Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 42: : Reporter interview

If it\'s another fight, then Nagano Metropolitan Middle School is at least 70% to 80% sure that it can completely abuse Akagi Middle School.

But when the game was played again, Nagano Tsuruchi couldn\'t stand up and said that they would definitely win in the end.

In this game, Akagi Middle School was able to win because of a lot of luck factors. The most typical is the seventh inning, Sawamura\'s two-run homer. Strictly speaking, it really can\'t be considered a home run. If it wasn\'t for Nagano\'s defense and negligence, the game would have ended in the seventh inning.

In addition to that, there was also Akagi\'s defense, and there were no major mistakes.

This is normal in other teams. Some ordinary goofballs, and a few ground balls. Learning to handle this kind of ball can be said to be the foundation of baseball. But in the team of Akagi Middle School, it is too abnormal.

You know, Akagi played against Kitano Junior High School yesterday and received the same ball, but made four or five mistakes.


If you really want to look for it, there are many other reasons like this.

This is also the reason why many spectators who support Nagano Metropolis will say that Nagano Metropolis can win at least eight or nine games in ten games of the same game.

But as a coach, Fengxiang Longyi didn\'t think so.

He didn\'t make a single mistake when he received the fly ball, and only made three mistakes when dealing with the grounder. Can this really be called luck?

Against them, Akagi clearly came prepared. Their understanding of Akagi, especially Sawamura, is almost equal to zero.

Floating straight balls, high-leg kicks...

These had never appeared in Akagi\'s previous games.

Again, if you don\'t know these materials, your players won\'t be arrogant? Can they come up with strategic countermeasures against Akagi and Sawamura?


If it was just like this, Fengxiang Longyi wouldn\'t say it, the winner must be Akagi. After all, the strength gap between the two sides is there, and Chicheng can persist to the end, and there is indeed an element of luck.

What really made Fengxiang Longyi think so was Akagi\'s last attack.

Taking full advantage of Oda\'s first base, Fengxiang Ouichi and Sawamura were willing to play supporting roles and used bunts to advance.

With such a tactical execution ability, Fengxiang Longyi would not believe anything he said if he was not prepared before.

After the tie, Akagi was the first to score. This result speaks for itself. In this game alone, Akagi Middle School\'s performance is indeed better than Nagano Metropolis.

Fukuda Kang was very surprised. He did not expect Fengxiang Longyi to rate Chicheng so highly.

"Then I don\'t know, what does Coach Fengxiang think of Sawamura-san? Where do you think his strength rank in Nagano Prefecture?"


Speaking of this name, Fengxiang Longyi felt a pain in his heart subconsciously.

Speaking of which, he really had never seen a player like Sawamura. There are also many first-year students who show extraordinary potential. However, Fengxiang Longyi had never seen anyone who showed the strength of Sawamura.

Tsuchihara said Sawamura has the strength of the top five in the entire Nagano prefecture.

In this regard, Fengxiang Longyi disagreed.

"Sawamura is undoubtedly second to none among the pitchers of the same class. Even in the entire middle school, Sawamura\'s strength can be ranked in the top three. The only ones who can be compared with him are Tenryu Temple ace Qikai Haruka and Dabei Middle School. The ace Matsumoto Yuanta."

The top three in Nagano can be compared to Nanami Haruka!

Fukuda Kang stared blankly at Fengxiang Longyi, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

Haruka Nanami, the proud son of Nagano Prefecture, is a well-known strong pitcher in the country, and even Tokyo Prince Naomiya can only claim to be the best left-hander in Kanto.

Eijun Sawamura, can he be compared with him?

Yasushi Fukuda immediately decided to change his interview plan. The next target he wanted to interview was Akagi Middle School in Nagano County.

The next day, the sun rose as usual, and the students started their hard day again.

Akagi Middle School is worthy of being a rural place. Except for the baseball team\'s own friends, no one knows the news that their school\'s baseball team has reached the semi-finals of Nagano Prefecture.

In the teacher\'s office, Sano was enjoying his rice **** with relish.

It is good that the team won, but he is also very happy. But if we win another game, we have to consider the cost of the Kanto Conference.

The location of the Kanto Conference is Kanagawa, chartered cars, accommodation, training, all these are not small expenses!

Subconsciously, Sano never thought that Akagi would lose.

"Should I ask the principal to apply, or should I pay for it myself?"

After hesitating for a long time, Sano found sadly that he seemed to have no choice but to pay out of his own pocket. It is not a small number for a dozen people to eat and eat. It is unrealistic to expect the old stingy critic from Principal Takada.

Let Sawamura ask the principal to approve some, and then the contestants apply for some with their parents. He will add the remaining number...

Sano thought, he probably won\'t be able to take much.


Just when Sano had just finished enjoying a rice ball, he saw Mr. Wada, who was in the same office, staring at him with unbelievably big eyes.

"What\'s the matter? You didn\'t rest well yesterday?"

Sano thought that Wada was looking for him to adjust his lessons, and shook his head like a rattle: "I have two lessons today, and I will..."

"is that true?"

Wada ignored Sano and asked while holding up his phone.

Sano took a deep breath before he saw the content on Wada\'s phone.

"Miracle! Akagi Middle School counterattacks the king Nagano broke into the semi-finals! 》

This is the mobile version of "Baseball Boys". On this page, there are 800-character manuscripts.

There is a detailed report on Akagi Middle School, as well as many illustrations.

In the illustration, the biggest one is of Sawamura standing on the mound and pitching the ball.

Afterwards, there were a few more children, including Fengxiang, Xiaotian, and the sly Yamaguchi, and the only female team member, Cang Yue. The last picture is of Sawamura and the others standing in a row and bowing to the stands.

"It\'s all uploaded to the Internet!"

Sano took the phone with great interest and admired it.

"Jingle bell~"

Just when Wada questioned Sano, the phone in their office suddenly rang.


Sano answered the phone and listened to what was said on the phone.

"Hello, is this Akagi Middle School, the baseball team\'s office? I\'m Yasushi Fukuda, the editor-in-chief of Nagano Ward of Baseball Boys. I want to interview our baseball team. Is it convenient?"

Reporter, interview?

Sano was stunned for two seconds before he understood what the other party meant.

"Convenient, convenient!"

"Then when do you have time?"

"There is time, there is time. There is time at all times."

"Then I\'ll go now?"

"Come on, come on! We warmly welcome you."

Sano neatly arranged his clothes and was about to be interviewed. He couldn\'t behave badly.

Beside him, Mr. Hotan, who was also listening clearly to what was being said on the phone on the other side, had his eyes burning with jealousy.

Why? Why exactly?

It\'s not him who leads the baseball team, but Sano who doesn\'t know anything about baseball?
