Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 30: : The magical 'magic ball'

Feng Xiangao clearly felt that the blood in his body began to boil.

It\'s time to decide the winner!

Although the game has only just started, Akagi Middle School, who was in a weak position, had to throw out the trump card that he had prepared in advance.

When Sawamura said that he only shoots straight balls, Fengxiang Ouichi\'s heart was desperate. In his opinion, even if Sawamura unlocks his changing ball, their probability of winning this game will not exceed 20%, let alone Sawamura only uses straight balls.

It was not until Sawamura demonstrated it in front of him that Fengxiang Ouichi regained hope for victory.

"bring it on!"

Feng Xiangao squatted down and opened his gloves at Sawamura.

On the pitcher\'s mound, Sawamura looked grim.

Step, raise your hand, swing your arm, throw the ball!

The whole action was done in one go, without any slack.


The small white ball, like a laser, was thrown from Sawamura\'s hand, passed a distance of 18 meters, and got into Feng Xiangao\'s open glove.


There was a crisp sound from the glove.

On the strike zone, Marian\'s face was dull for a moment.


"nice shot!"

Marian couldn\'t think about it, Feng Xiangao stood up and passed the ball back to Sawamura.

After receiving the ball, Sawamura threw his second ball without stopping.


"nice shot!"

For two consecutive strikes, the batter did not swing.

At this time, Marian felt that his brain was not enough.

So fast!

Not only the speed of Sawamura\'s pitching, but also the rhythm of his pitching is abnormally fast.

Ordinarily, with such a hurried pitch, the control of the ball should not be very stable. But just two goals, Sawamura threw precisely into the outside corner.

This pitcher is more terrifying than he imagined!

Marian tightly held the bat in his hand, his eyes fixed on Sawamura\'s every move.

As a pitcher, he was so engrossed in his opponent\'s pitch just now that he forgot to swing the bat. What a shame!

Now that he is two strikes behind, as long as the next ball is in the strike zone, he has to swing.

Otherwise, he was the ace of Nagano Metropolitan Middle School, and he was struck out with three strikes without swinging the bat. Wouldn\'t it be a joke?


Without letting Mari Ando wait, Sawamura\'s third goal came, and the ball was in the middle!

Seeing this ball, Mari An Xin smiled. He just said, how could Sawamura hold the ball with such a fast-paced pitch. Look, a good ball is here.

In the face of the big gift that came to the door, Marian naturally wouldn\'t be polite. He confidently swung out the bat in his hand.


The bat hit the baseball, sending it flying high.

Marian\'s hitting power is very strong, and the ball hits very high, but the strange thing is that the ball didn\'t fly very far. The baseball landed vertically five or six meters in front of the pitcher.

Like a walk, Sawamura took a few steps forward, opened his glove, and caught the dropped ball into his glove.



Marian was taken out.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

Seeing that Marian didn\'t play well, the supporters of Nagano Metropolitan High School let out a sigh.

After Sawamura and Fengxiang came off the stage, they looked at each other and smiled.

They finally passed the first level without any risk.

Next, let\'s look at the attack.

On the other side, in the cowshed of Nagano Metropolitan Middle School. Marian is very self-blame, and he hit a high straight ball just now that Sawamura missed the ball. As the ace of the team, the core is the fifth best, which is too embarrassing!

Not far from him, Feng Xiang Longyi, the coach who originally squinted and closed his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Sawamura in the bullpen opposite.

This pitcher is a bit interesting!

The game continued. In the second half of the game, Akagi Middle School attacked.

"strike out!"


The ball speed ranks first in Nagano Prefecture, with a full 136 kilometers. This is still an average value. According to legend, Marian\'s peak speed is even close to 140.

Although the ball control is not very stable, with such a fast fastball and a huge crossover, Marian ranks second among pitchers in Nagano Prefecture. This kind of strength is no problem to deal with Yamaguchi Ken and Oda Bensheng.

One of the two struck out, the other barely touched the ball and was caught by the pitcher.

Two outs, no one on base.

It was Akagi\'s batter\'s turn to take the third, Fengxiang Ouichi.


Feng Xiangao swung the bat as soon as he hit the first ball, and the baseball flew high.

Home plate flying high!

This ball was caught by Tuhara without any suspense.

Three up and three down!

Mari\'an\'s performance, to the little friends in Chicheng now, is simply the level of a wild beast.

They are not at all level of opponents!

"It\'s so embarrassing when it comes to hitting. If I don\'t pitch better, how can I be worthy of the title of ace?"

Marianne said.

Most of Nagano\'s friends around him rolled their eyes at him, but no one really paid any attention to him.

In the first half of the second game, Nagano attacked.

This time, the lads did well, Sawamura struck out one, and first baseman Oda Motobu picked up one. Another, the ball hit Yamaguchi right in front of him. Yamaguchi picked up the baseball, sent it to first base, and shut him out.

In the first half of the second round, Akagi Middle School finally held on.

In the second half of the second game, Akagi Middle School attacked.

"The fourth pitcher, Eijun Sawamura. UU Reading"

Sawamura stood on the strike zone, and after tangled up with Marian for a few balls, he found an opportunity and hit it with one stick.


After the baseball was hit, it flew to the outfield.

Sawamura threw away his bat and ran towards first base.

I have to say that Marian\'s pitching is really good, not only is the speed of the ball amazing, but also the power of the ball is not bad. After a few balls, Sawamura\'s hands were a little numb.

There are not many middle school students with such strength.


Although Sawamura barely ran to first base, in the direction of the outfield, the outfielder from Nagano Metropolitan Middle School was already standing at the base of the baseball and gave the ball to the next.

"Get out!"


Sawamura squeaked in dissatisfaction. He played the ball well just now, and the ball should land in the center of the midfielder and the right fielder.

From such an angle, it is said that there is no problem in getting hits.

I don\'t know if it was a coincidence or the outfielder of Nagano Metropolitan. The defense was really good. In short, he caught the ball.

This shot by Sawamura stirred up pitcher Marion\'s anger.

Next, Mari\'s pitch became more powerful.

"Strike, strike, strike, strikeout!!"

He was full of firepower, and these little friends from Chicheng Middle School could stand it there, and they were quickly resolved one by one.

The game continued unwittingly.

Whether it was Sawamura or Mari, neither let their team lose any more points.

At first, nothing.

As Sawamura solved Nagano Metropolis\' core line for the second time, Nagano Metropolis\' friends found something was wrong.

Why, the key **** they wanted to score were all high flyers?
