Abyss Knight

Chapter 100

The huge siege hammer was held high and then hit the wall pointed by the doctors. Because the doctors carefully read the drawings of the underground mine cave, there was no passage behind the wall for at least 100 feet, and there would be no ore. It was for these reasons that they decided to start in that direction and expand the cave.

A hammer hit the wall, only to hear a crash, and small stones fell from the wall. Kukas hit a deep hole one foot in diameter. He thought that the siege hammer could easily tear the strong city gate and the shields of heavy armor and shield guards. How could these stones stop him?

Hammer down, piles of rubble scattered down. And kukas didn\'t simply smash with brute force, but used the skills of knights to skillfully exercise his body muscles with the help of this mountain work.

The female doctor covered her head with her cloak and felt out a piece of silk cloth from her arms to wrap it around her face. It was the first time she had seen kukas\'s strength intuitively. Looking at the muscles stirred by force on kukas, she couldn\'t help thinking of the scene of her man struggling on her. "Well, I can\'t see him for at least three or five years, and I don\'t know he will hook up with some women outside." the female doctor felt a little uncomfortable when she thought of her man\'s abundant energy.

Kukas\'s behavior soon aroused the soldiers on duty outside. They rushed here to watch. When they saw kukas\'s ferocity, they all cheered in a low voice. In their view, only strong people can lead them to live on the battlefield. Although this is no longer a battlefield, they believe that a strong leader is better than a weak leader.

Because it was night, kukas didn\'t work too long. After smashing more than one magic, he stopped.

"What\'s the matter?" the female doctor looked at kukas with some doubts and asked. She thought the bald man in front of her was tired.

"Work tomorrow. It\'s evening now. I\'m going back to rest and practice." kukas was a little stunned. He didn\'t know what the female doctor thought.

"Oh! You go back first! I have some ointment there and I\'ll apply it to you later." the female doctor shook the stone powder on her body, then separated the sergeants who deliberately gathered at the hole and refused to leave, and disappeared at another hole.

"Let\'s all go back! Leave some vigils, and everyone else will have a good rest. Well! Those miners don\'t work at night!" kukas twisted his big head and looked around at his men and said in a deep voice: "Remember, we must guard the two colleagues leading to the outside and to the mine. No one is allowed to go in and out during our rest. If there is anything special, come to me directly. If someone breaks in by force, kill me. If something happens, I will bear it."

Those soldiers were excited by the words of the evil way. In their view, this space already belongs to their own private territory, so they have the right to prevent others from entering and leaving at will.

Not long after kukas ordered the soldiers to return to their room, the female doctor came to his room with an elderly doctor.

"Take off your clothes." the old doctor raised the medicine can in his hand and whispered to kukas. Kukas did not shy away from female doctors. In his opinion, if a female doctor followed the army can\'t accept it, it\'s better to go back early!

As he thought, the female doctor just looked at him curiously. The old doctor threw the medicine can to the female doctor, and he reached forward and knocked or patted or knocked on kukas.

"Your muscles look very strong, but the distribution is unreasonable. Well! Maybe it\'s because you took the wild cow grass. If you believe me, I\'ll check your body carefully with other doctors later to make your muscle distribution more reasonable." the old doctor said in a deep voice.

"I just feel that sometimes naming has strength, but in the end I can\'t show it. Is it because of the unreasonable distribution of muscles?" Kukas asked suspiciously. He looked at his body. In his opinion, his muscles are very reasonable. He can easily mobilize any muscle and gather strong strength through some special combat skills.

"I\'m a doctor. If you don\'t believe me, forget it. Well! If I remember correctly, like most professionals, if your body is strong, you will get more fighting spirit during recovery and cultivation per unit time. Moreover, after consuming all fighting spirit in a long fight, you can still play no less than the same level with the strength of your body Professionals use the power of fighting and attacking. "The old doctor disdained and obviously didn\'t pay any attention to kukas\'s understanding.

"OK! I hope you can help me." kukas didn\'t think much. He immediately agreed. In his opinion, some things the old doctor said are still very correct.

You should know that when he was trained as a knight\'s bodyguard at the old knight manor, the old knight reminded them more than once to exercise their physical strength, saying that when the physical strength is strong to a certain extent, it is no worse than those fighting strength. Even some special fighting skills can enable users to maximize their physical strength, so as to produce fighting spirit A stronger attack.

It\'s just that physical cultivation is very difficult. Most knights and squires will give up physical cultivation after fighting. On the one hand, these physical exercises take a lot of time and a lot of drugs. More importantly, they think that after the outbreak of fighting spirit, they can use fighting spirit to harden the body, so as to make the body stronger. But that kind of strength is not the same as the strength of the body. The body quenched with fighting spirit is just pure strong muscles and strong bones. The strength of cultivating the body and getting the Tao is a series of strength, endurance, speed, coordination and response of the whole body.

When the old doctor saw that kukas had promised to come down, he carefully examined his body, and then muttered and left.

"In my opinion, doctors only treat pain." after the old doctor left, kukas stood in the room in a pair of cowhide shorts and began to practice.

"Your understanding of doctors is too superficial. A real doctor is not only able to treat pain and develop drugs, but also an indispensable member of the research and cultivation. There is a set of physical exercise methods among the ordinary soldiers of the Empire. Well, you use them now, which are all deduced by the doctors." the female doctor glanced at kukas, She doesn\'t like others to belittle her career, even if the other party is just unintentional. Every time she encounters this situation, she will seriously explain the greatness of doctors to the other party.

"Really speaking, a doctor is even stronger than those so-called priests! But the rulers of the Empire think that there are too many doctors, so it is not convenient to improve their status." the female doctor said angrily.

Kukas didn\'t listen to her. He just focused on exercising his body. His legs parted slightly, and then he began to mobilize his muscles and began to tremble slightly. This method was taught to him by the old knight. Using this method to control muscles to exercise his body is several times better than the ordinary method. But the pain is several times more.

At first, kukas couldn\'t hold on after mobilizing a muscle in his body. Later, he was able to mobilize all his more than 600 muscles and stick to it. He remembered that when he showed his achievements to the old knight, the old knight smiled happily. In the process of his display, the old knight has been watching very carefully, and even released his fighting spirit to invade his body for observation. Now he is mobilizing his body muscles one by one.

First of all, the muscles on his two arms beat slowly, as if his heart was beating. He was used to the severe pain, but he still felt it.

At this time, the female doctor suddenly opened the medicine can in her hand and took out a small spoon. She dug a spoon of green ointment with the spoon and applied it to the muscles stirred by kukas. "After these creams are completely absorbed by your body, you can replace other muscles. Otherwise, this precious medicine will be wasted by you."

The white and tender hands smeared on kukas\'s dark skin, which made him almost lose control of his muscles.

He didn\'t ask the other party why he did it, he just kept beating that muscle. The control of this muscle lasted more than a hundred breathing times before the ointment applied on it disappeared.

By analogy, when he manipulated the muscles on both arms, he couldn\'t hold on. Because it took too long, and his spirit couldn\'t bear the long accumulation of pain.

The female doctor didn\'t insist. She just put the medicine can here and left. While kukas sat on the bed and practiced magic for more than a year. After that, he took a piece of iron ore of more than 100 kg and pressed it on his chest, and then fell asleep.

After a short day, he was very tired reading documents and dealing with the miners. And this fatigue is not physical fatigue, but spiritual fatigue. But before he fell asleep, he swallowed a pill left by a female doctor. According to the female doctor, this pill is the essence of her extraction of the first order of Warcraft meat, mixed with other drugs, the effect is ten times stronger than the pure wow meat.