Abyss Knight

Chapter 748

"You also know that your ice corpses have surrendered to kukas? Since you know, why release the breath? Do you want to resist?" the ruby spar snapped. Since she almost couldn\'t deduce the gold treasure completely because of the warrior, her mood has been very bad. I\'ve always wanted to find a chance to vent my anger. Now I happen to vent my anger with the help of the giant ice corpse.

"Kukas, I\'m not challenging your authority, but I just don\'t want you to destroy the place where we live." the giant ice corpse said in a deep voice.

"Well, there\'s no need to entangle these things. Let\'s take these things and go." kukas slowly dispersed the ashes in his hand and said angrily: "I think you\'ll build these ice cones again in a short time. Am I right?"

"Yes." the giant ice corpse took a deep breath, nodded and said, "take the ice there? How big?"

One side, the female scholar hurried forward and said her requirements. In her opinion, those ice corpses are much more efficient in picking ice than she does. After all, those ice corpses can shuttle freely through the ice.

After explaining some things, the female scholar entrusted some special magic instruments to those ice corpses to be buried in various positions in the ice.

The work was completed after thousands of special magic instruments were buried.

The rest of the time is to wait, wait for those magic instruments to depict the underground ice structure, and then her task is completed.

The giant ice corpse was motionless suspended in the air. His eyes kept swimming on kukas and Ruby Sutra, but he didn\'t say a word.

Kukas also didn\'t speak. He stepped on the black dragon and was searching for the news of the warrior with special magic props. Since the ruby master showed the power of gold treasure just now, he relaxed his vigilance.

A large number of ashes were instilled into the special magic props to urge the magic props to run quickly and search for the creatures he wanted to know.

The ruby master narrowed his eyes and took a gorgeous scepter to play with in his hand. Her eyes constantly swept over the giant ice corpse, and a trace of rare killing breath was released from her, making her look very angry. If someone unfamiliar came over at this time, she would not be regarded as the same person as the previous gentle Sutra.

"A few days ago, a strange priest from the gate of heaven came here. She wanted us to submit to her." after a long silence, the giant ice corpse suddenly said, "when she knew that we submitted to you, she humiliated you, and took dozens of ice corpse dragons to pull a cart for her."

"Why didn\'t you tell me this at the first time?" kukas stopped his hand, looked at the giant ice corpse with a puzzled face and asked, "tell me about the priest."

"She sat on a huge throne of divine materials. At first, thirteen unicorns pulled her carts, and then she became dozens of giant dragon ice corpses."

"What means of killing did she show? Forget it, give me the memory of her." kukas frowned slightly and stretched out his hand for the memory of the priest.

The giant ice corpse quickly condensed its own memory and threw it to kukas.

The black dragon roared, "master, he\'s provoking you to hate the priest. Think about it, the priest made the throne with divine materials and used it openly. I think she must be very powerful. This garbage ice corpse wants you to fight with her so that you can take your life and get rid of your oppression."

"Damn it, shut up." it was another hard step. The head of the black dragon was broken, and even the keel was broken. A stream of brain flowed out along the broken keel.

"Roar!" the black dragon roared in pain. He didn\'t expect that his skull would be easily crushed by kukas.

You know, when the first person in power of the ice and snow city, that is, the female knight, took him to some doctors for surgery, those doctors not only cut his dragons and roots, but also carried out all kinds of strange experiments on his body.

Many things he never knew were added to his body. Although those substances brought him great pain, they made his body strong several times, especially with the passage of time, his bones became stronger. Even in private tests, his hardest bone, the skull, was almost on a par with those defensive plane treasures.

But I didn\'t expect to be crushed by kukas this time.

Thinking of his crotch dragon and root, which were connected when needed and cut off when not needed, all these made the anger accumulated in his heart more prosperous. If he didn\'t want to continue to live, he would never worry about the prohibition in his body and would frantically attack kukas.

Crushing the memory of giant ice corpses, kukas saw a picture: a priestess sitting on a gorgeous throne more than ten feet in size appeared near the pits of ice corpses. More than 100 Knights wrapped in heavy armor were escorted around her.

The priestess sat down on the throne with a gorgeous crown and a scepter in her hand. Endless flashes of light wrapped around her body, blurred her shape and couldn\'t see through her original face. Those divine lights were bound by the forbidden Dharma array on the throne, but shrouded in a range of hundreds of feet.

The knights who protected her bathed in the divine light, and a large number of shields made of ancient words appeared on their bodies.

The figure of the giant ice corpse appears on the picture. The two sides talk for a moment, and a knight rushes out from the divine light. The knight\'s mount is a unicorn, carries the undiscovered divine light, tears several ice corpses all the way, and then fights with the giant ice corpse.

However, after more than ten breaths, the knight\'s long gun pierced the forehead of the giant ice corpse. The magic light wrapped around the spear constantly eroded the head of the giant ice corpse. Another dragon ice corpse came out to fight with the knights, but the Dragon ice corpses were all subdued in breathing time.

Finally, after the priestess on the throne talked with the giant ice corpse for a while, she let the giant dragon ice corpse drag her throne and walk away.

The memory of the giant ice corpse is over here, which makes kukas a little dissatisfied.

"You were subdued by the knight in such a short time? His killing secret is not very powerful." kukas rubbed his temples and felt a headache. Because he didn\'t see the priest on the throne.