Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 43: : Please come to the door

"Accepting an interview?"

Sawamura stared at the smug Sano with wide eyes.


Sano\'s interest was undiminished, and answered as a matter of course.

Sawamura had the urge to pry open Sano\'s head. He wanted to see if Sano\'s brain structure was different from his. By the way, Sano, aren\'t you the leading teacher? Shouldn’t the most important consideration for leading teachers be students’ mental and physical health?

Although Akagi Middle School has created a lot of achievements, in the final analysis, Nagano is still a small place, and Akagi\'s achievements are nothing.

Only if he wins one more battle and Akagi has the opportunity to go to the Kanto Conference, then he really has the right to be crazy.

Now accepting an interview with reporters, whether it\'s for Akagi\'s friends or for their next game, it\'s all detrimental and unhelpful.

Sawamura wanted to refuse categorically, but he thought of Sano\'s selfless help, money and effort. If he refused, he couldn\'t say it again.

"Are you in trouble?"

Sano, who looked silly, even had a delicate side, and he noticed Sawamura\'s abnormality.

Sawamura breathed a sigh of relief, this was what Sano wanted to ask himself, not what he took the initiative to say.

"Brother Sano, it seems that the timing is not right for us to be interviewed now. No one has such experience. Interviewing reporters before the most important game will probably make them at a loss."

Sawamura said as gently as possible.

Sano nodded with an undiminished smile on his face, and asked, "Have you ever stood in their position and thought about it?"


Sawamura looked at Sano in confusion, didn\'t understand what Sano wanted to say?

"I haven\'t had much contact with baseball, and I don\'t know anything about the game of baseball. To be honest, I still don\'t fully understand the rules of baseball. But since you guys like to play and ask me sincerely, I will do my best. I can help you logistically. I don\'t know baseball, but even a layman like me knows, you should be strong, right?"

Facing Sano\'s sincere gaze, Sawamura felt that he was speechless.

Of course, he is very strong. Even if his body is still immature, as a rescue catcher in the major leagues, his understanding of baseball is far from what ordinary little devils like middle school students can compare.

This experience alone is enough for him to crush most of his peers of the same age. In addition, his own talent is also good, the two complement each other, and there are really few who can become Sawamura\'s opponents in the same session.

Seeing that Sawamura didn\'t answer, Sano nodded secretly. He knew that Sawamura was acquiescing.

"With players like you, what do they think when they are mediocre, have you ever thought about it?"


Sawamura opened his mouth, but said nothing.

He has always been very tolerant of his little friends, no matter in the past or this life. He never forced them to do anything...

But isn\'t that cruel?

Sawamura is equivalent to arranging everything for everyone. They are people, not objects. It doesn\'t mean that Sawamura is good for them, they really feel good, they also have their own ideas.

"They also need recognition, and they also need to prove that they didn\'t hold you back."

Sawamura felt like he had understood a lot of things, as if he had been enlightened. Some previous life, he never thought of things.

No wonder Fengxiang apologized to him before, saying sorry to him.

Maybe even Senior Fengxiang thinks that he is holding him back?

"That doesn\'t have to be now, we only have one more game..."

Sawamura gritted his teeth and insisted, being famous now is too bad for Akagi. They are already dazzling enough. If they are interviewed by reporters again, their opponents will definitely not be negligent.

"Don\'t be naive, boy."

Sano smiled and handed Sawamura his cell phone, which contained reports about them.

"Since the moment you won Nagano Metropolitan High School, the script of the dark horse raid can\'t be played. Change the script?"

Sawamura looked at the report on the phone in shock and lowered his head helplessly.

Although he had an ominous premonition for a long time, he still did not expect that things would develop so quickly. Yesterday\'s game, today\'s "Baby Boys" has a detailed report.

It is impossible to kill a king by surprise.

"Then pick it up!"

Sawamura said in a shaky voice.

Wait, when did Sano become such a smart person? Sawamura looked at him suspiciously.

A silly smile appeared on Sano\'s simple and honest face, and he really didn\'t look like someone who could say what he just said.

"What you just said was plagiarized?"

Facing Sawamura\'s suspicious gaze, Sano was furious: "What nonsense?"

How could he tell Sawamura that these words were taught to him by Principal Takada, which would hurt his image of Sano-sensei Hideaki Shenwu.

Sawamura told the news to his friends in the baseball club.


"This is going to be on TV."

"It\'s not TV or an online platform, so there\'s no need to be so excited."

"Wow, it looks so high-end and atmospheric."

Unexpectedly, the little friend was very excited.

As Sano said, they always felt that they were holding back Sawamura, and they were afraid that they would cause trouble to Sawamura.

Now, since the reporters have come to interview them, it seems that their grades are not bad, at least they helped Sawamura to make a name for himself.

As long as Sawamura can become a star player, even if Akagi\'s grades are average, UU reading www. For them, can also explain the past.

They finally did not delay Sawamura.

Now that we can deal with Sawamura, the little friends will have no psychological burden. They can make a fuss as much as they want.

"Speaking of which, we are really amazing, we even made it to the top four in Nagano!"

Nakagawa said proudly.

As a child, Sawamura knows Ashin\'s virtues too well. This guy, when he\'s proud, he floats away, and when he floats, he can\'t easily find the north.

On the same day, Fukuda Kang made an exclusive interview with the friends of Akagi Middle School. The protagonist is of course Sawamura, followed by Feng Xiang and Cang Yue.

Fengxiang was originally a well-known genius in the Kanto region. Cang Yue mainly benefited from her female identity. The Softball League does not expressly stipulate that girls are not allowed to participate in the game, so some teams still have female players. Of course, there are not many such teams.

And it is the only one that can reach the semi-finals of the regional competition as the main force.

In addition to the three, there are the leading teachers, Sano and Little Fatty Yamaguchi.

These two guys, although they look cute, well, they\'re a little less impressive. But they all belong to the boring type. When they were interviewed, they were very positive. Not only what to say, but also what to say. Even if people didn\'t ask, they couldn\'t stop their mouths and confided.

Fukuda Kang, I have seen such a cooperative team there, and my heart has melted.

He repeatedly assured that his next report would be published after Akagi finished the next game.

He also knows that now is really not a good time for Akagi to become famous.

Sano was a little reluctant about this.

"We have to wait for next week!"

He also thought about interviewing his report so that his new girlfriend could take a good look at it.
