Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 29: : killer

Once out, no one hits the base.

At the beginning of the competition, Sawamura\'s performance was still amazing!

For Nagano Metropolis, this will hurt to some extent. Before the game, Nagano Metropolitan players had mixed opinions on Sawamura\'s strength. Like Saburo Tsuchhara, Sawamura has at least the strength of the entire Nagano and the top five.

Others also believed that Sawamura\'s performance was amazing because their opponents were weak Shi Lun and Beixin Middle School. If they replaced Nagano Metropolis, Sawamura would definitely be mistreated.

At the time of the discussion yesterday, the supporters of the latter were still in the majority. This includes the first striker Ogawa, who was just beaten out.

But when they really faced off against Sawamura, Nagano Metropolitan\'s friends had to admit Sawamura\'s strength.

Ball speed, ball power, fighting spirit, ball control…

Although there was no sharp change ball, the three **** that Sawamura just showed were perfect no matter what.

Not to mention first-year freshmen, all the middle schools in Nagano prefecture plus one, there are absolutely only a handful of pitchers with such strength.

Nagano Metropolitan was second, and when he stood on the strike zone, he was clearly aware of Sawamura\'s strength.

"It\'s a rare good pitcher, but it\'s a pity that there are too few people around who can help you."

Except for the first base and the pitcher mound, there are loopholes everywhere in Akagi\'s defense. Next, just hit the ball to other places on the field.


After trying to figure it out, Nagano Metropolitan High School\'s second bat swung the bat with all his strength and threw the ball out.

The moment the bat touched the ball, the batter felt his arms sink and he almost couldn\'t hold the bat.

The ball is so heavy!

When they saw the speed of Sawamura\'s ball, they had a hunch that the ball should not be light, but when they actually hit it, they realized that the ball was not only not light, but it was frighteningly heavy.

It felt like it wasn\'t a baseball at all, but a shot put.


The batter even used the strength to **** the milk, but in the end he didn\'t hit the ball to the outfield, and the baseball landed in front of the pitcher.

Sawamura opened his glove, lightly put the baseball into the glove he didn\'t receive, and then sent it to first base to seal the batter out.

"Get out!"

Two outs, no one on base.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura nodded at Feng Xiang.

After the start of the game, Akagi went very smoothly. Next, as long as the third stick of Nagano Toritsu was solved, the second half of the game can be calmly started.


Sawamura\'s wishful thinking was unsuccessful. In the face of two outs and no one on base, the third batter of Nagano Metropolitan Middle School strangely used a bunt.

Suddenly, he took the outside corner kick from Sawamura and hit the third base with a bunt.

Even though the ball didn\'t stop very well, it rolled head-on towards the third baseman. With a more experienced fielder, this shot should be enough to get the batter out.

But Akagi didn\'t have an experienced third baseman.


Sawamura reminded Yamaguchi to guard, and Yamaguchi also saw the ball rolling towards him. He moved his huge body, shaking his fat, and ran towards the baseball.

Pick it up, pick it up!

In his mind, he kept reminding himself that Yamaguchi opened his gloves and was about to pick up the ball.

At this time, I don\'t know if the field was uneven, or if he ran too fast and lost his balance. In short, at the moment of approaching the baseball, the foot of Yamaguchi slipped, and the whole person fell into a dog and gnawed the mud.


The huge body fell to the ground, and the entire court seemed to be shaking.

"It hurts~"

In the stands, Xiao Lin, who saw this scene, was sucking Yahanako. He felt pain for Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi fell, and the small white ball came out from under his crotch.

Sawamura flew over to fill the seat, but there was still time to stop him?


Nagano Metropolitan High School\'s third bat, Ping An went to first base.

Two outs, one at first base.

Sawamura pulled Yamaguchi up and looked at the runner on first base, frowning secretly.

The fourth, Saburo Tsuchhara, the fifth, Marian!

To be honest, before it was the turn of these two guys, Sawamura didn\'t want someone to go to base, but someone did!

Akagi\'s long-term good luck seemed to be exhausted all at once.


Yamaguchi\'s nose touched, he was talking and eating, his eyes were red, and he looked like he was about to cry again.

I don\'t know if this guy was a girl in his previous life, and he likes to cry too much!

"It\'s okay, it\'s okay, a bunch of little brats can\'t make a big wave!"

Sawamura smiled and comforted Yamaguchi, then re-evaluated the situation of the game.

Was the short stick just now a coincidence or a tactic?

If it\'s a coincidence, that\'s fine! But if Nagano Metropolitan prepared the tactics in advance, then Akagi would have no hope in this match.

If you want to defeat the strong with the weak, it is not enough for the weak to sink the boat and fight the backwater. The opponent must be willing to cooperate!

It\'s okay to be careless or look down on Akagi.

Although these words are not good, if the opponent can do this, then Sawamura will undoubtedly have a lot easier. It can even be said that only the players of Nagano Metropolitan Middle School have such emotions and thoughts that Akagi Middle School has a chance of life.

If Nagano Metropolitan Middle School had the strength to fight with Tenryuji Middle School and Dabei Middle School, then Akagi, whose strength tended to be weak, would not have a chance at all.

"You can\'t scare yourself, a bunch of little brats, what else can they do?"

After comforting himself, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Sawamura got back on the mound and started pitching.


The small white ball was hit by Tuihara and flew directly out of the field.

"Flying out, flying out!! From Nagano Metropolitan High School, the fourth hit is a two-run home run by Saburo Tsuchihara."

Just as he comforted himself, Sawamura\'s tricky outside corner kick was hit by a home run.

The total score was 2:0, and Akagi Middle School was two points behind.

The omnipotent Sawamura was hit with a home run. This is a huge blow to the friends of Akagi Middle School!

They looked at Sawamura worried one by one, and the scene fell into a strange silence.

The only moving figure was probably Saburo Tsuchihara. He walked slowly through first base, second base, third base, and returned to home plate.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura took the baseball as if nothing had happened, let out a long sigh of relief, and shouted, "I\'ll let them keep playing, and the guards behind me are all up to you!"

"Two outs, two outs!"

"Let them fight."

As if the program had been trained many times, the little friends also formed a conditioned reflex, and responded positively to Qisawamura one by one.

At this moment, the original anxiety disappeared.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura\'s eyes became a little cold, he was serious.

Just relying on a straight ball that is less than 130 kilometers away can also bully an opponent like Beixin Middle School.

When it comes to playing against Nagano Metropolitan High School, you can\'t just rely on ordinary straight balls.

With a decision in his heart, Sawamura made a gesture of wiping his neck towards Fengxiang Ouichi in the position of the catcher.

Kill them!

Although it was a little earlier than Sawamura expected, he still decided to use his trump card.
