Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 38: : Bunt Small King

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

The first half of the ninth inning was dizzying to watch.

With an almost outrageous attitude, Sawamura broke into the ranks of top pitchers in Nagano Prefecture. The rest of the country doesn\'t know it yet, but in Nagano in the future, as long as the top players among Nagano middle school students are mentioned, Sawamura Eijun will inevitably be indispensable.

With his own strength, he overwhelmed the entire line of Nagano Metropolitan High School, one of the three kings of Nagano Prefecture.

Such performance was enough to make Sawamura a blockbuster in Nagano Prefecture.

Regardless of this game, what is the final victory or defeat of Akagi Middle School? But Sawamura himself must be famous. After today, in Nagano Prefecture, no one will look down on Akagi Middle School or Sawamura again.

It can be said that Akagi Middle School became famous in this battle. If they win Nagano Metropolis, they will immediately become the top team second only to the three kings of Nagano. If they lose, they are also a strong school in Nagano.

After all, there are not many teams in Nagano Prefecture that can push Nagano Metropolitan High School to such a situation.

Of course, luck and misfortune depend on each other.

While gaining fame and respect, Akagi thinks of acting as a dark horse unexpectedly in the future, I\'m afraid it won\'t be possible. Any opponent who competes with them will treat them as the three kings of Nagano.

Intelligence warfare, tactical targeting, strong fights and being sent off...

Afterwards, Akagi Middle School will face them, a field that has never been touched before.

This is another story, let\'s not mention it, just talk about the competition.

In the second half of the ninth inning, Nagano, a tyrannical man, was stunned.

Sawamura stood before them like an invincible giant. In the face of Sawamura\'s endless means, they simply could not think of a way to defeat Sawamura.

Also, Mari and Tsuchihara, the two star players, can barely stabilize their minds.

They feel the same now, Sawamura is invincible. But after all, Sawamura was only a freshman in the first year, and his physical strength could not be unlimited.

As long as the game drags on, Sawamura will definitely be exhausted.

Although it seems that there is nothing at all, he will definitely be exhausted!

Marian, a second-year student, has already reached the limit of her physical strength. There is no reason for a first-year student like Sawamura to have nothing at all.

If you drag it down, if you drag it down, you will have a chance.

With this belief, they ushered in the second half of the ninth inning.

Akagi Middle School attacked.

The first batter is the second, Oda Benson.

As one of the three main players of Akagi Middle School, so far, Oda has not shown any performance in attacking.

"I can\'t be so embarrassed all the time!"

Oda Honda\'s eyes were fixed on Mari on the pitcher\'s mound, and at the same time he glanced at the defense of Nagano Metropolitan High School.

I have to say that star players are star players. Facing such a huge crisis, Mari\'s concentration seems to be stronger than before.


The one-hundred and thirty-five-kilometer straight ball crossed a distance of eighteen meters and got into Tuihara\'s glove.

Although Oda tried his best to swing, unfortunately, his swing speed couldn\'t catch up with Mari\'s pitching.

What a terrifying guy!

In the second half of the ninth inning, Mari was even more terrifying than the previous one. The speed and power of the ball are approaching their peak.

In this case, Oda wanted to hit Mari\'s ball, but he had no chance at all.

"no solution anymore!"

Oda gave a wry smile and chose bunts.

Although his bunt is not very good, but now he is only bunt, and there is still the possibility of hitting base. With normal hits, Oda couldn\'t touch the ball at all.


The baseball was hit and bounced to the front of the third baseman.

Such bunts are supposed to be 100% banned and out of the game. Even if Oda\'s speed is not slow, it is difficult to avoid being blocked.

But it happened by coincidence that the bounced baseball bounced irregularly when it hit the ground. Nagano\'s third baseman, who was already nervous and bewildered by the beating, did not respond in time and was one step behind.

Just like that, Oda went to first base.


No one was out, there was someone at first base.

At this time, it was the third bat\'s turn to hit the line, the catcher, Feng Xiang Aoyi.

"Akagi! Akagi!!!"

In the stands, a strange emotion circulated in the hearts of Da Lin, Xiao Lin and the others.

Faintly, they seemed to have a premonition of something, but they couldn\'t believe it. Therefore, they are crazy, cheering for Akagi. It seems that the harder they work, the better chance Akagi will win.

Sawamura stood in the position waiting for the blow, and he clearly felt this strange atmosphere.

The audience, the opponents, are very abnormal.

This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Sawamura made a decisive decision and gave Oda a secret signal.

The first pitch was a steal.

On the first base, Oda\'s nervous hair stood up.

Robbery? Now!

Mari\'s ball speed is at least 135, and Tuhara is also a famous catcher in Kanto. Wouldn\'t it be unreasonable to forcibly steal bases in front of them?

"Don\'t worry, if it\'s a big deal, I\'ll give them an out."

Sawamura nodded emphatically.

"If something happens, I don\'t care."

Oda bit his teeth, and the moment Mali pitched the ball, he ran directly to second base.

His actions were obviously beyond Nagano Metropolitan\'s expectations. Even Tuyuan did not expect that when he was restrained, he was in a hurry, and there was a deviation, which was two meters away.

Nagano Metropolitan\'s second baseman barely caught the ball, and it was too late to turn around.

When Oda was on the verge of a close call, he stepped on second base.


No one was out, there was someone at second base.

Akagi Middle School has a good chance to score.

For the third bat, Feng Xiang used a bunt walk at this time to send Oda to third base.

This also made Nagano Metropolis stand, which I didn\'t expect.

They were completely fooled, and they didn\'t even know what Akagi Middle School would do next? What exactly do they want to do?

One There is someone at third base.

"Fourth, pitcher, Sawamura-san."

At a critical moment, Sawamura went to the strike zone.

His eyes, staring at Mari like an eagle, looked extremely sharp.

The bat that swayed slightly, the bottom plate as firm as a pillar, the muscles of the whole body slackened...

Tsuchihara could clearly feel the difference in Sawamura.

This batter is very strong!

Not pitching, but just hitting, Sawamura felt extremely dangerous to Tsuchihara.

Do you want to walk him?

Tsuchihara hesitated a little, now that the first and second bases are empty, it\'s not a situation where you have to fight the batter.

But if Sawamura was recommended, it would mean that Nagano would admit to being a coward.

The little friends are already a little stunned. At this time, if they lose again in terms of momentum, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"There is no reason to escape, I will definitely be able to solve him, trust me."

On the pitcher mound, Mari showed the bearing of an ace pitcher.

Now, we can only fight.

Here, there is still a good chance for Nagano Metropolitan Middle School to deal with Sawamura in an open and honest way. After all, in terms of strength, Nagano Metropolitan High School has the advantage.

The two negotiated properly, and Mari threw a confident shot, ambitiously trying to solve Sawamura and save the situation.

At this time, Sawamura suddenly changed from a normal blow to a short stick.

On third base, Oda bite the bullet and hit home plate.

This is to, forced to take points!

Oda: Sawamura boy, you must not miss. If the bunt fails, we\'re all over.

Sawamura sneered: "I\'m the little king of bunts, and no one can surpass me in bunt skills alone."


