one bad, and the batter is chased.

