Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 40: : 7 sea remote

In the stands, the hundreds of spectators who supported Chicheng Middle School looked at the dozen or so teenagers who bent down at them on the field, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Among these people, there are tall and short, fat and thin, and there is even a weak girl.

It\'s a veritable \'miscellaneous army\'!

If you hadn\'t seen it with your own eyes, even the people who supported Akagi Middle School would have a hard time believing that they would win, Nagano Metropolitan Middle School, one of the three kings of Nagano Prefecture.

But just think of these guys, the figures who fought on the court before.

The hundreds of audience members were very excited.

Not only Sawamura, but all the players at Akagi Middle School are fighters. No matter how bad their skills are or how strong their opponents are, they play with all their might and enjoy baseball.

It was precisely this spirit that moved them.

"Come on, let\'s keep going, we\'ll watch the next one too."

"Always support you, Akagi!"

"One more win, as long as you win one more time, you can go to the Kanto Conference."

"Sawamura, he\'s so handsome!"

"Super fast straight ball!"

"Fengxiang, you played really well!"

The audience stood up one by one, and Akagi Middle School moved them with its amazing performance and sincerity.


"Clap clap clap!!"

It was just one or two people at first, but then everyone couldn\'t help applauding.

Until this moment, the friends of Akagi Middle School really felt that they won. They won Nagano Metropolitan Middle School, one of the three kings of Nagano County, breaking the law of invincibility of kings that Nagano County has maintained for nearly 20 years. .

The Law of Invincibility of Kings:

The three kings of Nagano Prefecture, Tenryuji Middle School, Dabei Middle School, and Nagano Metropolitan Middle School, before these three schools collided with each other, they had never lost to other teams in Nagano. The three teams take turns to sit in the village, the overlord of Nagano.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in fierce battle areas like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kanagawa, and it is often only those schools that can win the championship. Even more so in a small place like Nagano.

In the past 20 years, including the Wenchen Cup, the national competition was held twice a year for 40 times. Tenryu-ji completed 25 sessions by itself, and the remaining 15 sessions were divided between Nagano Metropolitan Middle School and Dabei Middle School.

Other schools have never defeated them. In other words, these three teams are no longer in the same dimension as other teams in Nagano Prefecture.

Now, the legend has been broken, and the fledgling Akagi Middle School has overturned one of the three kings.

After the game, generally speaking, the loser will send blessings to the winner, or leave two harsh words. For example, "Next time, we will win it back.", "Come on in the next game!", "Since we won and lost to others, we won\'t forgive you."

and so on.

But this game was weird.

Nagano Metropolitan High School, who was the loser, didn\'t want to say a word to the people of Akagi.

From their point of view, Akagi stole victory from their hands.

Of course, there are differences. For example, all of them shook hands with Sawamura. Although they didn\'t say much, when they shook hands with Sawamura, they subconsciously bowed their heads.

They admit that they lost to Sawamura, but they never admit that they lost to Akagi.

This seems unreasonable, but in the eyes of Nagano Metropolitan people, it is more reasonable. If they admit defeat to Akagi, then they may only find a piece of tofu and kill them.

Nagano Metropolis, I really can\'t afford to lose that person!

Sawamura smiled wryly with the man from Nagano Metropolitan, and shook hands. Endured the exhaustion of the body and finished the final process.

"How about it?"

After all the procedures were over, Feng Xiangao stepped forward to support Sawamura.

Yesterday\'s game, Sawamura threw 70 goals, and today it\'s more than 100 goals, especially the last high-leg kick...

I\'m afraid this guy\'s body has already exceeded its own load.

Sawamura looked at Fengxiang\'s worried eyes and shook his head: "It\'s alright, it\'s alright, I\'m just a little tired, go back to take a shower and get some sleep."

His face was a little pale, sweat dripping from the tip of his nose, and he looked like he was collapsed.

It looks like it\'s all right there?


Feng Xiang turned his face away and said in a low voice.

Sawamura glanced at him in surprise, patted his shoulder, and said nothing.

At the end of the game, the spectators left the field, and the players also carried their backpacks and prepared to leave.

Yamaguchi silently helped Sawamura, picked up his backpack, and walked at the back of the team.

"Hey, don\'t take me as a sick patient, I still have the strength to carry a backpack."

Cang Yue was carrying a backpack herself, and Sawamura would be embarrassed if she was empty-handed.

After winning the game, the atmosphere of the team was very relaxed. The little friends laughed and walked out one by one.

"Hey, Aoyi!"

When the team walked to the gate of the stadium, a team came head-on.

These people are wearing khaki jerseys, which look a bit like school uniforms in the 1980s, very rustic. The most interesting thing is that most of these guys have shaved heads, and their bright foreheads are very dazzling.

A monk?

Akagi\'s friends looked at each other in surprise.

"haven\'t seen you for a long time!"

The speaker was one of the few with hair in their team. UU reading www. This person,, is average in size and average in appearance, and looks very inconspicuous. Even with a burr haircut, it didn\'t add much color.

If I had to say something strange about this man, it was probably his eyes. His eyes were very quiet, like a pool of stagnant water.

Fengxiang Aoyi\'s face was a little complicated, and he nodded at the person who came.

"haven\'t seen you for a long time."

The man chuckled lightly, saying hello to Feng Xiangao, then turned to look at Sawamura, and asked Feng Xiang, "Is this your new partner?"

"Hello, I\'m Sawamura, Sawamura Eijun."

People took the initiative to ask questions enthusiastically, and Sawamura thought it was necessary for him to answer politely.


That person was also very enthusiastic, holding Sawamura\'s hand in both hands, as if a fan saw an idol.

"When you attacked before, was it intentional?"

This question was endless, but Sawamura understood what he was going to say.

In the second half of the seventh inning, he tied Nagano\'s two-run homer. What he meant was to ask if Sawamura had calculated from the beginning that he would use that stick to recover these two points.

Sawamura chuckled: "Guess what!"

"Hey, you have such a bad personality, but I like it. It\'s very difficult for you to work with a big wood like Feng Xiang, right?"

It was the first time that Sawamura was said to have a bad character in person.

Who is this guy?

"Let\'s go, Xiao Qi!"

The monk team, ignoring Akagi\'s intention, led the leader who looked like the leader and greeted the trailing companions.

"right away."

The man smiled and chased after him. At the same time, he turned around and waved at Sawamura and the others.

"Goodbye! By the way, my name is Nanami Haruka."
