Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 39: : Miracle promotion!


The small white ball that was hit by Sawamura deftly rolled against the sideline of third base, and the angle of the roll was extremely tricky. The speed of scrolling is neither fast nor slow, neither fast nor slow. Not to mention the middle school game, even if they called in professional scouts, they couldn\'t find anything wrong with this bunt.

The perfect bunt!

In the previous life, when Sawamura entered the major leagues, although he was a little famous, he did not reach the peak in pitching. Even among the major league relief pitchers, he\'s not one of the best.

But bunts are different. Since participating in professional competitions, there is an official record. Sawamura\'s bunts walk, the success rate is as high as 98%. He is affectionately known as the \'Bunting Little King\' by fans who love him.

His bunt record is unprecedented, and it is estimated that there will be no future comers.

Although Sawamura himself wasn\'t bothered by this title at all. But I have to say, his talent in this is really amazing.

With such a perfect bunt match, Oda\'s vigorous figure easily crossed the distance from third base to home plate and landed on home plate.

The forced scoring was successful, and Akagi Middle School scored a point to overtake the opponent.

With a total score of 3:2, Akagi Middle School came back to victory and won Nagano Metropolitan Middle School, one of the three kings in Nagano Prefecture.


As Oda went to the base, the audience supporting Akagi Middle School surged like a tide.

Miracle, what a miracle!

Huge gap in strength, two points behind at the beginning. Everyone thought that the dark horse journey of Akagi Middle School would end here. After the first round of the game, I\'m afraid Chicheng Middle School\'s own friends don\'t think they can win, right?

Unexpected, really unexpected.

In the end, not only did they get the score back, but they also scored points ahead of their opponents in the extra match and turned the tables in one fell swoop.

The gap in strength was huge, and they were two points behind at the beginning. In desperation, Akagi Middle School persisted until the seventh inning, and in the seventh inning, caught up with the score in one fell swoop.

After the tie, a play-off was held, and their performance in the play-off was even more amazing.

Sawamura struck out with strong sticks in a row, Tsuchihara and Marian broke down very hard, and Nagano Toritsu counterattacked wildly.

And in the final period, with his own way, he took the bunt advance that only wealthy families can use.

Akagi Middle School\'s final attack mode is called bunt advance.

Most of this attacking strategy will only appear when two giant teams collide head-on.

Because the pitchers of the giants are generally very strong, and the team\'s defense is also strong. In this case, a game down, a total of not hit a few hits. The safest way to actually score points is to not waste a single hit.

Once a batter hits the base, you must find a way to really send the batter back to home base.

Bunt push forward is such a tactic.

In this way, the probability of scoring far exceeds that of consecutive hits. Especially when the opponent\'s defense is strong and the pitcher is strong, this approach is even more of a scoring weapon.

Of course, no method can successfully score points 100%, even if it is a bunt push, it has its limitations and weaknesses. Otherwise, when Nagano Metropolitan Middle School and Sawamura played bunts and pushed forward, Sawamura would not have been tricked.

In addition to this, bunt advancement also requires a very important premise. That is the tacit cooperation between runners and batters. Tactics are also difficult to succeed without the cooperation of thousands of trials and tribulations.

This is also the reason why generally only the giants will adopt this tactic.

Because their training is thorough enough, there are many opportunities for practice. Ordinary team, where there are so many break-in time and practice opportunities?

Just like Akagi Middle School, take out Sawamura, Akagi is a super bad team that is nothing. Also play bunt push, kidding?

It was precisely because he did not expect that Sawamura\'s last bunt, Nagano Tsuritsu was completely unprepared, and did not take any measures. They took it for granted that Sawamura would go head-to-head with hits.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the other party actually used forced scoring and a goodbye bunt...

"The game is over, Nagano Prefecture\'s quarter-finals, Nagano Metropolitan High School played Akagi High School, and Nagano Metropolitan High School lost 2:3 by one point. This nine-game match also drew a perfect match. period."


"It\'s wonderful!"

"It\'s great, Akagi Middle School."

"Don\'t cry, you are doing well, Nagano Metropolitan High School!"

"Continue to win, Akagi. One more game, one more game, and you will be able to participate in the Kanto Conference."

The audience, frantically cheering for the players of the two teams.

I won~

Until now, the friends of Akagi Middle School are still a little unbelievable, they actually won, and won Nagano Metropolis, one of the three kings of Nagano Prefecture.

"Let\'s go, it\'s time to salute."

Sawamura shook his neck. He was so tired that his entire bones were crispy.

After two consecutive days of competition, he had completed nine innings. For him who just turned 12 years old, it was still a bit reluctant.

However, there is still a lot to go through.

At the end of the game, the two teams lined up and bowed to each other.

"Thank you for your advice!!"

"Thank you for your advice!!"

Many of the contestants of Nagano Metropolitan Middle School cried. Most of their main force is the third grade of the school, which can be said to be the last competition in their middle school. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Before the start, they must have also had the idea of ​​breaking into the whole country, but they did not expect to lose to Akagi who suddenly appeared.

If Akagi is really strong enough that they can\'t match them, that\'s all. Akagi Middle School\'s strength is obviously bad.

"In the same game, if we play ten games, we can win at least nine games."

Unexpectedly, today Nagano Metropolis met that match and lost the match.

First, they feel sorry for their middle school career, and secondly, they feel aggrieved. Losing to such an Akagi is too embarrassing.

There was almost zero communication between the two teams. Nagano looked down on Akagi, and even Akagi\'s own friends mostly believed that the opponent should win.

They just stole victory by fluke under the leadership of Sawamura.

Therefore, when they faced Nagano Metropolitan\'s little friends, it was inevitable that they would feel guilty.

Here, Sawamura himself can confidently say that he defeated Nagano Metropolis. The others, including Fengxiang and Oda, hugged Sawamura\'s thigh to some extent.

The salute is over, the friends are ready to leave.

"Wait a minute, let\'s thank the spectators who came to cheer us. If it wasn\'t for their help in this game, we might have drowned in the saliva of Nagano Metropolitan supporters."

Although Sawamura performed the best, he knew that without the help of his friends, he would not be able to win the game anyway.

In this game, everyone worked really hard, including the audience who came to cheer them on.

"thank you all!"

Akagi Middle School, nine regular players, two substitutes, a total of eleven people, stood in a row, and bowed down sincerely to express their gratitude towards the hundreds of people in the stands on their own side.
