Abyss Knight

Chapter 746

He will definitely return to the world where he was born, but not now. Because he knew that his current strength was too weak to resist the enemy in the right plane.

"Are you cruel to me where to go alone, and then I was caught by the people at the gate of heaven for experiments? Well, I know. You must have made this decision with this evil thought." the female scholar shook her head and said seriously.

"OK, hurry to your work! I don\'t want you to waste too much time on these things." kukas looked up at the sky: even on the polar ice sheet, there are still fire clouds in the sky. These fire clouds were blown away by the cold wind, but before long, new fire clouds fell from the sky and covered the whole sky.

The female scholar shook her head and smiled. Finally, she got up and walked away. She continued to take care of her magic instruments and watched them collect underground ice.

In this way, kukas and others walked and stopped, and it took them dozens of days to reach the place where the blue water cold wave broke out.

Along the way, they met many teams of the gate of heaven and other forces, but most of the members of those teams quickly fled to the distance after feeling the breath of kukas. Even some teams of the abyss alliance will subconsciously avoid them.

However, a small number of teams did not know kukas\'s name, so they came to the door to fight him. Of course, the end of such a team was extremely miserable. Under kukas\'s land cover power, they were all blown up and destroyed their soul and mind.

Along the way, kukas didn\'t see the obstruction of the warrior, which made him feel a little lost. Because he didn\'t want to spend a lot of time looking for the warrior to solve their personal grievances after assisting the female scholars to complete the investigation mission.

As it gets closer to the location of the blue water cold wave, the temperature around it becomes lower and lower. In the end, even kukas had to wear clothes made of the fur of some unique Warcraft animals on the ice field to resist the cold.

The weaker sutras and female scholars covered their bodies with layers of clothes, which made them resist the cold in front of them.

More and more ice corpses appear around the blue water cold wave as it gets closer and closer to the place where the blue water cold wave breaks out.

These ice corpses soak the cold air between heaven and earth for cultivation, and then strengthen themselves a little bit. And their existence also makes the cold here even better.

After discovering kukas, the ice corpses shouted in horror and hid in bottomless ice caves. When he left, they climbed out of the ice cave and roared angrily at his back.

"Those ice corpses are afraid of you!" said the female scholar with some sigh.

"When you kill countless members of them, they will also be afraid of you." kukas said in a deep voice with a grim smile, "they will know my name before they die, and they can\'t forget it after they die."

"Doesn\'t the ice corpse clan have an expert to kill you?"

"Don\'t you know that kukas is a professional killing expert? All the experts of the ice corpse family were killed by him. Do you think others can stop him?" the ruby master interrupted and answered the scholars\' doubts instead of kukas: "not only the ice corpse family, but also the Warcraft, giant beasts and fierce beasts."

"It\'s crazy." the female scholar quickly took out the scroll recording kukas\'s behavior and quickly wrote down the words just said by the ruby Sutra: "I think future generations will not believe my account."

"That\'s the truth. Can they change the truth if they believe it or not?" the ruby master shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "at most, it\'s just hiding and distorting these facts because of fear, cowardice and evil. But they can\'t change it. Because the facts are facts."

The words of ruby Sutra have not been fully recognized by female scholars. However, she did not refute, but manipulated a large number of magic machines and quickly collected the surrounding ice.

The central area of the blue water cold wave is a huge pit tens of thousands of feet deep. In this cave, there are thousands of huge ice cones. Countless ice corpses are hidden in them. If other creatures came here, they would have been torn into nothingness by those ice corpses. But the arrival of kukas made them escape from the ice cone and fall asleep.

The scholar\'s huge magic machine destroyed a thousand feet tall ice cone in the creaking noise. Several manipulators poked out and quickly extracted some ice from the ice cone.

Hundreds of ice corpses drilled out of this ice cone, and then quickly drilled into other ice cones.

Although their homes were destroyed, no ice corpse dared to stop them. Because they knew that the bald evil man in front of them had come here several times and killed the most powerful of them in front of hundreds of thousands of ice corpses.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In less than a magic time, dozens of ice cones in the edge area of the tens of thousands of feet deep pit were destroyed by female scholars.

Although destroying those ice cones was equivalent to destroying the homes of those ice corpses, the female scholars did not show half guilt. According to her: "it is not difficult for them to contribute their homes for the research and progress of knowledge. Moreover, with so many ice cones here, we have only destroyed a few, far less than the damage caused by the war."

"Absurd theory. Despicable statement." for the statement of female scholars, kukas and Ruby Sutra both showed disdain and contempt. In their view, destruction is destruction. There is no need to cover their destruction with a layer of righteous fur.

Over time, more and more ice cones were destroyed by female scholars, and they continued to spread to the depths of the pit.

Some ice corpses began to walk among the ice cones. They looked at kukas with fear and hatred, but no one dared to come up.

The breath in the sky became more and more dignified. A trace of blue smoke was released from the deepest part of the pit. They were wrapped around ice cones, and then entrenched in the sky to form a blue cloud.

Blue clouds appeared, and the cold around suddenly increased several times. Dull thunder sounded from the clouds, and large blue snowflakes fell down.

"Something condensed by pure magic." the female scholar reached out and picked up a blue snowflake. She shivered stimulated by the cold contained in the snowflake. After quickly checking the snowflake with magic instruments, she came to the conclusion that "there are no tiny creatures in it."