Abyss Knight

Chapter 99

The speed of loading ore is very fast, at least in kukas\'s view. Those thin miners who seemed to fall down at any time carried pieces of ore and threw them into the trams. Within a short time, they filled more than a dozen large trams. After these trams were filled, the miners pulled and pushed, which brought these trams to the huge space with tracks outside.

After the mine car was brought here, the matter was not under the jurisdiction of the miners. As for whether the ore is pulled out directly by winch or dumped on the ground, it is not their business.

The ore in the whole mine can only be transported out after repeated transportation for three or five times. During this period, another miner fell to the ground because of fatigue and could no longer stand up. His body and the bodies of his companions were thrown on a harvester, and then taken out and thrown into some steel furnaces to melt with molten iron. After adding some special materials, a special finished product such as blood grain steel was made.

After transporting all the ore, the black robed officer recorded the number of kukas\' military achievements in detail, which can enable kukas to exchange a lot of things at the military headquarters. For example: a lot of food, luxury goods, drugs, weapons, books and so on.

The surplus one-third of the ore is only exchanged for a few military achievements. However, even if these military achievements are few, kukas can still exchange food for a meal for 10000 people, and there will be some surplus. And he didn\'t keep these military achievements. Through the black robed officer in front of him, he converted all those military achievements into food: meat cake, a kilogram of big meat cake. And the food he prepared for the miners.

"There are really few people like you. Well! We will bring you food this time tomorrow." the black robed officer didn\'t say anything about kukas\'s choice. He was just surprised.

"When these people are full, they have strength. When they have strength, they can dig more minerals. At the same time, some people want to rebel, so I can hit them with this thing." while talking, kukas shook the siege hammer in his hand and smiled grimly.

"Don\'t worry, none of the miners here dare to rebel. Even if you give them weapons and armor, they dare not rebel." the black robed officer pointed with his lips, which covered the track and huge underground space "When the space was excavated, the dead miners\' bodies were enough to fill the underground space. They were all killed by riots. Since then, no one has thought of rebellion."

Kukas nodded indifferently. He was not interested in these. The black robed officer kindly reminded kukas that the great forces who came down to collect ore usually came down once every ten days, and there were still eight or nine days before the next collection.

After thanking the black robed officer, kukas asked his soldiers to deliver food to the miners. He was afraid that the miners would seize food from each other, so he gathered more than 10000 miners, distributed food to them uniformly, and then watched them finish eating. After they finished eating, he would search their bodies to prevent them from hiding food.

More than 10000 dark miners gathered together. When they got their share of food and heard kukas\'s order, many people cried in a low voice, because kukas gave them half as much food as they had before.

Although it was only the coarsest black cake and a little water, they ate quite sweetly.

Kukas didn\'t have much time to look after the miners. He just ordered the soldiers to continue their operation according to the previous operation method, so he turned to find a doctor.

In a cave, dozens of doctors sat cross legged. They were enjoying the food specially provided to them by the military headquarters and the medicinal diet made by themselves. These doctors were very enthusiastic about kukas\'s arrival.

"Knight, when are you going to expand this cave for us? We have prepared drawings. I hope knight can help us finish the construction of the laboratory as soon as possible." An old doctor took out a roll of drawings from his arms and handed it to kukas. Looking at the drawings, kukas knew that the old doctors had prepared them long ago. Because they could not draw the complex drawings in a short time.

"According to the description on the drawing, at least expand the current room by about ten times. Moreover, your drawing is too complex. We don\'t have such good construction personnel here. They only use brute force to mine ore. they don\'t know where to leave columns or sink there." Kukas could only give a general idea of the description on the drawing, so he took it for granted that the miners could not understand these things.

Kukas\'s words made the doctors a little silent. After a short and urgent conversation, they finally decided to discard the drawings and build the laboratory according to the way the knight said. After the construction was completed, kukas was very satisfied with the reply.

"Well, you\'ll go to other rooms first. This place will be expanded soon." kukas twisted his thick neck, and bursts of GA jumping sound rang from his neck. This made some doctors look at his inhuman body with a trace of curiosity.

Knowing that their laboratory was about to start construction, doctors quickly shifted their positions. Of course, under normal circumstances, they will never speed up their meals, because they think fast meals are bad for their health. Chewing and swallowing slowly is a way for them to keep healthy, and has been vigorously promoted. I hope more ordinary people and professionals will also accept this concept, but it is a pity that few people recognize it.

The old doctors all left, but the young female doctors leaned against the wall and looked at kukas quietly. She ate very little, so she finished her dinner long ago.

"What are you doing here?" kukas raised his siege hammer and looked at the female doctor strangely. "Don\'t think I\'m a casual man, well, let alone married."

These words made the female doctor blush. She gently kicked on the ground with her little feet. "You can\'t use taking things to expand this place!"

"This method is the fastest. I think it\'s faster than those miners. Cover your ears, well, wrap your head and be careful of dust." while talking, kukas found that there were only a few humble tables here and there was nothing else outside, so he immediately began to work.